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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Account Suspended by Host Due to http ProblemsSorry to hear about your troubles. While you’re checking out hosting options, be sure to check out I’ve been using them for over a year, and I haven’t had any problems. They’ve been quick to respond to any support requests, and when their base hosting plan (which I have) got a bump in space and transfer limit, they upped my plan free of charge. Good luck!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments – Remembering commentors infoThere’s a fairly easy way to achieve this, check out the details here (courtesy of ColdForged).
Requires a basic understanding of modifying your theme.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: FYI: Permalinks issue solved at Network SolutionsI appreciate you taking the time to come back and post your solution. Though I haven’t had any problems with Permalinks myself, I’ve seen the large quantity of threads dealing with this issue and the large amount of frustration from regular users trying to get them to work. Hopefully this post will assist in helping others fix what has been thought to be unfixable. Thanks for sharing!
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Blogwidow is pretending it’s publishing your blogThe Semiologic Frame Buster plugin (yes, I know it’s a simple bit of javascript) works perfectly for me. It breaks out of the Blog Widow frame.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Comment picture script (c2c) problemI’m sorry, I told you wrong. I put my category image function call right after the closing
tag. Though I doubt that would make a difference for it to not be working. So my code looks like this:
<?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> <!-- by <?php the_author() ?> --></small><?php if (function_exists('c2c_the_category_image')) c2c_the_category_image(' ', '', 'gif png'); ?>
The only other silly question I want to ask is if the plugin is activated? You mentioned that you were to step 4 in the installation instructions, which is after the activation step, but I had to check.
Lastly, here’s the CSS that I use to style my category images:
.catimage {
float: right;
padding: 0 4px 0 4px;
}You will probably need to adjust the padding values, depending on your image sizes and site structure (when we get the plugin working). Hopefully someone else will chime in soon with a suggestion!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Lists in Kubrick commentsYou really don’t have to change themes to fix the problem. The CSS code that I posted above, namely the
font-weight: bold;
andlist-style: none;
are the two culprits for why your lists aren’t being formatted the way you like. Maybe I didn’t do a good job of explaining how to correct that.Find the style.css file in your theme’s folder. You mentioned using Kubrick, so as long as you didn’t change the default path, it should be located here: ‘/wp-content/themes/default/style.css’.
Open this file in Notepad or another text editor, and do a search or find for “.commentlist li”. In between the braces {}, replace the
font-weight: bold;
withfont-weight: none;
.Continue searching for “.commentlist li” until you see the
list-style: none;
code, and change that tolist-style: disc;
(refer to this site for other possible values).I think that will make things look the way you want them to. Of course, there could be other effects with modifying the above values, in which case you would need to add additional CSS or change other areas to get the right look that you desire.
EDIT: I noticed you are already working on your site and changing themes, which is great if that’s the way you’d like to go, but I think some simple CSS tweaks would have achieved what you wanted, and more easily. ??
SHAMELESS PLUG: Also, I highly recommend (in case you aren’t already using it) installing the Firefox web browser, and installing the Web Developer extension, which will let you edit your CSS and preview in realtime what the effects will be. That’s all for now, good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Comment picture script (c2c) problemTime for the obvious questions:
Did you create the appropriate folder to store your images (the default is ‘/wp-content/images’)? If so, did you upload images to this folder in the correct format? By correct format, I mean did you name the file the correct name to correspond with a category, and is the file extension the correct type (for example, in your case it could be a file named ‘audrey.jpg’)?
You may have already taken care of the above, but we gotta check the basic stuff before we look into more complicated reasons for it not working. If the image corresponding to a particular category doesn’t exist, the plugin will simply not display anything. This makes it appear as though it’s not working, but in fact it’s working perfectly!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Comment picture script (c2c) problemI’m not sure what you mean by “Main Template”, but you have to place the function call within the loop, and normally in the index.php file for your theme. When I say “within the loop”, I mean between these lines:
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>and this one:
<?php } endwhile; ?>
I use that particular plugin, and I placed the call immediately after the date stamp code for a post (I use the Kubrick theme):
<?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?>
Use this code to call the category image function only if the plugin is activated (prevents your site from doing weird things when a plugin is disabled):
<?php if (function_exists('c2c_the_category_image')) c2c_the_category_image(' ', '', 'gif png'); ?>
Check out my site for an example of the plugin in action. The images aligned to the right under a post title are the result of the plugin. I should also mention that you will want to add the appropriate CSS to format and align the images the way you like.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Lists in Kubrick commentsTo modify the style of your lists in the comments, simply refer to your theme’s stylesheet. Specifically, look for
.commentlist li
. There are several places in your style.css file that it is referred to. For instance, the following causes the font to appear bold:.commentlist li {
font-weight: bold;
}This next bit of code adjusts the margins and padding surrounding your list elements, and also removes the marker from appearing:
.commentlist li {
margin: 15px 0 3px;
padding: 5px 10px 3px;
list-style: none;
}Refer to this page for acceptable list-style values.
