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  • Plugin Author GDY


    Aww man … sorry matuh. Totally forget that i have to subscribe to the support forums of my own plugins manually to get notifications. So this may be too late:

    Woocommerce as WordPress itself has some hooks on wich actions can be bound to. By default the gift checkbox is bound to woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form.

    With the wc_gift_packaging_field_hook filter you can change that hook.

    Check out this page for the different hooks in the Woocommerce checkout.

    If you bind the function to the wrong hook it may cause some errors so do it locally if possible.

    You probably mean the hook woocommerce_review_order_before_submit. But thats not possible right now because there is a parameter missing that is needed to set the checkbox depending on previous input ($wccs_custom_checkout_field_pro).

    I probably make a update that this is optional and that you just have to check this each time if the variable isn’t available.

    Plugin Author GDY


    Hey Peter,

    no Problem. This is definetively an existing bug in the system. Thanks for pointing that out!

    I could explain why this happens in detail but tl;dr its because the module id is duplicated with the post itself.

    The next version (0.8.6) is already finished and just waits for the documentation to go live. So the fix is coming as of version 0.8.7.

    I mark this topic as resolved because there shouldn’t be any further problems with WPML (And the other two points are more of a feedback thing). If you find something else just create a new topic or let me know here.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by GDY.
    Plugin Author GDY


    Hi Peter,

    so i’ve just read the whole topic again. Sorry if my post is a bit hard to read but my english isn’t perfect and it was early in the morning ??

    I tested the WPML thing and the duplicating of posts works totally fine for me. All modules and contents are duplicated correctly without any WPML addons installed.

    Because GDYMC completely uses the WordPress post meta api it should be compatible with most other plugins.

    Could you just check that again if there were any mistakes on your side?

    Plugin Author GDY


    Hey Peter,

    nice to hear you like it.

    Thats a thing. But as already mentioned the Doc is on its way (its actually pretty much done). Also i am going to publish a utility plugin (gdymc module manager) that guides you through the plugin setup (and it has some cool functionalities afterwards).

    Multiple areas
    Well thats a big one. The plugin is actually based on a cms ive created a few years ago. In that cms it was possible to create multiple areas. So you could create areas in modules for things like placing a module with two columns and inside that this module again (for 4 columns of module areas). With that i already got some impression what is good about that and what not (An thats why i decided against it in this plugin).

    Here are some of the downsides:

    • GDYMC is hardly focused on great workflows so it have to be really easy. But to support multiple areas you have to find a way how to add them. The old cms had a drag and drop solution but it was a bit quirky. Iam a big fan of rock solid behavior and drag and drop isn’t. The focus flickered on hovering and so on …
    • Another thing is responsiveness … With nested areas you dont know how wide you columns are. If you nest 2 columns in a 2 columns area the inner one should break earlier than the outer one. This can probably tackled with flexbox but right now there is no good solution for this.
    • Also a focus of the plugin is to control the users so that they couldn’t make much mistakes. Nested areas have big potential to screw up contents. What if a user place a module inside a area that is to small. There would probably be some kind of restriction necessary that would add a whole lot of complexity for editors and programmers

    Conclusion: So as long as i haven’t found a great way to deliver this it isn’t happening. I think there are other plugins that allow you to work like this. Have a look at this one.

    Categories, Tags
    This one is probably coming in near future. I have multiple times thought about something like that. But categories or tags have to be placed in the module itself. So there have to be added a meta file ore something like this. I like that you basically just need a index.php for a module so meta/readme/headers are not the right solution in my opinion.

    I am probably allow the users to create folders on their own (drag and drop). Im just not sure i the folder system should be saved per installation (so all users on the site have the same structure) or per user. Per installation would easier supportwise …

    WPML duplicates
    All modules an contents are saved in postmeta so this seems not to be duplicated by WPML. They have a whole lot of addons and there may be one that allow to duplicate postmeta … But nevertheless you have to translate all modules on the new page if they are duplicated.

    Heres a dirty solution for now: Copy your page and save the id of your newly created page. Go to the frontend of your old page click on the pin icon in any module (batch editing). Click on the pin icon in the admin bar and select “select all modules” then click on the “actions” tab. There copy you id in “move or copy” and hit copy. All your modules and contents should be on your new page now ??

