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  • Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Error

    Can you please post a link to the site where you are experiencing this error?



    front-page.php is really easy to work with. When you include it in your theme it will replace any other templates related to the homepage.

    In your front-page.php remove everything in there except for the header and footer references. Anything in the middle is yours to do whatever you want with, you don’t need to display blog posts if you don’t want to.

    Do you have a visual example of what you want to achieve? As Andrew said we can give you some recommendations or point you in the right direction.

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Error


    Can you try disabling all your plugins and switching to a default theme, maybe TwentyFourteen? Let me know what happens.



    Ah, sorry, I assumed this was a website you were running yourself. It’s uncommon that a user of a site would go looking for support when another person’s site isn’t working.

    Contact them and let them know their site isn’t working correctly. Point them to this thread if they don’t know how to fix it.



    You wont find this in cPanel. This will more than likely be in your wordpress admin under ‘pages’. Do you have a page called ‘Homepage’?



    Hello saucefire,

    Pasting the code in your footer.php should have worked but I assume your issue is that it’s showing on all pages rather than just your thank you page.

    Do you know the ID of your thank you page? You can use the following code to specifically add this to just your thank you page. Replace ID with the id of your page:

    if ( is_single( 'ID' )  ) {
       echo 'This is where your tracking code should go';

    Let me know if this fixes your issue.



    Hello gentid,

    This seems like an image you’ve uploaded in the admin and forgot to add an alt tag to it. If you find the page you validated in the admin search the content for cartoon.jpg and add alt=”cartoon image” (Or whatever you require). This should fix your validation error.




    I’m not sure why you would want to show the theme/plugin editor. I always remove this when a site goes live for security reasons.

    If you really want to get it back though, check a site where the option doesn’t show. View the config.php file of that site and look for the following code:

    define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

    If you see this anywhere delete it and save the file. The options should now show on your site.

    Let me know how you get on with this!



    Hello CannedBear,

    IE always has trouble with PNGs. This thread was interesting though: As suggested could you try re-saving the images just in case they are corrupted and see if that works?



    Hello Rich,

    When editing a blog post, have you had a look to see if the author box is displayed? You can select which meta boxes appear on the page by clicking on the ‘screen options’ tab at the top of the page. Make sure the box it ticked next to ‘Author’, that should enable the dropdown you mentioned.

    Let me know if this solves your issue!



    Hello schluurggi,

    Are you able to upload a fresh install of WordPress? Files inside the /wp-includes/ folder as the systems files. Uploading a fresh copy of wordpress and overwriting all files and folders should help fix things.

    Be sure to back up your themes and plugins!

    If a fresh upload doesn’t work rename your plugins folder (Something like ‘_plugins’) and see if that does the trick. It will disable all plugins on your site and might just get rid of something that isn’t behaving properly.

    Let me know if either of those solutions work!



    Hello NoahCurran,

    If you’re comfortable editing templates you can get the author name to link to an archive of the authors posts using the following snippet:

    <a href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ); ?>"><?php the_author_meta( 'display_name' ); ?></a>

    You may need to check the styling of the archive page once it works. If the theme creator doesn’t support linking to author archives it may look a little odd. Let me know if this helps!


    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Error


    Hello cataxe,

    Have you tried using a different browser? Try the latest version of Chrome or Firefox.

    Also for reference, what hosting company are you using?

    Kind regards



    Hello milab,

    Are you wanting to display a page as your homepage to get rid of the blog post showing up?

    Create a page in the admin called ‘homepage’, then from Settings -> Reading, choose ‘A static page’ and next to the Front Page dropdown select your newly created page called ‘homepage’. This will replace the homepage with your custom one that you set up so it looks more like a website.

    Does this solve your issue?



    Hello sethbahookey,

    Many years ago I was in your position where I had just started out with WordPress and things were rather confusing so I know how you feel!

    Over the years I’ve been developing my own framework for WordPress. This not only helps me learn more about WordPress but I know exactly where everything is. While frameworks are great to work with there’s always so much to learn and can be daunting to someone new.

    I have to admit my first framework wasn’t the best. I started with the very minimum number of files required to get a theme working and built it up from there, always comparing against new frameworks and themes that come out. That way I can continually build upon my WordPress knowledge and still know exactly what’s going on in my templates.

    Frameworks are a great place to learn stuff from but you get a great sense of accomplishment from the learning process if you have something to show for it. My advice would be to start building your own framework, something you know and something you can build your knowledge on. After you start getting to grips with the more interesting bits you’ll find it easier to pick up other frameworks as well without feeling to frustrated!

    I hope this helps!

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