The font that is being displayed is not Courier. Your stylesheet includes the following:
.commentlist li, #commentform input, #commentform textarea {
font: 0.9em 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
}The font size and families are being set by the above code.
I hope that helps.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a plugin for this?Ugh. I fussed with the < code > tags on my post above for so long that I a couple of them stuck. In the above code examples, everything is correct except for the 2 < code >’s, so just omit them.
Sorry about that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a plugin for this?I actually just got this working on my site. I was seeing similar errors that have been reported in other threads, so I decided to try to do things a little differently and I was able to get it to work.
Now, I don’t use the full features of this plugin, I just wanted the “X new posts and X new comments” banner, not any of the images or text next to posts or comments, etc.
Also, I’m using the default Kubrick theme (though heavily modified).
In my header.php, I have this:
<code><?php wp_head(); ?>
<?php if (function_exists('ak_last_visit')) : ?>
<?php echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'; ?><?php bloginfo('siteurl'); ?><?php echo '/wp-content/plugins/wp-last-visit.php?type=js"></script>'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</head>The first and last lines of code above are simply to show the placement of my plugin code.
In my sidebar.php where I want the information to show up, I have this:
<code><?php if (function_exists('ak_last_visit')) : ?>
<li><h2>Welcome Back</h2>
<script type="text/javascript">slvBanner();</script>
<?php endif; ?>The “if (function_exists())” removes the extraneous code (h2, ul, li) from showing on my site if I deactivate the plugin.
I hope this helps!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Kubrick and Firefox 1.1 Alphaplucky:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511
(my string did not have the “Firefox/1.0.4”)
I have quite a few extensions installed, but I don’t see how any of those would alter the rendering of a page or the CSS. I’ve tried two different installs of Firefox 1.0.4, but they both have a similar set of extensions. Just for kicks, I’ll try a bare install of Firefox on another box, and see how that compares.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Kubrick and Firefox 1.1 Alphaalphaoide: Now that’s truly perplexing…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Kubrick and Firefox 1.1 Alphaplucky: When I visit using the Firefox 1.0.4 browser, the footer is off by 1 pixel. Reviewing the CSS, I see that there IS a padding value for the footer that is causing that misalignment.
When I use IE 6 to view, everything looks aligned properly. I don’t have the latest Firefox alpha installed, and I’m not very trusting of early software builds anyway.
I may not have been very clear in my previous post, but I suspect you will please either the IE visitors, or any other visitor, depending on if you leave the padding line in or remove it.
I don’t have other web browsers installed to do further tests, but I am curious how others render that theme.
Also, I don’t think this can be classified as a “bug” in relation to the browser you are using or the theme that’s being used. It’s simply one of the consequences of having a multitude of web browsers and individuals with differing preferences that causes designers to include checks and balances to accomodate all of the possibilities.
*whew*, that was too wordy for a Monday… ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Kubrick and Firefox 1.1 AlphaEDIT: The above 2 posts snuck in as I was writing mine.
Actually, this “problem” lies with the Kubrick theme. Apparently, a “fix” was incorporated to accomodate Internet Explorer, but compliant browsers (like Firefox) appear as though they’re rendering it incorrectly.
If you look at any WordPress install that uses Kubrick as the theme, the footer is misaligned by 1 pixel (except in IE). This is due to the ‘padding: 0 0 0 1px;’ line in the style.css file for that theme. It adds a 1 pixel pad to the left side of the footer, causing it to appear as shown in the image above. Since I’m using Firefox now (v1.0.4), and I prefer standards compliance, I’ve modified my style.css to remove the padding. Now my IE users see a misalignment, but everything looks hunky-dory to me! ??