Hannes Etzelstorfer
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] Exclude a plugin from HTML TemplateHello,
I’ve written a few examples here to demonstrate how to disable the email template by subject or some keywords in the message body.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] Site logoHey,
Please avoid SVG in emails, just think about Outlook and it’s poor HTML support. The problem is not related to the plugin but to email clients in general.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] Excluding all plugins by defaultYou can use it that way. Just use the filter above and only return true if you detect your password reset mail. In all other cases return false.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] Excluding all plugins by defaultYou can exclude specific emails if you can identify it by subject, sender or content.
function haet_exclude_from_template( $email ){ $to = $email[0]; $subject = $email[1]; $message = $email[2]; // do not use template if $subject = foo if( $subject == 'foo') return false; return true; } add_filter('haet_mail_use_template','haet_exclude_from_template');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Anmeldehinweis – ErfolgsnachrichtEigentlich nichts…
Als Workaround k?nntest du eventuell das CleverReach Formular als Iframe einbinden statt dem Plugin, aber das würde vermutlich mehr Probleme verursachen als beheben.
Was ist so besonders an diesem Hinweis, was man nicht in die Erfolgsmeldung schreiben kann?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Anmeldehinweis – ErfolgsnachrichtNein, aus CleverReach werden nur die Formularfelder geholt, sonst nichts.
Grü?e, HannesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Formular in Content nicht in SidebarYes there’s a documentation next to the form builder.
Just use the shortcode[cleverreach_signup]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Double-Opt-In-Mail not sentHave you selected the right CleverReach form in your plugin settings?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] Gravity Forms from addressGo to the “plugins” tab of the settings page and disable sender override for Gravity Forms
Yes that’s possible. Please send me the plugin to the email address on my contact page. I’ll have a look at the plugin and then I can tell you more about the costs.
There arme several ways 3rd party plugins can send emails.1. If the plugins use WordPress recommended way, the wp_mail function the template will be applied automatically.
2. If the plugin uses it’s own email function, you can look for a filter to modify the messages before they’re sent and apply the WordPress filter wp_mail (the filter not the function)
3. If the plugin uses wp_mail function, but has its own HTML template you have to parse the message to strip out the existing template and use the template from WP HTML mail. This is the hardest way of customization. I’ve done this for WooCommerce and EasyDigitalDownloads. If you need to go this way I can send you some code examples to create your own bridge plugin between FormCraft and WP HTML mail.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] MehrsprachigkeitHallo Silvan,
ich habe bisher keine Erfahrung mit Polylang.
Eventuell unterstützt Ninja Forms Polylang, dann w?re die NinjaForms CleverReach Erweiterung eine Option.
Grü?e, HannesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Pflichtfeld / Required fieldHallo,
Das funktioniert aktuell leider noch nicht, eventuell in einer sp?teren Version.
Mit dem NinjaForms CleverReach Plugin kannst du Pflichtfelder definieren.
Grü?e, HannesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] Exclude a plugin from HTML TemplateHi,
There’s a filter containing alle information about the email. If you can detect the mail by subject, content or anything else just return FALSE to disable the template:
apply_filters( ‘haet_mail_use_template’, $use_template, array($to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments) );Thank you very much, I just released the update including your changes