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  • Dissapointed to find no answer here, I did a little digging myself over at:

    In short, go to the Settings>Blog-in-Blog>Template tab and replace “%post_content%” with “%post_excerpt%“. From there, it’s merely a matter of adjusting your excerpt length:

    or, dare I say it, multiple excerpt lengths:

    [ Signature moderated. ]

    Thread Starter GWMO


    I tried posting the following into my single page template, before using the full code for all of the categories, but the list does not appear in the page:

    <?php if (in_category('Captain America'))
       $ids = array( 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 );
    $id = 0;
    while ( ! $id ) {
       $id = array_rand( $ids, 1 );
    echo do_shortcode("[asle id=$id]");
    Thread Starter GWMO


    It still didn’t seem to work but I may have found the problem. To simplify things, I removed both the “Add to Post” and “Allow PHP in Posts and Pages” plugins and placed the PHP code directly into the single.php template of a child theme – still didn’t work. However, when I tried just one of the shortcode options:

    <?php echo do_shortcode("[asle id=16]"); ?>

    it worked so the problem may be in the conditional or random portion of the code.

    I’ve used WordPress conditional statements befor so that portion of the code looks good to me. Any suggestions on the random array (i.e. if it needs to be changed when I place it into the template)?

    <?php if (in_category('Captain America')) {
    $id = 0;
    while ( ! $id ) {
    $id = array_rand( array( 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 ), 1 );
    echo do_shortcode("[asle id=$id]");

    Thinking that I will need to make an “If, Then, Else” for each of the 9 categories (characters) on my site – each with it’s own random array of 5 possible shortcodes.

    Thread Starter GWMO


    I’m actually using “PHP Code for Posts and Pages at:

    but the plugin you mention “Allow PHP in Posts and Pages” at:

    appears to be far more robust and recommended. I’ll give it a try with the

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[php function=1]'); ?>

    call you recommended and let you know how it works.

    Thread Starter GWMO


    [php snipped=1] is the shortcode for the “PHP for Posts and Pages” plugin where I store:

    <?php if (in_category('Captain America')) {
    $id = 0;
    while ( ! $id ) {
    $id = array_rand( array( 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 ), 1 );
    echo do_shortcode("[asle id=$id]");

    I tried adding the echo as you suggested for my “Add to Post” plugin:

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[php snippet=1]'); ?>

    but it still does not seem to work. Perhaps the “Add to Post” plugin is not parsing/processing the PHP?

    Beginning to wonder if it would be easier to mod a child of the single post template?

    Thread Starter GWMO


    Apologies for the delay as I am just now recovering from that nasty “Rebound Flu” going around. I copied the code into my “PHP Code for Posts and Pages” plugin and modified it for my site [ ]:

    <?php if (in_category('Captain America')) {
    $id = 0;
    while ( ! $id ) {
    $id = array_rand( array( 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 ), 1 );
    echo do_shortcode("[asle id=$id]");

    then called it with my “Add To Post” plugin:

    <?php do_shortcode('[php snippet=1]'); ?>

    but it’s not showing up for posts in the “Captain America” category.

    I’ve also tried WP-Simple Insert for the PHP functionality but it still does not seem to (parse?) appear below the post. Any and all suggestions would be both welcome and appreciated.

    Thread Starter GWMO


    I thank you for your fast reply and apologize for not providing such information. The program I am currently using allows me to build custom lists of Amazon products and adds the list to posts and pages with the shortcode [asle id={list number}].

    For the site mentioned [], I would like to show 5 different lists for each character/category (i.e. [asle id=1], [asle id=2], [asle id=3], [asle id=4], [asle id=5]) and idealy rotate them each time the visitor views a new post in that category (i.e. perhaps unset or similar to show [asle id=1] at the bottom of the first post they view, [asle id=2] at the bottom of the next post etc. then back to [asle id=1] at the bottom of the sixth post but would settle for each of the five being randomly selected from the array to be shown at the bottom of each post.

    Hope this helps to clarify and, thouh this is a for profit site, I will be using what I learn for our local Block Watch site, a church site, and a fundraising site for “Feed Your Neighbor” as well and thank you for any and all advice you may be able to offer.

    Don;t take this wrong but I’m glad I’m not alone.

    I’m seeing 18 blank bullet lines and then each social network vertical with a bullet preceeding at

    Hope someone can help soon as I wish to auction the site to help pay my Mortgage by the end of the month.

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