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  • Hi. Did you figure out?
    I’d be interested.

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    OK, thanks. I’ll use Elementor then. ??

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Thanks for your answer. Your solution worked to get back the margins between the main content and the sidebars.

    But I’d like to know if there is a setting to let me choose the width of the sidebars or their margins please.

    I know I can change the percentage of the widht of the main content and the sidebars ( I put 80% for the main content and 10% for each sidebar).

    I’d like to know too.

    Thread Starter guiguilyon



    I got some help on my themes forum (Weaver Xtreme).
    They said I have to go to comments.php of the theme and replace

    echo ‘<div id=”comments”>’;


    echo ‘<div id=”comments”>’;
    echo ‘<div id=”commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic”>’;


    echo “</div><!– #comments –>\n”;


    echo “</div></div><!– #comments –>\n”;

    I also added the code provided here

    <span id=”commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic”>
    if ( comments_open() ) :
    comments_popup_link(‘Leave a comment ↓’, ‘1 comment ↓’, ‘% comments ↓’);
    <span id=”swap-commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic” style=”display: none;”>Collapse ↑</span>
    <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit →’, ‘| ‘, ” ); ?></p>

    <div class=”content_collapse_wrapper”><div id=”target-commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic_content force_content_collapse”>
    <?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>

    Nice ! Now the comments section is hidden. But I can’t display it at all. There is no button to make it appear.

    Do you have any idea to help me please? ??

    The test website I’m testing thjis on is here

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Thanks for the really quick response!

    But I’m still a noob with this. The instruction is unclear to me.

    1. Collapsible comments
    Replace comment area with something like the following:

    Can you be more precise and please tell me in which file of my child theme I should add the code? Should it be added to it or replace something?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by guiguilyon.
    Thread Starter guiguilyon



    I went back to work recently and finally figured how to make it work.
    I had to change the theme selectors from default.
    But I couldn’t find theme in the code of the pages using the inspect tool of my browser.

    But I got inspired by another similar plugin, Catch Infinite Scroll. I just used some of the theme selectors this plugin uses instead of the default one provided by ALNP. And it works!

    So if it can help another user of the Weaver Xtreme theme, here they are :

    Content Container : div.content or #content
    Post title : h1.entry-title
    Post Navigation : nav.navigation
    Comment Container : div.comments or #comments

    The only problem is that the comments doesn’t disappear even if I chose so in the misc settings. But if I put the default theme selector for the comments, the plugin doesn’t work at all.

    Do you have any idea how to hide the comments section please?

    Here is a test blog I use for testing plugins where you can check this out with Weaver Xtreme.

    Other question : can your plugin enable infinite scroll in the list of articles too (like Catch Infinite Scroll)? So that I could only use yours for both features.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Hi. Thanks for your help!

    I didn’t totally understood your explanations.

    I’m a noob, so please be more precise in your explanation. ??

    Here is what I did :

    – I left the default selectors in the plugin settings.

    – I added

    function my_template_location() {
        return 'templates/';
    add_filter( 'alnp_template_location', 'my_template_location' );

    to the file “functions.php” located inside the weaver-extreme folder of my site.

    Then I realised I might have to add the location path of the “template” folder located inside the Weaver-Extreme folder of my site. Which I did. I guess. But I was not sure where to put it exactly. So I put it instead of the first “my_template_location” of the php code you provided. It didn’t work. I tried between the brackets, didn’t work either.

    I develop locally using AMPPS. So the Weaver-Extreme template folder is located at the path : “C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\cleaninstalltest\wp-content\themes\weaver-xtreme\templates”. Should I put the whole path, or just “wp-content\themes\weaver-xtreme\templates” ? Should I not put it at all ?

    I’m lost.

    Sorry for the facepalming. ??

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Oh, that makes sense now!
    That was a total noob misunderstanding of my part.

    Thanks for your time! ??

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    I found something weird.

    I deleted the previously mentioned css code in WPPA settings ( Table IV-A15).

    I changed Table IX-L-2 from “A plain single photo” to “A photo with caption”. And the photo has a margin betweeen it and the text! I tried with the other IX-L-2 settings. All of them, except “A plain single photo”, let the margin appear.

    Could there be a bug with this setting?

    Thread Starter guiguilyon



    I went back to work and wanted to opt-out for the notifications.

    But I don’t see any opt-out link next to the “deactivate” link in plugins section of wp admin. Did it moved in a recent update or maybe I didn’t understand where to find it?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by guiguilyon.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by guiguilyon.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by guiguilyon.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by guiguilyon.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by guiguilyon.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by guiguilyon.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by guiguilyon.
    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Thanks for your reply!

    My settings for Table IX-L2,3 and 4 were : A plain single photo, 350, left.

    I added the code in Table IV-A15 and it works! I now have a nice margin between the text and photo! I had to reload the page twice after adding the CSS in WPPA settings for it to take effect on the post.

    Thank you very much! ??

    I haven’t noticed that it interferes with anything on my website. But just in case, where should I add this code if I ever need to? :

    .wppa-sphoto {
    margin: 0 10px 5px 0;

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Thank you very much! I was able to create a post grid with thunmbnails thanks to you!
    I’m very grateful for your great plugin! ??

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Yes! I think this would really help! I could do with the drawback.

    As long as the other users can either choose if [photo random] would be replaced by the [photo xxxx] shortcode or the html code, so they don’t have to deal with the drawback.

    Also I think this drawback should be mentionned in the option help.

    That would be a nice improvement! Thank you! ??

    Thread Starter guiguilyon


    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by guiguilyon.
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