Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Számlá integráció WooCommerce-hez] T?rlési lehet?ség…Szia Péter,
k?szi a gyors választ!Nem tudom biztosan, de talán az jó opció lehetne a pluginban, hogy lenne egy intervallum mez? (pl. 1 év), ahol meg lehetne adni, hogy visszamen?leg t?r?lné a filokat automatikusan és mondjuk magát a m?veletet havonta egyszer csinálná csak.
Tudom, hogy nem foglal nagy helyett, de elegáns lenne, ha az adatbázisból is kit?r?lné a már nem szükséges infokat. Nyilván mindezt a fizet?s plugin részeként.A másik, ami nagy segítség lenne, hogy az xml és pdf filok havi k?nyvtárakba lennének mentve, mert most pl. semmilyen ftp programmal nem tudom kezelni a 8 GB-os k?nyvtárat, az egészet meg nem szeretném t?r?lni.
K?szi és üdv.
Dear developers,
thanks for your help. I’m waiting for the refund because I have already sent my order details.Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Widgets Light] Menu widget automatic drop down…Hi,
I can show You a working example:
When You click on a left main menu which has submenus then the new page loads and the submenus are opened.Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Widgets Light] Menu widget automatic drop down…Hi,
yes, it works with hashtag, but I need to load the main menu link too.
So if I put a real link in it, then the menu works as earlier.
Sad news. : (Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Widgets Light] Menu widget automatic drop down…Hi,
thanks, I can understand that.Maybe another possible solution:
If I can define the main menu initial state droped down or not per page then when I click the main menu title link, it loads his page and that page there is a menu initial state which is the droped down subcategories.Is it theoretically workable?
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Widgets Light] Menu widget plus sign is not working…Great, Thank You so much!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Widgets Light] Menu widget plus sign is not working…Thanks the quick fix, but maybe You made a typo error, because the plus sign is not working and in the console there is another error:
scripts-min.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Widgets Light] Menu widget plus sign is not working…Thanks for Your help!
If You give me a privat e-mail I can send You user name and password, because it is not a published website yet.Anyway, in console there is an error message:
jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: .uwl_menu_widget ul li.has-sub .uwl-sub-icon, .uwl_menu_widget ul li.has-sub a[href*=#]Maybe it’s useful.