Forum Replies Created
@jssox I just wanted to check back with you to see if you tried the css solution, and if that worked out for you? Thanks Rew (Greenweb)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Heads Up Bar] [Plugin: Easy Heads Up Bar] Just stopped workingdanetidwell any updates to your problem?
Hi jssox the Easy Heads Up Bar does not offer that feature.
But this is a super easy thing to achieve via CSS.Every post or page in wordpress has a unique class generated off the post id.
This is attached to the body tag
Just locate the post id and add the following CSS to your theme’s style sheet (style.css)In my example my post or page’s ID is 145 so the class is .postid-145
<body class="single postid-145">
body.postid-145 #ehu_bar { display: none; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Heads Up Bar] [Plugin: Easy Heads Up Bar] Just stopped workingHi danetidwell,
I’ll need a bit more info trouble shoot this one.
Did the bar work at first?
Did anything change on the server?Did you change themes?
Are you getting any JS errors?Is the bar scheduled to display? Check the start and end dates of the bar.
What is the web address of the affected page?
Please post the web address of the page where the bar is supposed to be
or email me at support(at) if you don’t want the address public.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Plugin codification@silve992
This question has already been answered here: Plugins
In reply to: [Toggle Box] [Plugin: Toggle Box] Breaks WordPress's visual editor@ittybittyrush I moved onto WP UI, it works great.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [heyyou] [Plugin: heyyou] PHP error on activationHi davidsword, I was installing it off WordPress’s built-in installer.
I assume it was the latest version.Cheers
Thanks Kevin did not see your post I must have been typing at the same time as you.
Fixed it – the theme was loading an outdated version of jQuery. Removed that and it works perfectly.
Thanks for the great plugin 5 stars guys!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Sign Up] [Plugin: Easy Sign Up] not workingHi Stefano the Easy Sign Up plugin does not add user accounts to the wordpress database:
Easy Sign Up is a very simple two field form that collects the name and email.
Once filled out it redirects your user to a web-page of your choosing.
You’ll be notified by an email containing the name and email address from the form.
This data is not stored by the plugin – but there is an extra for that.
Your user will receive an email thanking them for the submission.
You can customize this email in the setting panel in your Dashboard.If you need to know about extra’s visit this website:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Sign Up] [Plugin: Easy Sign Up] not workingHi Stefano this is from the Easy Sign Up plugin description:
Easy Sign Up is a very simple two field form that collects the name and email.
Once filled out it redirects your user to a web-page of your choosing.
You’ll be notified by an email containing the name and email address from the form.
This data is not stored by the plugin – but there is an extra for that.
Your user will receive an email thanking them for the submission.
You can customize this email in the setting panel in your Dashboard.For your email issue: This comes from the support forum.
Issue resolved this Post is for anyone else who may run into the same issue:
Looks like the ISP or Email Service Provider was blocking the site owners Notification Email.
Fixed by changing the Notification Email Address in the settings page for the Easy Sign Up Plugin.
Other Possible fixes could be:
1) Check your Spam folders
2) Add the email address, and if possible the IP address of your website to your “Safe List”. Your Email Provider should provide you with instructions on how to do this.For Context see this link:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RecipeCan Recipes] [Plugin: RecipeCan Recipes] Custom Post typesIt looks like the plugin adds a record to the WordPress options table that adds info to rewrite_rules, this clashes with custom post type’s permalinks – too bad I really love idea of this plugin but I’ll wait and see if there is an update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Heads Up Bar] Target Blank or New TabThanks for the suggested feature – I’ll defiantly add that to an update.
Hi CreativeWP, great suggestion I’ll add it to the update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Heads Up Bar] [Plugin: Easy Heads Up Bar] Scary stuffWow that is odd.
Could you list the other plugins you have installed
If you have a premium or free theme what is it?
If it is a custom theme can you zip it up and email it to me? rew ( at ) greenvilleweb.usAlso what version of WordPress are you using and what is your server running? If you don’t know just email me your URL and I’ll figure it out from there.