    Plugin Author GDY


    Here is a snippet how you can add module backgrounds with the current options:

    add_action( ‘gdymc_modulesettings’, function ( $module ) {

    optionInput( ‘background’, array(

    ‘type’ => ‘select’,
    ‘options’ => array(
    ‘white’ => __( ‘White’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘bright’ => __( ‘Bright’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘dark’ => __( ‘Dark’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘highlight’ => __( ‘Highlight’, ‘Domain’ ),
    ‘default’ => ‘white’,
    ‘label’ => __( ‘Module background’, ‘Domain’ ),

    ), $module->id );

    }, 5, 1 );

    add_filter( ‘gdymc_module_class’, function( $classes ) {

    $layout = optionGet( ‘background’ );

    $classes[] = ‘background_’ . $layout;

    return $classes;

    } );

    Place this in your themes functions.php to add this option to all GDYMC modules. This adds a class to the module container so you can set your background in your stylesheet like this:

    .background_bright { background: url( repeat; }

    Plugin Author GDY


    Hey aredridel,

    Right now it is possible to add a option field that can be used for the module background. In the example-files folder (inside the plugin folder) is a example module that has a option field for the background color. But right now it is only possible to add text or select option fields …

    I have plans for a link and image option field that let you pick that contents with the link/media window.

    Right now im focused on the documentation (cooming soon) and a utility plugin for easier installation and module management (also cooming soon).

    After that there are coming new features like image links and these new option fields ??

    Thread Starter GDY


    Yeah i already figured that out … should definitely be possible.

    Thread Starter GDY


    Hi Teodor,

    thanks that is nice to hear.

    Great would be a function like this:

    pms_has_subscription( $subscription_id, $user_id = get_current_user_id() )

    usable like so:

    if( pms_has_subscription( '1' ) ): or if( pms_has_subscription( array( 1, 2 ) ) ):

    The user id should be optional and by default the current user id. Even the first parameter could be optional so if not set the user just need any pms subscription.

    Greetings GDY

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by GDY.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by GDY.
    Thread Starter GDY


    We wan’t to create a download area that is only accessible with a pro plan. But its only partial and not a whole page/post.

    So we wanted to create a if-else-statement in a page template (or content module) that shows the download or – if the user has no pro plan – a custom message.

    In both cases it should be html and not a plain text.

    Plugin Author GDY


    Yeah its not that typical drop-in-plugin that most of the WordPress plugins are. I plan to add a module installer for this. So in combination with the gdymc_area shortcode it would not that big of a thing anymore.

    But the plugin aims to change the way you are editing your sites content. It shifts the things away from the blog logic more to a business website behaviour. So it is not just a little addition (even if you could handle it like this).

    In our enviroments it completely replaced the native wordpress content (except for actual news or stuff like that).

    Plugin Author GDY


    Ah Glenn sorry. I just randomly found this entry … thought WordPress would send me a Mail or something if there are new ones.

    To get the plugin started install it just like any other plugin. Then you should place the function <?php areaCreate(); ?> in any template file (for example the index.php) where module areas should work (note that areas only work on posts and pages because the contents are saved in postmeta). In the upcoming version you can do this by adding the shortcode [gdymc_area] in the post_content directly without any coding.

    After you did this you should add a module folder. This goes in your themes root and should be named ‘modules’ by default. In the plugins folder is a folder named ‘example-theme-files’. In there is a example-modules folder with some modules.

    To create modules place a folder in you modules folder. The folder name is the name of the module type. In that module folder you should place a index.php where you modules html goes. This could be as simple as <hr /> but also complex like galleries or a contact form.

    With the function <?php contentCreate(); ?> you can create editable contents in your modules index.php. There are some examples in the ‘example-theme-files’ modules. Usually you place it like <?php contentCreate( 1, 'text' ); ?> or <?php contentCreate( 2, 'image', '100x200' ); ?>. The first parameter of this function is some kind of id of the content inside the current module. This is usefull if you want to use that content later.

    I know that there is some hazzle to set this plugin up. But when it runs and you get used to its architecture its a breeze ??

    PS: On my agenda is a setup video and some kind of documentation … sorry about that

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