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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Hide Shipping class optionThis is very likely the same as the issue I am facing. See
There is something very strange going on with shipping in v8.6.1 ..
I have one delivery method Standard contained in two shipping zones, USA and Canada, and each method contains two shipping classes small-item and large-item.
Standard for USA and Canada has default cost blank — not defined and NOT zero.
Standard for USA has small-item $1 and large-item $2
Standard for Canada has small-item $4 and large-item N/A (not defined)
I put 1 x small-item and 1 x large-item in cart.
On checkout for CANADA I get shipping Standard = $4 !!!!!!!!!! So the shipping calculation is $0 for the large item, even though I have not defined shipping to Canada for this class!
Selecting a large-item for Canada should invalidate the shipping calculation – not provide free shipping for that item!
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by gregorybuck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] multiple shipping options displayingFolks, there is a lot of chatter here, and we’re losing focus. Let me distill this down to a simple question:
Why, when I have TWO products in my cart with different shipping classes for different shipping methods, does woo display ONE shipping at the checkout, even if my shipping zone calculation type is PER CLASS. This makes no sense.
What if I have one product (A) that offers Standard shipping, and another (B) that also offers Expedited shipping [these are different shipping methods], and BOTH are in the cart? With only one shipping in the cart, it’s impossible to select Standard for A and Expedited for B!!!!!!
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by gregorybuck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Separate shipping classes not shown in cart or checkoutHi boatgirl3
You said: “I added a new shipping class called Flat Rate $10.95 for a new product and this product is displaying BOTH Free Shipping & Flat Rate $10.95. I cant seem to get rid of the Free Shipping option for this product only.”
This is EXACTLY the problem. It applies equally if you put 1 x free shipping and 6 x $10.95 shipping into the cart — you will be given an option to select “Free” and that will apply to all the products in the cart! What should happen is that the 6 x $10.95 products should have a separate shipping amount to the Free product, ie: Shipping and Shipping2, NOT just Shipping.
In other words, the checkout should show a separate “Shipping” per shipping class.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by gregorybuck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Separate shipping classes not shown in cart or checkoutHi boatgirl3
I think you are seeing the same issue as me. Free shipping is overriding everything, so it’s always showing up in the zone, no matter what. If you don’t have free shipping on products in the zone, then free shipping is STILL being displayed as an option. This is a bug.
TRY THIS: take TWO different products, one with free shipping and one without free shipping. Now go to your cart. What do you see? Both the free and the not free shipping options, and if free is chosen it applies to BOTH products, even though only one of them should have free shipping — this is my problem, illustrated by the two different cart shipping layouts illustrated in my earlier posts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Separate shipping classes not shown in cart or checkoutI have a separate link to illustrate the shipping zones/methods/classes configured in this case to assist with illustrating the problem.
If I have products in my cart liked to two different shipping classes – it makes no sense if the two shipping options and prices are not displayed separately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] multiple shipping options displayingI am seeing the same problem, and I definitely have different shipping classes set up for different products and shipping options. There is a bug here. Seems to be that woo is not separating out the shipping classes into different Shipping sections in the checkout. If I have products in the cart that are associated with different shipping classes, then I expect to see different shipping options for each of the product types, not different options applied to all products. See my post at
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Separate shipping classes not shown in cart or checkoutThanks for the reply, but it does not explain the issue I am seeing. It seems to me that all shipping methods for the zone are being displayed for all products in the cart, even if some of those methods do not apply to some of the products in the cart.
There appears to be another issue raised on this forum today covering the same problem — see Here we see that if “Free” is offered for any of the products in the cart, it is being displayed as if it applied to all products in the cart. I am seeing the same issue. This is a bug!
Let me simplify the explanation — I have two products from different manufacturers offering different shipping choices:
One product — shipping class 1 — where Standard and Express shipping are offered, and another product — shipping class 2 — where Standard shipping is offered but not Express
What I am seeing in the cart is that Standard and Express shipping appear to be being offered for both products, which is incorrect.
My shop
Cart containing 2 x shower curtain and 1 x bathmat looks like this which is incorrect, because expedited shipping is not offered for bathmats.
Older version of my shop at, for exactly the same product selection — and with all plugins updated to be the same as, looks like this which is CORRECT because the two different products are offered by different manufacturers with different shipping options.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] $0 flat rate shipping not shown on cart or checkoutWoo shipping documentation at “How to set up Free Shipping for some products and Flat Rate for the rest” provides an example of a shipping class with Cost $0.00 and Shipping Class Cost $0 * [qty], but this does not work. A product with that shipping class will show no shipping options in the cart. The only way to get a shipping option is to make the Shipping Class Cost formula evaluate to a number > 0, for example “$0.01 * [qty]”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] $0 flat rate shipping not shown on cart or checkoutcarolm — I am setting the Flat Rate cost to zero because I want to disable it — and use the shipping class cost instead — as described in the documentation. But if I set any shipping class cost to zero then there are no shipping options shown in the cart for that shipping class. There is only an option shown if the shipping class cost > 0.
So it seems I can only have free (zero cost) shipping for an entire zone, and not for a single shipping class in the zone.
This is my problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] $0 flat rate shipping not shown on cart or checkoutHi carolm — yes I am trying to set Free shipping, but not for every shipping class in the shipping zone.
To use Free shipping in the way you describe, I need to have a “Free shipping” method for the shipping zone — and it seems to me that ALL purchases in that zone now have free shipping.
What I am trying to do is have two products, where ONE has free shipping in the USA zone, but the OTHER has a shipping charge in the same zone.
If I configure shipping classes so that ONE has a cost of $0, and the other a cost of $10, the one with the cost of $0 has no shipping options displayed so it cannot be purchased.
If I change the $0 to $0.01, then this item now has a shipping option ($0.01) displayed, so it can be purchased.
Therefore, I think that having a Flat Rate shipping method with $zero cost doesn’t work, so the only way to have Free shipping is to have it apply to ALL purchases in the shipping zone?
Am I missing something?