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  • I’m having the same issue. It had worked initially, but after I had deleted a zone and created another one I can’t apply a background color to a sticky or non-sticky header. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin to no avail. When I change the background color, save and go back to it, it reverts back to white. The header never changes color. Neither can I change the hover color on the menu no matter what menu style I select. It stays at #ff3366.

    Hi Dan,

    I just successfully tested the plugin. I was able to post from my site hosted on to a site on Double check the categories that you have allowed for syndication. I selected all categories. Also, double-check your address, user name and password. I used the full address with the https:// prefix. Passwords are case sensitive. Beyond that, I’m not sure what else to tell you.

    I took a screenshot:

    Why do you want to post to both WordPress sites at the same time? Most people want to share their posts via Twitter, Facebook, or Linked which can be done via the Publicize module within the awesome JetPack plugin.

    It’s normal that “Upon posting a new entry to my WP Blog, it does not show up in my WP site”, because there is no active connection between the two site. The previous posts show up because you imported them.

    To push or sync posts from your WordPress site to your blog will require a plugin. I found three that may do the job:

    This is is the most recent and most popular:

    Here are the other two if the one above doe snot work for you:

    I also have Peters Post Notes installed but cannot replicate your errors.

    The line of code being referenced is:

    // How many pages of content are there?
        $ppn_total_pages = ceil($ppn_num_newest_posts / $ppn_num_notes_limit);

    The ppn_num_notes_limit refers to the number of note sto display on the dashboard which can be set to zero for unlimited display. I usually have it set to 5, but tried 0 or nothing at all which resulted in 0.However, I could not produce the errors.

    What version of WordPress are you running? What version of PHP is installed on your server? Have you tried troubleshooting to see if there is a plugin or theme conflict, meaning deactivating all plugins except peter’s post notes and seing the error is still generated? If not, reactivate one plugin at a time and see which plugin is the culprit. If you have a lot of plugins it could be a tedious process, but it is an effective method.

    The easy stuff first.The link on the is not coded correctly. They have the address of your site, but the underlying link is:

    It should be:

    As for the upgrade, it does not look like the Magazine Basic theme as changed that much and from the outside it does not appear that you have that many plugins installed, so chance are that nothing negative will happen when you update and you should update for he reasons I noted previously.

    For peace of mind you should have a backup of your site and database. GoDaddy does not appear to offer any easy method for doing this. For someone who describes herself as a “disaster at back-end stuff” I would recommend using the following plugin: WordPress Backup for Dropbox (

    It is a popular plugin, well documented and supported. There are also instructions for restoring your site. You do need a Dropbox account, but you can get a free one and it should be sufficient for your site.

    There is a similar plugin for Google Drive, but it is not as popular or well documented:

    Good luck.

    In general it is a good practice to keep your theme and plugins up to date because of improved security , compatibility, and performance. How long is a “long time”? Definitely backup your site and know how to restore it before doing a update in case something breaks. You won’t loose your plug-ins and your widgets won’t be lost, but they may not appear where you want if the theme has changed the location of the sidebars, but that is unlikely.

    For peace of mind you could create what’s called a staging or test server. You can do this on your local computer. You can use the free Duplicator plugin to create a copy of your site and install it within MAMP (for Macs), WAMP or XAMPP (for Windows). For something that is little more user friendly, use DektopServer by The $50 premium version is necessary to import the Duplicator backup, but it would be $50 well spent because it could spare you a headache and lost time.

    Could you be more specific about what trouble you are having with links to the site?

    Can you share a link to this site? Are you talking about using a pre-existing link to a page that has “blog” within the url address? You may need to create a redirect rule that allows you to use pre-existing urls to navigate to older pages that had “blog” in the url.

    Yes, of course there is no .htaccess file on a Windows server and there is your problem. Fortunately there is a resolution. This is all the same problem as this other topic:

    If you’re using IIS and don’t have apache and mod-rewrite, you need to modify your web.config file.



