Hannes Etzelstorfer
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] Does this support wp_mail …?Yes it hooks right into the wp_mail function so you can also use the template for your own mails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Template Designer - WP HTML Mail] WP Mail and WP SEO make issuesHi, I guess this is the same request as I already answered in Marketpress helpdesk, but just to be sure: The new version works with WP SEO now.
I just had a closer look to the source code of both plugins and my plugin doesn’t modify the reply-to header, it just modifies the email sender address.
But I improved the processing of the email header and released a new version. Could you please update and try?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Captcha und styling ProblemHallo,
Der Form Builder unterstützt das Captcha Feld nicht.
Das Styling wird bewusst neutral gehalten, da dies Aufgabe des Themes ist. Normalerweise sollten darin schon einige Styles für Buttons und Formularfelder vorhanden sein.
Weitere Anpassungen k?nnen nur mit CSS gemacht werden.
Grü?e, HannesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Gr??e des FormularfeldesHallo,
Das Formular hat die Klassehaet-cleverreach-form
damit kannst du alle enthaltenen Felder ansprechen.
Grü?e, HannesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Gr??e des FormularfeldesHallo,
Das Aussehen des Formulars liegt beim Theme, d.h. wenn es standardm??ig nicht passt bleibt nur die Anpassung mittels CSS.
Grü?e, HannesHey,
There’s a filter in my plugin for situations like this.
Can you identify these emails automatically?- Either by specific keywords in subject
- or some unique phrases in message body
If you can send me how to detect the email, I can send you a few lines of code to paste to your functions.php
Hello, thank you for this hint. I’ve just removed the line but I wont release a new version for this small change but merged in previous version. You can either wait for the next release or delete and reinstall the plugin to see the changes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] Transaction results page not workingWP_DEBUG can be enabled in wp-config.php in your WordPress directory
Error reporting for PHP depends on your hosting setup. Maybe you can customize your PHP.ini or set the values via .htaccess Please find some examples here https://www.phpknowhow.com/configuration/php-ini-error-settings/
Once we have an error message it shouldn’t be too hard to find the problem.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] Transaction results page not workingHello, this sounds like a hidden PHP error. Please enable error messages for PHP and WP_DEBUG and send me the output you’ll see instead of the blank page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] Table floatingHey,
I guess this is either a CSS problem (for exampleposition:absolute;
) or you have an unclosed tag so the PDF library can’t render the document properly.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] Adding payment date to PDF invoiceNo, this feature doesn’t exist.
best regards, HannesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] Making product table 100% widthYes, just add a few lines of CSS to the email template as well as the PDF stylesheet:
#products-table{ width:100%; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Plugin funktioniert nicht in 4.5.2Auf deinem Server scheint SOAP nicht installiert zu sein. Wende dich diesbezüglich bitte an deinen Hosting-Anbieter
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter Sign-Up for CleverReach] Plugin funktioniert nicht in 4.5.2Hallo Thomas,
An 4.5.2 liegt es grunds?tzlich nicht, das habe ich bereits mehrfach getestet. Gibt es Fehlermeldungen wenn du WP_DEBUG in der wp-config.php auf TRUE setzt?
Alternativ kannst du auch prüfen ob in CleverReach durch das Plugin eine Gruppe angelegt wurde und diese ggf l?schen.
Grü?e, Hannes