you can simply do it by modifying form-login.php
1- copy login-form.php file from TML plugin folder and paste it into your theme folder
2- open login-form.php in your theme folder with any editor to edit it according to followings
to remove ‘Remember me’ section:
2-a) find <p class="forgetmenot">
2-b) delete until you see </p>
to remove ‘Lost Passwords’:
2-a)find <?php $template->the_action_links( array( 'login' => false ) ); ?>
and delete it
2-b) copy below instead of it:
<?php if ( $action_links = $template->get_action_links( $args ) ) {
echo '<ul class="tml-action-links">' . "\n";
foreach ( (array) $action_links as $link ) {
if($link['title'] != 'Lost Password')
echo '<li class= col-md-3><a href="' . esc_url( $link['url'] ) . '" rel="nofollow">' . esc_html( $link['title'] ) . '</a></li>';
echo '<ul>';
} ?>
4- save the file and close it.