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Hey thanks, in the end Yay got into it and fixed the issue for me. They tell me that in their next release they will ensure it works in HivePress. So I will be purchasing their pro version as I need more than just 3 currencies that come with their free version. It might also be worth Fox doing the same because really you have a great plugin. It’s just a shame it had conflicts with the HivePress theme. Thanks so much.
Thank you, yes the php worked and I used a bit of CSS to position it. It’s a great plugin BTW and when we go live I will be upgrading to pro
Would adding this code to the header.php work?
<div align=”right”> <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[gtranslate]’); ?> </div>
BTW I aren’t a developer – I am trying to build a site for ecommerce an d have very little coding knowledge even with CSS.
- This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by grantmahy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blackhole for Bad Bots] Use on SiteGround Servers and CachingThanks for the quick response. That’s a shame. Looking forward to seeing a version that works on cached pages. Thx
All good this works when added to the functions php – Luckily someone had already encountered the same problem and put the solution online. This code works a treat
- Set page url when cart is empty
add_filter(‘wpmenucart_emptyurl’, ‘add_wpmenucart_emptyurl’, 1, 1);
function add_wpmenucart_emptyurl ($empty_url) {
return $empty_url;
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by grantmahy.
All good used it as a widget in Uber Menu and used some CSS to float it right. Be great to see a static option on the float selection in GTranslate. It doesn’t sit nice in the menu selection for me. Nice plugin either way but on float it floats over text on mobile view and took some messing about to get it top right static.
Thanks guys, I disabled the plugin and installed another that gave more flexibility without having to purchase the premium. Appreciate the freebie however – it just wasn’t as ideal, for my purposes, as another freebie.
Okay that was the only php error in the child theme. The php guy said besides that the php was perfect and he also said no it wouldn’t cause a plugin to crash a site. Anyway I’m no programmer but because you are so keen to find the issue and had been responsive to the situation I just wanted to give you as much feedback as I could.
Okay I have hired someone to go through the php code on my child theme and found one problem so far: This line:
// return ‘’;Should have been like this:
wp_safe_redirect( ‘’ );
exit;Also there was “?>” at the end and that shouldn’t have been there so it might have been some bad php code in the child theme that was causing the issue with your plugin. Who knows!!!?? I’ve had to do a pretty large cleanup of the site with CSS and now looking into the php in the child theme because it’s been hacked away at over the years by me and others.
Would the fact that I am running PHP 7.0.33 cause the problem. Just discovered this in my Cpanel and trying to upgrade to a later php version has caused dramas re error messages such as Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/manicbot/public_html/ in /home/manicbot/public_html/ on line 6274
I actually couldn’t tell you now because as I said I was in the process of loading a new site (which is now up). As the admin was broken I didn’t bother restoring the old site and fortunately had CSV files downloaded of the content. Plugins I can remember that might have caused a conflict — WP Fastest Cache, Conditional Menus ? It’s a Divi theme site so maybe something there inline with a plugin. Who knows.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by grantmahy.
Oh and luckily that is showing when I login as the admin area is broken so I can’t enable anything in there. I’m about to upload an entire new site on the domain and was able to save the xml files via the wordpress export regardless so all is not lost. I’m actually leaving the site broken because its all being changed with a new site in the next few days. Hope that code helps.
Oh well it happens I guess…. Here is the error message
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader::addPath() must be an instance of Twig\Loader\void, none returned in /home/manicbot/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/manicbot/public_html/ Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader->addPath(‘/home/manicbot/…’, ‘__main__’) #1 /home/manicbot/public_html/ Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader->setPaths(Array) #2 /home/manicbot/public_html/ Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader->__construct(‘/home/manicbot/…’) #3 /home/manicbot/public_html/ AsposeWordsExp in /home/manicbot/public_html/ on line 96
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Menus] Breaks my Divi theme site when I deactivateThank you your response made me think it was something else and I deactivated it and then used CSS code to hide the secondary menu on Divi. Job done after all this time. Thank you very much. Conditional Menus worked great on my Divi theme BTW when I was using it.
Thanks Eli I disabled Mod security and was able to update the definitions. It also allowed our checkout to work so viola your plugin without even running a scan has helped us to get closer to analysing the cause of why our checkout is hanging:-) Great plugin. Thanks.