Halo Diehard
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab] TinyMCE on Mobile DevicesI came here to find just this – – thanks so much for posting the code! ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Expound] I don't have CSS on BuddyPress Profile pageThanks, I’m sure that will come in handy for someone, so I’ll mark this resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD bbPress Tools] Signature BBCode not Showing?Yeah, I’ve got the same thing happening. The field shows up in profile edit, but when I enclose the image url with the bbcode and save, there is no sig in the profile. Then, when I go to edit it again, the url is there, but the bbcode has been removed.
Edit: I’m working with WordPress 3.8.1, bbPress 2.5.3 and BuddyPress 1.9.2 (all the most recently updated versions).
Edit x2: just posted and it is showing under my post, just not in profile field.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Print-O-Matic] Print-o-matic not showing up in postsYeah, I just installed it on the newest WordPress and it’s not working for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iFlyChat - WordPress Chat] Customization?This issue is not resolved ?? Those options are extremely limited and iFly’s Dark Theme is not very dark and has that bright white bar in it, which looks bad on my WordPress theme. Your “Powered by iFlyChat.com” div, which you somehow made change it’s name every time it loads so I can’t change it myself, looks awesome black and stands out even better when it is black then when it is white. I figured out how to add a background, change border colors, etc, with css, but could you at least include a black background on your website link for dark theme?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Unexplained line on right sidebarI see you found out how to make them not show in settings? Checked your link and it’s not there any more. Anyone else who needs to know: in WordPress dashboard go to Appearance > Theme Settings > General > Container > Show/Hide Vertical Lines
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] BBPress Forum under sidebarIt appears I cannot choose “Full Width” for my forum page with Custom Community when the default is both sidebars? Because I just went into the forum page and made it “default” and now the forum fits in between the sidebars, but if I choose full width I get the error :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Ajax Chat – Add a Fast, Secure Chat Box] Can "login" hide?Thanks ??
Ok, thanks, but I do believe that the changes FaceBook is making caused FaceBook to automatically put my app into “Sandbox” mode. Going into general settings in the app on FaceBook and disabling the Sandbox mode has fixed the problem.
Glad to know NextScripts is compatible, I wasn’t sure and all those settings are confusing!
Comments are still closed, and I still have to approve all auto posts, even thought the author is the highest Admin possible and all permissions are set.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SlideDeck 2 Lite Responsive Content Slider] Responsive content not workingMy Tweet Slidedeck was working fine, just noticed today it isn’t showing up and it looks like it was one of the plugins I updated a few days ago, so I’m assuming it was something in the update. I had to remove it from my sidebar widget because it looks tacky to be blank on my site. If anyone is interested, until this gets fixed you can post up your Tweets via Twitter embed code: https://twitter.com/settings/widgets/new
The Twitter feed will take on the width of your sidebar, you only have to set height.
Hope this gets fixed soon: I prefer the look of the Slideck.
I have been trying to resolve these same issues for months since first installing WP-United and I have my cookies correct and all my permissions set on the same host, same website url (with subforum).
2) Crossposting blog articles to phpBB works, but I have to approve those articles in phpBB first before they get published there.
3) If I enable “phpBB manages comments” I do not see the comment box or links on the WordPress frontend pages anymore.
4) If I edit an article I get “You do not have the permission required to edit posts in this forum” error on WordPress backend.Please could I get an answer on this. I already have all the settings in phpBB3 ACP to where people can integrate and crosspost and still there is no comment field under my posts in WordPress. Instead it says comments are closed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-United : phpBB WordPress Integration] Does it work with WordPress 3.5.1?Yes, I am continuing to experience several issues.
[b]WP-United Version[/b] : [b]WordPress Version[/b] : 3.5.1 [b]PHP Version[/b] : 5.2.17 [b]WP-United enabled?[/b] : Yes [b]WordPress Home URL[/b] : https://www.san.net/ [b]WordPress Base URL[/b] : https://www.san.net/ [b]WordPress Plugin URL[/b] : https://www.san.net/it/ised/all/ [b]phpBB URL[/b] : https://ele.san.net/ments/ [b]Plugin Path[/b] : /are/hidden/for/safety/some/it/ised/all/ [b]WordPress Path[/b] : /are/hidden/for/safety/some/ [b]phpBB Path[/b] : /are/hidden/for/safety/some/ments/ [b]Active plugins[/b] : black-studio-tinymce-widget/black-studio-tinymce-widget.php, google-analytics-for-wordpress/googleanalytics.php, jquery-t-countdown-widget/countdown-timer.php, nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php, posts-for-page/posts-for-page.php, press-this-reloaded/press-this-reloaded.php, recent-facebook-posts/recent-facebook-posts.php, si-captcha-for-wordpress/si-captcha.php, simply-exclude/simplyexclude.php, site-layout-customizer/sitelayoutcustomizer.php, slidedeck2/slidedeck2-lite.php, social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/NextScripts_SNAP.php, stop-registration-spam/stop_registration_spam.php, totop-link/totop-link.php, ultimate-posts-widget/ultimate-posts-widget.php, ultimate-tinymce/main.php, video-thumbnails/video-thumbnails.php, wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php, wp-united/wp-united.php [b]Current theme[/b] : Custom Community Child [b]Allocated memory[/b] : 36297.434697856M [b]Memory limit[/b] : 256M [b]Locale[/b] : en_US [b]integrateLogin[/b] : 1 [b]showHdrFtr[/b] : NONE [b]wpSimpleHdr[/b] : 1 [b]dtdSwitch[/b] : 0 [b]phpbbCensor[/b] : 0 [b]wpPageName[/b] : page.php [b]phpbbPadding[/b] : 6-12-6-12 [b]xposting[/b] : 1 [b]phpbbSmilies[/b] : 0 [b]avatarsync[/b] : 1 [b]integcreatewp[/b] : 1 [b]integcreatephpbb[/b] : 1 [b]xpostautolink[/b] : 1 [b]xpostspam[/b] : 1 [b]xpostforce[/b] : 13 [b]xposttype[/b] : fullpost [b]xpostprefix[/b] : [b]cssMagic[/b] : 0 [b]templateVoodoo[/b] : 0 [b]useForumPage[/b] : 0 [b]wpuxpostcomments[/b] : 0
Oops, sorry for not starting my own topic, but I’ve discovered the issue:
If you have changed your WordPress url, and put a “/” at the end, it results in the behavior of pointing all your WordPress links to the localhost root. I just removed the “/” and all was good!
Hope it helps someone, sure is frustrating not finding answers! O.o