Hi thanks for the answer. This is an example.
i’ve set on the plugin those shipment step:
0-30 kg fixed fee 9.90 € – no shipping rate
30.01-50 kg fixed fee 14.90 € – no shipping rate
> 50.01 kg fixed fee 14.90 € – 0.49 shipping rate – 1 kg step
now i have 1 or 2 special shipment class that can i add to products:
Free – if i set this class on one product, only that product has free shipping
promo10 – if i set this class on one product, only that product has 10 € shipping
Naturally when i insert products on the cart, the system must understand that product one has free class (free), product two has promo10 class (10€) and the other products that don’t have special class have regular weight shipment.
I hope that now is clear. Much difficult to explain that to do ??
Many thanks!!!!