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  • Thread Starter guiggster


    I finally fit gallery2 into my site, so it definitely can be done.

    Thread Starter guiggster


    transitionpete, you can have commenting on Pages. I think that’s how most people set up guestbook type Pages. AT least that’s how I set mine up [url][/url]. I don’t remember it being particularly difficult though I don’t have the code in front of me right now. If you still have problems, just ask me.

    Now…no more questions! I need answers. I’m setting up artists’ Pages and would like to have an area where people can comment on the sample work, and also where the artists can post upcoming shows from their own computers. Can anyone think of a better way to do this than pop commenting?

    Thread Starter guiggster


    dss: The thumbnails are simply an image called into the excerpt. I make the thumbs in photoshop and then slap a style class on it and throw it into the excerpt section of a new post. What I would love to see in wordpress is two excerpt sections, or a thumbnail tag AND an excerpt tag. Right now, I can’t have text excerpts because I’m using it for the thumb.

    haecceity: I hand coded everything. Pain in the ass to put it mildly. I am currently in the process of bending gallery2 to my will and layout, which is…well…a pain in the ass to put it mildly. Haven’t quite worked out the kinks. Plus it is way too powerful for what I actually need, but I’m already close to fitting it so I don’t want to pull out now.

    Thread Starter guiggster


    “Man that’s nice work. I felt a little awkward looking for the next post and don’t grasp the difference between latest post and latest entry on the front page but I really think you got something there. Nice.”

    This is the main complaint I’ve heard, and one that I thought of when I was redesigning my site. I guess I’m going to have to address it in the design soon. The names “Blog” and “Entries” is a bit confusing. The idea of the “Blog” is something I added when I integrated wordpress so that I could update more often and address smaller issues without a main theme. “Entries” is a continuation of the main section of my site which are basically short essays with a specific theme. Does anyone have better suggestions for naming these two separate blog categories? I thought the word “essay” might turn people off of reading it, “article” sounds too professional, and “long-winded diatribes about nothing of great significance” is too long.

    I appreciate the encouragement. I used this website to teach myself the basics of webdesign. I’m sure a lot of my source code is sloppy and some stuff is probably redundant or unnecessary, but I’m starting to get a little more confident with the code.

    dss and haecceity, which images or gallery are you talking about?

    Thread Starter guiggster


    Yeah. The problem is, I’m trying to integrate a php gallery (gallery2, actually) into my site layout. Until I do that, I’m linked to my old site for the media section. I’m being lazy and hoping that I set up a new media section before too long…meaning I don’t want to go in a change all of my navigation links in my old site. Not ideal, and I always hate seeing broken links, but….

    Thanks checking it out though!

    Thread Starter guiggster


    Ok, I fixed it. I also think I’m blacklisted from wordpress as not one of my questions has had a response in a week or so. Creepy.

    I’ll explain what I did to fix this on the off chance someone stumbles on this page looking for help.

    The strange part, of course, was that this problem only occured in php. I used the same CSS for html and never had this problem. The problem was that my container div wasn’t centering in the browser window (despite having auto values for margin :right and :left). To fix this I put a text-align: center value in the body{ } style.

    Next, for the quirky divs that were supposed to float right of another div that was floating left, I simply included a clear: right to each of these. This popped them back up to their proper place. I hope this helps someone.

    I also still hope that my name doesn’t induce plague like associations in the forums, cause I really need help on a couple things. Like, why doesn’t the background image of my main div display in my popup comments. It used to. And why is their a line break in between the Search label and the search form? I sure do wish there weren’t…golly gee.



    I have a similar question perhaps. In my sidebar, how do I get rid of the line break between the “Search” label and the search form? this line break only occurs in IE.

    Thread Starter guiggster


    So, I solved the second part of my two-parter. But I’d still appreciate if someone could tell me about custom arrays. I read an article on it but I don’t know how to apply it. If I create a custom array saying Spring = ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’; where does this code go and how can I apply it to my get_archives?

    Actually, on the home page, I want the ‘Blog’ category to simply display the latest title. I want the ‘Entries’ category to display the title and excerpt. Clicking on the displayed title will bring you to my main template to read the one post per page specific category (i.e. “index.php/categories/Blog/” or “index.php/categories/Entries/” posts.

    Obviously at the bottom of the page there will be navigation to go to the previous Blog post, or Entries post, depending on which category you are in. This is what I’m having problems with.

    I want to mimic what I have in my current website except when I start using wordpress I’d like to have two different kinds of blogs going…but keep them separate.

    I appreciate your help. I’m a long way from being finished, but I’m starting to worry that I’ll have to stagger my questions so as not to look too needy.

    Alright. I guess I don’t know how to use that for my situation. I have a static home.php page. The main thing is I want to group my posts in two distinct categories…’blog’ and ‘entries.’ Then I want people to navigate through that category…one post per page. i.e. They will get the title of the most recent post in each category in home.php…this will lead them to the category which they can navigate through. Sorry if that was entirely repetitive.

    When I click on the category link the navigation works fine. When I try to link there from my home page loops the navigation doesn’t work, as I stated a couple posts above. Here is the code for my ‘static’ home page with loops.

    I’m sure I’ve been complicating matters in some way or another.

    Much appreciated. I’ll give that a try. The monkey’s in the mail. If it doesn’t get there, I blame customs…or the lack of holes in the box.

    I will send someone a rare species of monkey if they help me fix the multiple loop or direct me to a place where I can find the answer. I know others have asked the same thing but I can’t find the answer. I will look again.

    I will also hunt the monkey in preparation.

    I can’t understand why I can only find similar questions to this but never answers. I have a multiple loop that I use on a front page. It only shows the title and I want it to link to my categories. For example…”index.php/categories/blog/” as opposed to “index.php/categories/essays/”. I used the multiple loop and the first one links to my latest post in the “blog” category. Pressing the previous nav link makes the address change to blog/page/2 but it doesnt call the previous entry. When I click on the second loop to get to the “essays” category it goes to the latest post in the blog category and has the same nav link problem.

    I have tried different combinations of multiple loop code and it doesn’t work. There have been a bunch of similar questions in support but no concrete answers. Is it a problem with my query-ing on the front page? Or is it an issue of my nav links in my main template?

    I’m stuck.

    I have this same problem. Can anyone link to a thread where its been resolved?

    Thread Starter guiggster


    Well, I seem to have more luck on this thread. And I accidentally put the following in Installation questions and can’t figure out how to change it, so I’ll justask the question here:

    I am using popup commenting for my posts and break each post up into multiple pages with the <!–nextpage–> tag when necessary. I have removed the ability to write comments in the post page. Now when I click the page number that I would like to jump to, or the title of the post, there is no option to leave a comment. How do I show the “Comments (#)” link, for popup commenting, on each of these pages?

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