Gijs de Lange
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mollie Payments for WooCommerce] Fatal error: WcPsrLoggerAdapter.phpThanks Femi, that’s great to hear!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mollie Payments for WooCommerce] Logger FatalErrorHello,
Sorry to highjack this thread, but we get a similar fatal error, using version 7.8.0.
Our fatal error:
Fatal error: Declaration of Mollie\WooCommerce\Log\WcPsrLoggerAdapter::log($level, $message, array $context = []) must be compatible with Psr\Log\AbstractLogger::log($level, Stringable|string $message, array $context = []): void
We can ‘solve’ it by changing a line in the file mollie-payments-for-woocommerce > src > Log > WcPsrLoggerAdapter.php
Line 75. From:
public function log($level, $message, array $context = [])
public function log($level, $message, array $context = []): void
But this is not ideal, since we get a fatal error every time while updating and have to update this file again.
We found this support ticket that seem to talk about the same issue:
Hope you guys can have a look!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Laposta Signup Basic] Foutmelding: list_id ontbreektYes, dat werkt! Bedankt voor je hulp Roel!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Laposta Signup Basic] Foutmelding: list_id ontbreektHi Roel,
Dank weer voor de reactie.
Ik heb alle plugins gedeactiveerd en het thema Twenty Twenty-Four geactiveerd. Helaas nog steeds hetzelfde probleem.
Ik heb ook even een var_dump gedaan in de plugin functie renderFormByShortcode, van de array $atts. Deze geeft dit terug: array(2) { [0]=> string(0) “” [1]=> string(55) “class=”js-shortcode-example-list-id”>fz1wagXXXX”” } . De shortcode die we gebruiken is: [laposta_signup_basic_form list_id=”fz1wagXXXX”]
De laatste 4 letters van het id heb ik hier even ‘XXXX’ van gemaakt.
Kan het toch niet iets anders zijn?
Groetjes, Gijs
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Laposta Signup Basic] Foutmelding: list_id ontbreektDank voor je reactie Roel.
Ik heb de shortcode direct gekopieerd uit de plugin instellingen, zonder geluk. Daarna verschillende quotes geprobeerd. Dat werkt ook niet.
Wanneer ik onder de shortcode bijv. een Gravity Forms shortcode plak, wordt het formulier (van Gravity Forms) wel weergegeven. Deze gebruiken dezelfde quotes..
Mijn klant geeft wel het volgende aan:
Ik heb in la posta een nieuwe code aangemaakt. Zou dat iets te maken hebben met de foutmelding? Ik kreeg hem anders niet te zien zeg maar…
Kan het daar iets mee te maken hebben?
Groetjes, Gijs
Thanks Marc, that’s really quick!
The website was created/setup by someone else. It seems like Minify was not enabled, but I can’t tell you for sure. I can’t view the minify options, since this website also uses W3 Total cache. (I get your message: ‘Minify cannot be loaded, because an incompatible plugin was found: W3 Total Cache’)
Thanks again.
Thank you so much Sayontan!
You’re totally right. I will inform the author of the plugin. For now I adjusted it, so it won’t load the older jQuery; it all works well.
Thanks again!
Sorry about that, I think now you should be able to see it!
Hi there,
I may have a similar issue, but I am not sure.
When I add a button text, only the button is displayed, not photos/albums. The button also isn’t working (does nothing).
My shortcode looks like:
[gallery type='google' view='albums' access='all' more='Meer' title_position='hover-slideup-show' main_size='1600' popup='hide' layout='mosaic']When I remove more=’Meer’ from the shortcode, photos are displayed.
In my console I receive the following error:
photonic-swipebox.min.js?ver=20200709-104440:10 Uncaught TypeError: q(…).html(…).text is not a function
at window.photonicHtmlDecode (photonic-swipebox.min.js?ver=20200709-104440:10)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (photonic-swipebox.min.js?ver=20200709-104440:10)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js:2)
at init.each (jquery.min.js:2)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (photonic-swipebox.min.js?ver=20200709-104440:10)
at n (jquery.min.js:2)
at Object.fireWith (jquery.min.js:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.min.js:2)
at HTMLDocument.B (jquery.min.js:2)Hope this helps. Thanks for all the great work btw!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Fatal Error on activationHi Jory,
Super, dankjewel!
Wat betreft ondersteuning oude php versies: jullie hebben helemaal gelijk! Helaas is mijn klant hier nog niet helemaal klaar voor, maar dit is een goede motivatie ??
Groet, Gijs
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Fatal Error on activationThanks Scott!
Thank you for your quick action, much appreciated!
Great, thank you very much!
Hi, thanks for writing back.
I am using PHP 7.2.1. When switching back to 7.1.12 the warning disappears.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social Sharing] Undefined index: pinterest_imageHi there!
I receive the same notice, but for me it’s on line 88.
I’m using php 7.2.1, WP 4.9.4.Could you please have a look? Thanks!