Forum Replies Created
Sorry, I found the problem!
I deleted the page where I placed the calendar and that was defined in settings page.
After redefining the new calendar page it started working again.Hallo Support, I have the exact same problem!
All of a sudden I get this same error.###########
Etwas ging schief beim abholen der Events.
Der Status ist: 404
Der ausgel?ste Fehler war:
Click here for technical details
###########Please help!
Regards, GregorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] adding shordcodeHello I think I found it:
. do_shortcode( ‘[job_field8]’ ) .
does the job!!!
GregorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [job_id] shortcode not workingSorry for talking so much!!
I could not help me other than uploading the old WP 4.2.2 shortcode.php file to the server and… IT WORKS!
I know this is bad and I should not do this!!
Best regards
GregorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [job_id] shortcode not workingHello Thomas, bad news!
just found this on WordPress > Shortcode API:
Starting with version 4.2.3, similar limitations were placed on use of shortcodes inside HTML. For example, this shortcode will not work correctly because it is nested inside a scripting attribute:
The suggested workaround for dynamic attributes is to design a shortcode that outputs all needed HTML rather than just a single value. This will work better:
[link onclick=”tag”]
Seams like there is no easy solution for me (my client) other than change the way the job listings show on his web site. (no accordion but simple list style ?? )
or do you have any suggestion how to get arround this WP >4.2.3 restriction?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [job_id] shortcode not workingHello Thomas, bad news (for me!)
just found this on WP >> Shortcode API:
Starting with version 4.2.3, similar limitations were placed on use of shortcodes inside HTML. For example, this shortcode will not work correctly because it is nested inside a scripting attribute:
<a onclick="[tag]">
The suggested workaround for dynamic attributes is to design a shortcode that outputs all needed HTML rather than just a single value. This will work better:
[link onclick="tag"]
And more here: there is no easy solition for me (my client) other than change the way the job listings show on his site (no accordion).
Or do you have any suggestion?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [job_id] shortcode not workingOk some more tests done!
looks like the shortcodes (none of them: job_id, job_title, …) gets printed when placed inside these brackets <…>
I have now added this to the template:
Test1: [job_id]
Test2: < [job_id] >and the output in the pages source code is:
<p>Test1: 5677
Test2: < ></p>looks like these brackets let the value disapear.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [job_id] shortcode not workingHello Thomas,
WordPress got updated and some plugins, but even de-activating all plugins does not bring back [job_id]’s the output.
What do you mean with “try removing Job ID shortcode”?
If I remove it I have the same as now: no Job id value … or do I get you wrong?I just did some test and it is strange.
When I put the [job_id] further down in the template editor it shows a value, only inside the link and div class it prints nothing??!!This is what I have:
START#######################################################<strong>Aktuell suchen wir zum schnellstm?glichen Termin:</strong> <div class='shortcodes-accordion' id='pacc5050a3cb6efc6' style='width:100%'> [job_loop] <div class='accordion-group'><div class='accordion-heading'> <a href='#[job_id]' class='accordion-toggle' data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#pacc5050a3cb6efc6">[job_title] - Ausschreibung vom: [job_field8]</a></div> <div id='[job_id]' class='accordion-content collapse'> <div class='accordion-inner'> [if_job_categories] <strong>Kategorie:</strong> [job_category_links] [/if_job_categories] TEST: [job_id] <<<---- THIS ONE IS THE ONLY THAT SHOWS THE ID!!!! <p><strong>[job_field1_label]</strong><br />[job_field1]</p> <p><strong>[job_field2_label]</strong><br />[job_field2]</p> <p><strong>[job_field3_label]</strong><br />[job_field3]</p> <p><strong>[job_field4_label]</strong><br />[job_field4]</p> <p><strong>[job_field7_label]</strong><br />[job_field7]</p> <p><strong>[job_field6_label]</strong><br />[job_field6]</p> <p><a href='[job_id]/' style ='background-color:#2D61A6; border-radius:3px; -moz-border-radius:3px; color:#ffffff; border:1px solid #2D61A6;' class='button small'> Jetzt bewerben </a></p> </div> </div> </div> [/job_loop] </div> [if_job_page_count] <div class="job-nav"> <div class="previous">[job_page_previous_link]Page [job_page_previous_number][/job_page_previous_link]</div> <div class="this">Jobs [job_page_minimum]-[job_page_maximum] of [job_total]</div> <div class="next">[job_page_next_link]Page [job_page_next_number][/job_page_next_link]</div> </div> [/if_job_page_count]
The job_id does ONLY show in ONE of the FOUR places.
Not in the first two (Tab/Div) and ALSO NOT in the Job-Apply-Link.
No value visible.Even if I don’t pur ‘…’ or “…” around the [job_id], it does not show the value.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kebo Twitter Feed] maybe I am just blind but…Wow, thanks for taking the time to get me sorted!
I updated to the latest version but when I copy view.php into a new folder mytheme/views/ and rename it to kebo-twitter-list.php I get a:
Sorry, no Tweets were found.
As soon as I delete the kebo-twitter-list.php file from the mytheme/views/ folder it starts working again.
First I thought it was of some modification I did to the original view.php file but it does the same using the new view.php that came with the latest update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kebo Twitter Feed] maybe I am just blind but…Hi Peter, thats great new!
how would I limit the characters in the kebo-twitter-list.php copy for example?
GregorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kebo Twitter Feed] maybe I am just blind but…Hello Peter,
thanks for your outstanding support!
I have another problem I cant find a solution in the docs, could be my blindness again ??
How do I limit the number of characters that show in the shortcode? I would like to shoe only the first…hmm lets say… 80 characters of the tweets – but cant find a setting.
GregorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kebo Twitter Feed] maybe I am just blind but…Okay ??
Sorry, I missed the “Other Notes” Tab completely!
One more question, can I add a template to the list (list/slider/myown) by just copy the list.php to myown.php or here else do I have to modify?
Thanks again for the very quick response!!
GregorForum: Plugins
In reply to: Show custom taxonomy in existing widgetYou see, I found the answer myself and it was an easy one if one knows how WP works (and/or where to look).
the function I hoped for really exists:
the_terms( $post->ID, ‘region’, ‘Region:’, ‘ / ‘ );
thanks anyway!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Show custom taxonomy in existing widgetAh Ok,
I thought my question was more “General WP API” than theme or widget specific!
Just want to know:
How to generally get an taxonomy value to show in an (any) widget template – if you want ??I hoped there was something simple like the_taxonomy(‘region’)”
sorry to have asked!
Hi Marcus,
If you mean: “include in WordPress Searches?” it was set to NO! But I changed it now to YES and this did the trick! Seams to work now!!!!
Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction !!!!