14 years, 1 month ago
My site is
This is the link to the style.css file:
I’ve narrowed it down to the section /* Begin Typography & Colors */
/* Begin Typography & Colors */
However, there are many references to “background” in that section and I’m not sure where I want to put the image tag. Any idea?
t-p, thanks for the response.
In the minimalism theme, the items under Appearance are:
Themes Widgets Menus Header Image and Color Editor
I can’t seem to find in any of the php code (or elsewhere) where it defines the background image.
14 years, 5 months ago
In the link that Sam posted, there is a description on how you can have a custom “read more” tag for each post.
In the visual editor (or HTML editor), simply type <!--more Your Custom Tag -->.
<!--more Your Custom Tag -->
Using your own examples, you would enter <!--more Read more about this post --> or <!--more Like so far.. read the rest.. -->.
<!--more Read more about this post -->
<!--more Like so far.. read the rest.. -->
The theme is minimalism.