Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.1 upgrade results in fatal errorHave you read the 3.1 sticky? Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 500 Internal Server Error on logging in admin consoleYou will need to contact your host/provider
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Helping Fix Bugs – How do I start?That’s probably not a bad place to start. are several ways now to contribute. Theme testing, codex updating, submitting patches.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 500 Internal Server Error on logging in admin consoleYou have set one of the options ‘siteurl’ or ‘home’ to an incorrect value. You can fix this by accessing the database directly by whatever means is available to you (through your host?)
Find your wp_options table and change the optional_value back to the original value.
Or if you really wanted to do this, and you weren’t just having play, the process of moving the site is documented (and you could complete it) Hacks
In reply to: Set Maximum Number of Images AllowedNothing springs to mind. I guess for most people they would make a theme templates that pulls in on so many images (8 in your case). I can’t think of anything in WP Media that restricts by frequency rather than size.
There is nothing in the docs at the moment that indicates you could add a ‘limnit’ to the query inside the short code. Even if you could you would need to add a filter to force it on all the time. there is a filter on query_posts that can check if you are doing a gallery loop, and add a limit there?
Then there is still the whole front end to consider. Users can still upload as many as they like, you just wouldn’t be using them all.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Set Maximum Number of Images AllowedDo you mean something like this plugins:
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: stuck on loop custom post_typeJust in case!
Cammy, alvaron’s article is good. I believe 1) it is important that you have WP3.1 for their new CPT and CT wp_query support and 2) make sure query_var is true.
Listening to some presentations, this is the way that WP encourage use of the query object.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Where is page template info in database?I was doing some MU data migration for an old MU site site (pre 3.0), and did something like this:
$new_post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata); update_post_meta($new_post_id, '_wp_page_template', 'my-page-template.php')
It may need tweaking for 3.0+ goodness, but hopefully it’s a helpful pointer in the right direction!
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Adding Tags to Posts in BulkPerhaps build a plugin that loops through your post IDs, and use wp_set_object_terms to append terms to those posts?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: What Should 2011 Hold for WordPress?This is probably all repeated, but I’ll chuck in ma penneth ??
– Can Media section be replaced using Custom Post Type?
– Many-many wp_posts relationships
– Switch from svn to git
– Expand on theme and plugin parentage
– Better user profile management. Strip out everything except core requirements and allow plugins/themes to expand into whatever is needed. These can then be incorporated into core later, if needed.
– More search hook availability.
– Development tools (e.g. approved framework list, unit testing) for themes and pluginsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Articalise] Problem with articalise link in postVersion 1.3.0 is available to download. Fixes the Articalise mini-menu/navigation and it should also fix taxonomy slug link (from your first post).
Added a few options to the setting menu so you can control the behaviour a little better.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Articalise] Problem with articalise link in postIt’s because articalise menu for the first post is being added to all the next posts (it just checks once, then WP filters the menu in every time). I should be able to to fix that.
Also, your taxonomy slugs should be /archives/articalise/slug (e.g. I’ll have a look at fixing that too.
Not had a chance to any WP this weekend, but will look into in the next few days.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Articalise] Problem with articalise link in postI’ve added an admin screen: Settings->Articalise Options.
You can now set it to add before, after (or both) the post content.
Have also added a wrapping div and given it a left/right class (but that needs some css to make it work).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Articalise] Problem with articalise link in post@craig Glad you like the plugin!
The taxonomy slug problem ( – does it ‘fix itself’ if you go to Settings->Permalinks and hit ‘Save Changes’ (without changing anything). It may be that the rewrite rules need updating.
Positioning the mini-menu optionally pre- or post- post should be possible. The left or right justification might be difficult to do nicely, without clashing with the theme design. However, I’ll admit, I’m not a CSS guru.