Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Count per Day] plugin stopped countingthanks for your help!
I couldn’t find the table in phpmyadmin to change. However, after updating the plugin it works again.
thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Count per Day] plugin stopped countingthanks, this is what I get when logging out and viewing a page I didn’t visit yet:
Count per Day – DEBUG: 0.001 s
Server: Apache/2.x.x
PHP: 5.3.3-7+squeeze14
mySQL Server: 5.1.73-1+deb6u1-log
mySQL Client: 5.1.49
WordPress: 4.0.1
Count per Day: 3.3
Time for Count per Day: 2015-02-09 17:56
URL: https://www.2clinic.co.il/%d7%98%d7%99%d7%a4%d7%95%d7%9c%d7%99%d7%9d/%d7%a7%d7%99%d7%a0%d7%96%d7%99%d7%95-%d7%98%d7%99%d7%99%d7%a4%d7%99%d7%a0%d7%92
Referrer: https://www.2clinic.co.il/
PHP-Memory: peak: 53.24 MB, limit: 128M
array(0) { }
wp_cpd_counter: id = int(10) ip = int(10) unsigned client = varchar(150) date = date page = mediumint(9) referer = varchar(100) country = char(2)
version = 3.3
onlinetime = 300
user = 0
user_level = 0
autocount = 1
dashboard_posts = 20
dashboard_last_posts = 20
dashboard_last_days = 7
show_in_lists = 1
chart_days = 60
chart_height = 100
countries = 20
startdate =
startcount =
startreads =
anoip = 0
massbotlimit = 25
clients = Firefox, MSIE, Chrome, Safari, Opera
ajax = 0
debug = 1
referers = 1
referers_cut = 0
localref = 1
dashboard_referers = 20
referers_last_days = 7
no_front_css = 0
whocansee = publish_posts
backup_part = 10000
posttypes =
chart_old = 0
called Function: count page: x
called Function: getPostID page ID: 1546
Post Type: page – count it
called Function: count (variables) isBot: 0 countUser: 1 page: 1546 userlevel: -1
called Function: anonymize_ip IP:
count check 142 : 0.00042 – 49.10 MB
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_cpd_counter WHERE ip=INET_ATON(‘′) AND date=’2015-02-09’ AND page=1546
count insert 178 : 0.00033 – 49.11 MB
INSERT INTO wp_cpd_counter (page, ip, client, date, country, referer) VALUES (‘1546’, INET_ATON(‘’), ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.111 Safari/537.36’, ‘2015-02-09’, ‘il’, ‘https://www.2clinic.co.il/’)
ERROR: 1062 – Duplicate entry ‘50111’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ –
showFields : 0.00062 – 52.19 MB
SHOW FIELDS FROMwp_cpd_counter
GeoIP: d_ir=755 f_ile=755 f_open=true g_zopen=true a_llow_url_fopen=trueForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Count per Day] plugin stopped countingthis is from the debug mode:
Count per Day – DEBUG: 0 s
Server: Apache/2.x.x
PHP: 5.3.3-7+squeeze14
mySQL Server: 5.1.73-1+deb6u1-log
mySQL Client: 5.1.49
WordPress: 4.0.1
Count per Day: 3.3
Time for Count per Day: 2015-02-09 15:37
URL: https://www.2clinic.co.il/
PHP-Memory: peak: 53.46 MB, limit: 128M
array(0) { }
wp_cpd_counter: id = int(10) ip = int(10) unsigned client = varchar(150) date = date page = mediumint(9) referer = varchar(100) country = char(2)
version = 3.3
onlinetime = 300
user = 0
user_level = 0
autocount = 1
dashboard_posts = 20
dashboard_last_posts = 20
dashboard_last_days = 7
show_in_lists = 1
chart_days = 60
chart_height = 100
countries = 20
startdate =
startcount =
startreads =
anoip = 0
massbotlimit = 25
clients = Firefox, MSIE, Chrome, Safari, Opera
ajax = 0
debug = 1
referers = 1
referers_cut = 0
localref = 1
dashboard_referers = 20
referers_last_days = 7
no_front_css = 0
whocansee = publish_posts
backup_part = 10000
posttypes =
chart_old = 0
called Function: count page: x
called Function: getPostID page ID: 1367
Post Type: page – count it
called Function: count (variables) isBot: 0 countUser: 0 page: 1367 userlevel: 10
showFields : 0.00076 – 52.63 MB
SHOW FIELDS FROMwp_cpd_counter
GeoIP: d_ir=755 f_ile=755 f_open=true g_zopen=true a_llow_url_fopen=true
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CP Contact Form with PayPal] problem in exportingOK I got the updated pro version, and changed the encoding to UTF-8 but still I get gibrish in the exported file
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CP Contact Form with PayPal] problem in exportingThanks again for your answer. I have purchased the pro version of the plugin, and now when downloading the new version it appears as if I didn’t have the pro version. how do I update the pro version?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CP Contact Form with PayPal] problem in exportingthanks for the quick answer, but I can’t find anywhere the troubleshoot area… there’s the help area, is that what you mean?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: using rtl and ltr style on the same siteok, still if I add these lines, how would wodpress know what to display on each language?