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  • Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    Thanks for you help Michael! I reviewed over conditional tags and I am loving them! They are extremely powerful and I can’t wait to map out ideas for them in the future! I got everything squared away with title tags, meta descriptions and keywords, and a whole slew of other things.

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    Need to look at the Conditional Tags is_home() and is_front_page().

    Where in my files do I add conditional tags?

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    That’s great, but do you think it would be helpful that when you do figure something out, you tell other people how you did it?


    Good idea. Sorry about not doing that. Here’s what I had to do.

    1) Since my server does not allow mod_deflate or mod_gzip, I had to compress the jsquery script with PHP. I created a file and placed it in my root directory called gzip.php. Within the file is this code:

    ob_start ("ob_gzhandler");
    if( isset($_REQUEST['file']) ){
    $file = $_REQUEST['file'];
    if( goodfile($file) ){
    $ext = end(explode(".", $file));
    case 'css':$contenttype = 'css';break;
    case 'js':$contenttype = 'javascript';break;
    header('Content-type: text/'.$contenttype.'; charset: UTF-8');
    header ("cache-control: must-revalidate");
    $offset = 60 * 60;
    $expire = "expires: " . gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset) . " GMT";
    header ($expire);
    $data = file_get_contents($file);
    $data = compress($data);
    echo $data;
    function goodfile($file){
    if( file_exists($file) ) return true;
    return false;
    function compress($buffer) {
    $buffer = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $buffer);
    $buffer = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", '  ', '    ', '    '), '', $buffer);
    return $buffer;

    I then added this to my .htaccess file:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^(.*).js$ pathtoyourwebsite/gzip.php?file=$1.js [L]

    Now all my scripts are compressed. I still have not figured out how to combine the external scripts, but I am pleased with them all being compressed. Saves a lot of space. Hope this is helpful!


    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    Issue fixed.

    This line in my .htaccess file was the culprit:

    RewriteRule ^(.*).js$ .../gzip.php?file=$1.js [L]

    Since my server doesn’t enable compression, had to do it manually with PHP. Apparently it was blocking images. I removed the line, logged out of WordPress, logged back in, and everything was fine. I proceeded to re-add the line and the images are still there in good order. Not really sure what happened, but it is fixed now.

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    Have you tried re-uploading the complete wp-admin directory? preferably from a fresh downloaded and locally unzipped set of WP and with an FTP program.

    Tried that, but didn’t work either. Any other suggestions?

    Nice website man! I’m impressed with all the technical goodies you offer.

    I’m definitely sending a few of my friends a link to this site. They are nuts about zombies, and I am sure they would love reading your stuff. I like the layout – stylish and easy to navigate.

    You have a good looking site built Matt! I’m impressed!

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    The images are contained within the wp-admin/images folder. Even after clearing my browser cache the images are not showing up. Anything else I can do?

    Also, just made a new post, and I noticed that while I was making the post, the visual post icons (like center, right align, left align, etc.) were not showing up either.

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    UPDATE: Got it fixed up enough to get a low A/high B on Yslow.

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin



    Figured out how to get Google’s Minify uploaded into my site and compressed my style.css sheet. Now I have an issue that is bugging the absolute fool out of me..maybe someone can help. I need to compress a .css and .js file to get my site to near optimal potential, which are:


    However, I cannot find either of these files located in the <head> tag of my header.php file. But I know they are located in the <head> tag because when I view the source code for my home page, they are tucked away in the <head> tag. How do I go about about editing those things which I cannot see in my theme editor. My guess is they are located in some HTML thing that I cannot seem to access. Can anyone help me? It’s driving me nuts!

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    Ok, I got it down to 9 external JS and still 4 external CSS. I still need help on how to combine these into single JS and CSS files, minifying and compressing to speed up upload time. Also, I have 3 files that are not compressing:


    None of these files are compressing..if they would compress, that almost 100k of space I could save. Can anybody help me with this? I’m still using WP Minify, and I’ve tried adding these specific files to the plugin, but it still will not compress them. I know there is a way to do this, but I just don’t know how. Your help is greatly appreciated!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Hiding Pingbacks
    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    edit a post
    scroll to bottom
    check mark to disallow pingbacks

    Will that disallow all pingbacks, including ones from other sites? Or will it still allow pingbacks and just hide them from the public?

    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    Thanks for letting me know. I’ll start working to see about a resolution for it!


    Thread Starter Thomas Griffin


    There appears to be some cross browser issues between FF and IE.

    What issue were you having with IE?

    Thanks for your comments. I have about 10-15 articles I am finishing up for the site, hopefully to post them by Sunday. The blurb idea is a good one. I will work on implementing that.


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