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  • Awesome @outofhouse. It works.
    Thank you

    Thread Starter Hadi Nugraha



    I installed Nofollow External Link plugin, and the problem is solved

    Thread Starter Hadi Nugraha


    Hai @ampforw
    And thank you for a great plugin

    Hello speedpartner, your solution doesn’t work for my site.
    Note that, I use AIOSEOP. I had cleaned all caches to make sure the new codes is running.. Please check my site. I’ll keep this change for 6 hours ahead.

    But please be aware, that, downgrading (which means the way you uninstall it), will reset your posts statistics. Ouch.. I did it ??
    But never mind, I love this plugin. So it doesn’t bother me too much.
    I suggest you just extract the previous version and overwrite the existing (without uninstalling v1.9.5 or v1.9.6.)

    Apparently, no. You have to modify the source code to add a noindex meta robot tag on search results page.
    Please referred to this article [AIOSEOP] How to NOINDEX the search results page

    Thread Starter Hadi Nugraha


    Found the solution, I just edited the source manually. The result for cara menghilangkan jerawat is cleaned from this error warnings.

    Thread Starter Hadi Nugraha


    Thanks jgarcia439. The load time is fixed, but the feed remains looping.

    Hello Rick.
    Mine, Rich Amor has scored 99/100, the reason is not perfected because I need to let the google analytic (ga.js) to load.
    I recommend you to read this article W3 Total Cache -Plugin: The Complete Settings Guide, it’s a great tutorial to manually setup your w3tc.
    I look at your website, yes, you do have some images with huge file sizes (total is 3129kB, the compressed version is 1659 kB).

    First, please download smushit plugin (to compress your next uploads).
    Please find your results on gtmatix. There are lot of suggestion you must follow. For example, for each images you’ll find a link to optimized version, download it and upload it to replace your current files.
    And I suggest you to decrease “Blog pages show at most” (at your dashboard Setting >> Reading), maybe to 5 post at most (current setting is 10).
    Other suggestion is to decrease your css theme file, remove unnecessary selectors (or you choose another slimming theme, because your css file size is 90kB, that’s big, mine only 9kB).
    Last but not least is to remove unnecessary scripts. Your facebook’s script loaded 2 times. Perhaps you should choose Fans box and Suggestion from a single plugin. Or, simply choose one widget only, and remove the other one.

    Thread Starter Hadi Nugraha


    Excellent!! It works, thanks man.

    Thread Starter Hadi Nugraha


    Hello Xnau,
    Actually just right after I wrote the first message, I decided to create a new shortcode to display the list on the post/page.
    May I put the codes here?

    First, I registered a new shortcode, called “pdb_list”. I insert this code right after these lines at participants-database.php:
    // define our shortcodes
    add_shortcode( ‘pdb_record’, array( __CLASS__, ‘frontend_edit’) );
    add_shortcode( ‘pdb_signup’, array( __CLASS__, ‘print_signup_form’ ) );

    add_shortcode( 'pdb_list', array( __CLASS__, 'print_list' ) );

    And then, create new public function on participants-database.php:
    *print list member
    `public function print_list( $atts ) {
    global $wpdb;
    // at present, there are no attributes
    $vars = shortcode_atts( array(
    ), $atts );

    <style type=”text/css”><?php include ‘participants-db.css’ ?></style>
    include ‘list_member.php’;

    Yes, right, I create a new file list_member.php, it based on your existing file, i.e list_participants.php


