Sorry for my late, but I was trying lot of things before writing you because I know that you are busy and I don’t want to bother you…
My site is under construction, so it’s not visible to others..
Yesterday, I deleted everything and start from beggining so I could clearly track the problem.
I tried to remove this parent css with function wp_dequeue_style. Then I tried to import theme-menu.css from child folder with wp_enqueue_style (I gave the same name). The result is that I removed parent css and didn’t include child css.
Than I tried to copy all in style.css but website was acting like it couldn’t see styles for nav…
(few days ago it worked)…
Because of that I think, there is some other function(s) which calls just ‘theme-menu.css’ from parent directory.
I like your theme very much and I want to keep it, so I copied all files from parent theme in child theme and I updated colors. Now, it works, I’m just wondering it is ok to do this?