    IMHO, WordPress works best on on a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP), so I personally avoid Windows servers if I can. Linux is simply less expensive, more secure, better performing, and easier.

    You should examine your server’s error logs and look for a recent fatal error. Are you sure there was only one update and that there were no other plugin or theme updates? Were there other plugins that you updated recently. They may have only manifested problems now and the Post Expirator is fine.

    This is another good reason to have a process in place for either backing up your site and being able to restore it or having a staging/testing version of your site to first test any updates before applying them to a production site.

    For instance, Duplicator is a great plugin for quickly copying a site. Desktop server is another good tool.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Need a plugin

    Sound like you are looking for a e-commerce/shopping cart plugin. Here are some popular free ones:

    Since you are new to WordPress, I would strongly encourage you to take the time to get familiar with it. There is some much more you can do so much faster than you could ever before building sites with Dreamweaver. There are some good books about WordPress, see

    My favorite introductory text is Lisa Sabin-Wilson’s WordPress for Dummies. She provides an excellent overview of the WordPress world. The latest is the 5th edition:

    How are you trying to access the dashboard of the sub-site? Via the ../my-newsite/wp-admin url? Try to see if you can access it via the backend, via the network admin menus.

    Do you have a redirect plugin installed? Have you made any edits to your .htaccess file?
    Here is what the default multisite .htaccess looks like:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /worship/
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule  ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
    RewriteRule  ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    Yours may include additional rules if you have installed a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache or SuperCache.

    To get this straight, you have installed WordPress within a sub-folder named “blog” within the root of your domain? It’s been there a year and now you have recently enabled multisite and added a second site which resides in “subfolder” and you cannot access it?

    Is this the latest version of WordPress (3.5.1)? Are you sure all plugins are disabled. If they are network enabled, they are going to be active on all sites. By default, the default theme (Twenty Twelve or Twenty Eleven) will be enabled. Did you happen to deactivate the default theme?

    You may want to start over, either delete the new site and add it again or add a third site. Carefully confirm each step long the way. Do it with all plugins disabled and using the default theme. Change one variable at a time and preview the site at each step along the way. If that fails, enable debug and browse the error logs for clues. Good luck.

    MySQL has no limit on the number of databases or tables. Individual storage engines may impose engine-specific constraints. InnoDB permits up to 4 billion tables. The effective maximum table size for MySQL databases is usually determined by operating system constraints on file sizes, not by MySQL internal limits. Modern versions of Linux can support terabyte and petabyte file sizes.

    Individual sites use a minimum of 9 tables, more with certain plugins added. Bluehost has a limit of 3000 tables per account which is very low, but that gives you about 333 sites. You usually won’t have to worry able scaling your DB until 500 sites. But it really depends on the size of the tables and the number of queries. You’ll experience memory constraints long before you approach the limits of the database. It’s something that is going to vary and needs to be monitored.

    From Ipstenu on “Best way to remove /blog slug Wordress 3.4 Multisite”
    JUNE 17, 2012:

    Edit the site via network admin -> sites

    Click on settings and scroll till you find the permalink settings.

    Remove “blog”.

    Now bear in mind, should you ever change permalinks on the main site, you will have to go back and do that again.

    This works on 3.5 as well. The reason that the “blog” slug is present in the first place is to avoid possible conflicts with your secondary sites and categories. For example, you have a post on the main site with a slug called “hotdogs” and then you have a secondary site or category named “hotdogs” you will have a conflict. Just something to be aware of.

    Multiple databases are not easier to manage. If you need an example of a multisite site that scales, take a look at If you reach the point that a single database is not sufficient, then consider using HyperDB which supports millions of tables across thousands of database servers. It is a plugin written by and supported by Automattic, so I think it would be safe to use.

    However, before you become too concerned about scaling your database, if you are going to try to grow a large social network, first focus on performance and caching. W3 Total Cache or Supercache are good plugins to start with. Then beyond that I would consider nginx or Varnish. Managed hosts, such as, WP Engine or ZippyKid take care of those things for you.

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