    // process all the general list actions first
    // add this to the query to remove the default record
    $skip_default = ' <code>id</code> != '.Participants_Db::$id_base_number;
    // set up the query to display the list
    switch ( @$_POST['submit'] ) {
      case 'Sort':
      case 'Filter':
    		$list_query = 'SELECT * FROM '.Participants_Db::$participants_table;
    		$delimiter = ( false !== stripos( $_POST['operator'], 'LIKE' ) ? '%' : '' );
    		if ($_POST['where_clause'] != 'none'){
    		  $list_query .= ' WHERE <code>'.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['where_clause']).'</code> '.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['operator'])." '".$delimiter.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['value']).$delimiter."' ";
    			$list_query .= ' AND '.$skip_default;
    		} else {
    			$list_query .= ' WHERE '.$skip_default;
    		$list_query .= ' ORDER BY '.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sortBy']).' '.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ascdesc']);
    		// go back to the first page
    		$_GET['p'] = 1;
      case 'Clear' :
    		unset( $_POST['value'], $_POST['where_clause'] );
    		// go back to the first page
    		$_GET['p'] = 1;
    		$list_query = 'SELECT * FROM '.Participants_Db::$participants_table.' WHERE '.$skip_default.' ORDER BY last_name';
    $options = get_option( Participants_Db::$participants_db_options );
    // set the pagination object
    $pagination = new Pagination( array(
    																		'link'          => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&p=%s',
    																		'page'          => isset( $_GET['p'] ) ? $_GET['p'] : '1',
    																		'size'          => $options['list_limit'],
    																		'total_records' => Participants_Db::get_num_records(),
    																		'wrap_tag'      => '',
    																		'wrap_tag_close'=> '',
    // get the number of records returned
    $num_records = count( $wpdb->get_results( $list_query, ARRAY_A ) );
    // get the records for this page, adding the pagination limit clause
    $participants = $wpdb->get_results( $list_query.' '.$pagination->getLimitSql(), ARRAY_A );
    <div class="wrap">
      <h2><?php echo Participants_Db::PLUGIN_TITLE?></h2>
      <h3>List Participants: <?php echo $num_records?> records found, sorted by: <?php echo isset( $_POST['sortBy'] ) ? Participants_Db::column_title( $_POST['sortBy'] ) : Participants_Db::column_title( 'last_name' ) ?>.</h3>
      <form method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="sort">
        <fieldset class="widefat">
        <legend>Show only records with:</legend>
    			//build the list of columns available for filtering
    			$filter_columns = array( '(show all)' => 'none' );
    			foreach ( Participants_db::get_column_atts() as $column ) {
    				if ( in_array( $column->name, Participants_Db::$internal_columns ) ) continue;
    				$filter_columns[ $column->title ] = $column->name;
    			$element = array(
    											 'type'		=> 'dropdown',
    											 'name'		=> 'where_clause',
    											 'value'	=>	isset( $_POST['where_clause'] ) ? $_POST['where_clause'] : 'none',
    											 'options'	=> $filter_columns,
          FormElement::print_element( $element );
           $element = array(
                            'type'     => 'dropdown',
                            'name'     => 'operator',
                            'value'    => isset( $_POST['operator'] ) ? $_POST['operator'] : 'LIKE',
                            'options'  => array(
                                              'is'               => '=',
                                              'is not'           => '!=',
                                              'contains'         => 'LIKE',
                                              "doesn't contain"  => 'NOT LIKE',
          FormElement::print_element( $element );
          <input id="participant_search_term" type="text" name="value" value="<?php echo @$_POST['value'] ?>">
          <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Filter">
          <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Clear">
        <fieldset class="widefat">
        <legend>Sort by:</legend>
    			$element = array(
    											 'type'		=> 'dropdown',
    											 'name'		=> 'sortBy',
    											 'value'	=>	isset( $_POST['sortBy'] ) ? $_POST['sortBy'] : 'last_name',
    											 'options'	=> Participants_Db::get_sortables(),
          FormElement::print_element( $element );
    			$element = array(
    											 'type'		=> 'radio',
    											 'name'		=> 'ascdesc',
    											 'value'	=>	isset( $_POST['ascdesc'] ) ? $_POST['ascdesc'] : 'asc',
    											 'options'	=> array( 'Ascending' => 'asc', 'Descending' => 'desc' ),
          FormElement::print_element( $element );
          <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Sort">
      <form id="list_form"  method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="list_action">
        <div style="margin-top:10px">
          <span style="padding-left:20px">Show
          <?php FormElement::print_element( array( 'type'=>'text-line', 'name'=>'list_limit', 'value'=>$options['list_limit'], 'size'=>'1' ) )?>
          items per page.
        <table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed pages" cellspacing="0" >
    		if ( count( $participants ) > 0 ) :
    		  // get the columns to display
    		  $display_columns = Participants_Db::get_list_displaying_columns();
    			//now output the table of participants
    			$col_pattern = '<td style="padding:0 5px;white-space:nowrap;">%s</td>';
    			$head_pattern = '<th style="padding:0 5px">%s</th>';
    			$PID_pattern = '<td><a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'/'.( isset( $options['registration_page'] ) ? $options['registration_page'] : '' ).'?pid=%1$s">%1$s</a></td>';
    				 foreach ( $display_columns as $column ) {
    					printf ( $head_pattern, Participants_Db::column_title( $column ) );
    				 } ?>
    			if ( count( $participants ) > 5 ) :
    				 foreach ( $display_columns as $column ) {
    					printf ($head_pattern, Participants_Db::column_title( $column ) );
    				 } ?>
          <?php endif ?>
    			foreach ( $participants as $value ) {
            <?php foreach ( $display_columns as $column ) {
    					if ( $column == 'private_id' ) printf ($PID_pattern, Participants_Db::prepare_value( $value[ $column ] ) );
    					else printf ($col_pattern, Participants_Db::prepare_value( $value[ $column ] ) );
    				} ?>
          <?php }
    		else :
            <td>No participants found</td>
    		endif; // participants array
      <div class="pagination"><label>Page:</label>

    I didnt test it for a long list, I just hope the pagination would be work. And may be I should clean up unused codes on the list_member.php file.
    After the codes have been set, I create a new page and simply call the shortcode [pdb_list].
    Voila.. It displayed nicely on the page. Thanks for your useful plugin.
    And it would be more perfect if this plugin could display the photo of the member.

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