Halo Diehard
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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do you skin the editor?I have discovered the issue! I’m feeling very newb-like right now, but I neither remembered I had an editor plugin installed, nor did I realize it was using color css on my editor :/
Ultimate TinyMCE was stopping the CSS from being used that we were telling the theme to use with the functions.php. I’m problem solving another issue, where the video custom post type isn’t displaying as a link beneath a YouTube video link, and I was in there looking at my plugins one at a time and deactivated that one to see if there was a conflict, went in to see if the CSS worked while it was deactivated, and sure enough!
Thanks for educating me on the child theme functions.php, I’m now +1 level on the WordPress transdimensional onion, lol now why don’t I feel any wiser? O.o
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Twitch Status] Says stream is "Offline"Could be that it wasn’t working with that theme or something was updated where there is no longer a conflict, but I just tested it again and everything is a-ok ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do you skin the editor?Is there a step-by-step on the debugging process? I can get into my wp-config and edit it to true, but then that debugging page starts getting into all this other stuff that’s just making my head whirl. I have no idea where I actually see the debug report, it starts talking about php.ini and whether or not you have access to it but doesn’t even say where it is, and it’s using all these terms I’m not familiar with, like “you will need to override the default settings at run time”. O.o
I *might* have access to server logs, but I signed in and took a look around, did searches, did Google searches, and nothing is coming up. Is there another term “server error logs” are known by that I can try searching?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do you skin the editor?That’s it, just what’s posted above: the one php paragraph with the closing php tag removed, and the one css paragraph you suggested. I don’t get it, I totally feel like I’m missing something obvious.
Oh, I just realized something, I’m doing this on a testsite, so I gave you the the wrong url. The testsite url is https://themetest.halodiehards.org Sorry about that :/ hope it didn’t waste any of your time.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do you skin the editor?https://www.halodiehards.net <<I bet you didn’t see that coming, lol
But you won’t be able to see the editor…?
Thanks for your assistance, by the way!
To add: I took a peek at your site whilst trying to find your profile here; nice writing ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do you skin the editor?Only the opening tag for functions.php files? O.o then why do so many instructions have the closing? See here in the WordPress Codex in the instructions on how to change the editor, every example has the closing:
So confusing…
I made the changes, took the closing php tag off and inserted the css you suggested instead of mine, and still no change.
Wait… am I supposed to put the name of my theme where it says my_theme in the php code? or am I doing it right by copying it exactly?
And is this the code that makes sure my theme supports the edit the editor function, or maybe is the issue that my theme does not support it?
WordPress is like an onion… a transdimensional onion…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do you skin the editor?Sure! And thanks for your rapid response.
Here is the functions.php code:
<?php function my_theme_add_editor_styles() { add_editor_style( 'custom-editor-style.css' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_theme_add_editor_styles' ); ?>
Here is the line of css I used to test if it was working:
div.mce-panel{ background:#ff3300; }
The child theme functions.php had other code in it, which I deleted, because when I added the above code beneath it, that broke my site. I thought I remembered maybe that php only had one beginning and end, but I’m not sure if it should be this:
<?php code here code here ?>
Or this:
<?php code here ?> <?php code here ?>
Because the instructions say to add the code with the beginning and closing php, and not to insert it if it’s already there.
Here is the code that was in the child theme’s php that I deleted after it broke. I did not try to insert both codes in between the php opening and closing (that’s probably how it’s done, right? that would figure…):
if (!function_exists('theme_special_nav')) { function theme_special_nav() { // Do something. } }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin install – Fatal error: Out of memory, Host RAM is 2GBAwesome, songdogtech, will do! I don’t know anything about enabling php.ini files to be read, only that others have done with my server, so it should be ok.
The other thing, though, is I just did the view-php-info thing this morning, and I got 120M that way, but when I installed a plugin that’s supposed to tell me my usage, it says 128, like I’ve determined in those files. The plugin also says I’m using around 35M, so I don’t think it matters, but I’m curious where the 120M is coming from.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Login Redirect] Causing email notifications to fail at loginI’m deleting the plugin today and wanted to make sure I was clear on this issue.
I had the plugin running on my site for approximately 10 days. During that 10 days I would get 1-3 notifications that people were resetting their passwords. Before that I would rarely get the notification. This was discouraging people from coming to my site.
I have a lot of plugins so it could be a conflict, but I am unable to test at this time. I leave this info here so if anyone else has a similar issue they can report it and maybe it can be resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Chat] Change time to "___ ago" so works for all time zones?Exactly my point. So I can set the time to offset so it works for my timezone, but what about my members who are in other timezones from me?
This is why I suggested that it say “a minute ago” instead of the time. “Two hours ago”, etc. Then it can go to “Yesterday” or the date, and pretty much still be accurate for everyone.
I have no idea what it takes to code something like this, it was just a suggestion, since the time zone thing is confusing for my members.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you add code to .htaccess?Thank you guys very much! I didn’t realize the hashtag was a comment, that makes things more clear indeed. So .htaccess is only for redirects?
I did put the code underneath and it crashed my site. Must be some other conflict. But at least now I know it’s not where I put it!
Again, thanks so much.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why are my tag pages full posts?Great questions! You’ve helped me figure it out.
Ok, what are “hand-written excerpts? Is that where you add the “read more” link?
My old theme had archive pages shown as excerpts by default, and I thought this was a default WordPress behavior, with the option “full or excerpt” pertaining to the front page only. I did test that option, but I didn’t realize it was working (excerpts) because the other post types weren’t showing as excerpts on the archive pages, so at first and second glance it appeared the setting did indeed not apply to archive pages.
So thanks for helping me narrow it down ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: rss feed does not seem to be handling new postsThanks so much for your quick response. Unfortunately, what I’m having trouble finding on the web is where to put that code if there is already code in the .htaccess ?? Can’t find it anywhere, and my other threads go unanswered.
Thanks for trying though! Maybe someone can use your code above, because I’ve also seen people looking for how to do code when they are posting in a custom post type, and it looks like you’ve got it!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: rss feed does not seem to be handling new postsDid you ever figure this out? I am not getting any answers and the codex page is not telling me exactly where to put the code; I’ve already crashed my site putting it at the bottom of the code already in my .htaccess…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing theme back removes widgetsI don’t understand. A ton of my widgets do *not* reset, so something is in place that can prevent this. And more often than not if the widgets don’t go back to where they already were, they will go into the unused widgets, so I just have to drag them back, which isn’t as bad. So *Something* is in place, or this behavior wouldn’t occur.
You said “it resets to default mode” not sure what you are referring to here, the sidebar or the widget. Neither appear to reset to default mode consistently. Many times I have changed themes and changed back and everything was just the way I left it.
It seems to me that a conflict is occurring, as this behavior seems to be getting worse with each update. Of course I have switched themes in the last couple months too, because the old one became obsolete, but I never had this trouble back then.
So really, what you are saying doesn’t make sense to me.
Edit: and I don’t understand why a theme wouldn’t have a setting to remember what widgets you are using for it.