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  • that has nothing to do with the plugin.

    you need to change permalink structure of your WordPress setup.

    If your WP is installed at /blog folder, you can’t get rid of /blog from your url.

    Actually, there is but it’s complicated & you don’t want to mess around with rewrite rules if you are not a developer.

    Thread Starter HackYaaaaa


    sorry. didn’t realize I can set the custom url for the flags.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by HackYaaaaa.

    you can build a lightning fast PWA (as fast as native app) if you deploy RESS technique when you are creating your WP theme.

    RESS is offload all desktop elements, css, js on mobile view. mobile detect comes with WordPress core although there are much more accurate php libraries you can use.

    The simplest way to make the music player “seamless” (you mean uninterrupted playing when url changes) is creating a popup html & embedding the shortcode in it.

    I didn’t realize there are plugins for soundcloud & built the whole thing from scratch myself. LOL

    You can check out how I built it at (Click on the “Login” button on top left of the page & you will see the orange Soundcloud button)

    Let me know if you want this kind of setup. I might write a tutorial on it if people are interested.

    To move your css to the footer, this is all you have to do.

    function hackya_load_css() {
    wp_enqueue_style('style', get_stylesheet_uri());
    add_action('wp_footer', 'hackya_load_css');

    No need for this bloated plugin.

    Of course you need to aync load it as well. For that, you can use loadCSS.

    Lowered actual load time on pingdom tools & lowered google page speed as well.

    Tested the plugin on 3 different sites. All same result.

    I am actually pissed that I wasted my time on this plugin.

    Mobiledetect will only work properly if whatever cache plugin you are using does not cache the mobile version of the site.

    But page load speed is far more critical in mobile view.

    You want to cache the site so that the site loads faster. You also want to use mobile detect to speed up the site by not loading resources that will slow down mobile view.

    So this has been pretty frustrating experience for me but it seems that there isn’t any workable solution at the moment.


    I should have seen your reply. My solution was to override !important declaration by appending a new css with javascript.

    Alternatively, you can dequeue the plugin style and replace it with your own.

    But I agree with Jay & you that using !important in plugin style is less than ideal.

    Thread Starter HackYaaaaa


    Hey!! You da man!!!

    You rock.

    I’ve been busy with a project for past couple of months.

    Just downloaded your plugin to study how you’ve done it.

    Your plugin is super clean.

    It’s so weird. The script I hacked together to load js on scroll is very similar to how you did it in your plugin.

    if(document.body.scrollHeight < window.innerHeight){ (your code)

    if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > scrollFromTop){ (my hack)


    Anyhow Congragts!!!

    I will promote your plguin to everybody I know as your plugin is just awesome.

    Thread Starter HackYaaaaa


    Thank you for your succinct clarification on theme vs plugin approach.

    May I ask what your opinions are or if you have any opinion concerning ReactJS or Riot.JS?

    I really don’t like how ReactJS/Riot.JS bundles html and javascript together and turns it into one chunk of component/mess. Something just bothers me about mixing html & javascript together. Reminds me of horribly coded inline javascripts without event handler I used to see many many years ago.

    Nevertheless, React Native seems to be/at least promises to be that holy grail every front-end developer has been seeking.

    Honestly, I hate the ReactJS way of doing things but I am afraid everyone will end up using React Native down the line.

    Any thought?

    Oh, I will definitely check out your AngularJS theme!!! I am very excited to learn from your theme.


    Thread Starter HackYaaaaa


    That’s super awesome to hear!!!

    I actually solved the problem by moving the js portion of dcl-functions.php outside of the php & creating a separate js file. LOL

    But obviously, that’s not an universal nor a proper solution for the plugin.

    I really look forward to your solution so that I can learn (I am a self-taught hacker, not a programmer) from your code.

    Disqus is by far one the biggest pageload performance culprits & I am surprised your plugin is not more popular or widely used.

    I will be promoting your plugin to anyone who are using/intending to use Disqus.

    Thread Starter HackYaaaaa


    ???? Thank you very much!! ?????

    your google analytics code is being generated from some sort of packaged SEO pack (it’s a plugin you are using)

    <!-- /all in one seo pack -->
    		<script type="text/javascript">
    		  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
    		  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-39914369-1']);
    		  _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']);
    		  (function() {
    		    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    		    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'https://www') + '';
    		    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);

    [Unnecessary comment moderated]

    Thread Starter HackYaaaaa


    Someone at stackoverflow suggested that perhaps I should talk to WordPress organization about this.

    <h3 id=”reply-title”>

    This h3 tag resides in core file and there isn’t a way to add a class to it in pure php. As someone @stackoverflow pointed out, and I concur, once the page loads, php has no way of altering the already loaded html.

    If there is, I wouldn’t know how to go about it. What I ended up doing was by hooking the comment_form in comments.php, I’ve inserted a sub element (span tag) below/inside the <h3> tag.

    This does the job & this does not involve jQuery but I am not happy with it as this adds extra element to the html (extra span tag), making my code looking ugly. ??

    I really feel like some guru programmer needs to sort this out for WP community. (I’ve encountered other developers struggling with this same subject.)

    Either you roll your dice with jQuery hoping no one is visiting your site with javascript disabled or you end up with ugly html.

    Neither is ideal.

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