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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate FAQ Accordion Plugin] php-warningsHello Here I am again,
I’ve found a bit time for further tests
the messages i found 2 months ago disappeared with the actual release but now i tried the widgets “recent faqs” and “popular faqs” and here again php-messages come
undefined variable faq_title in ….ultimate-faqs/Functions/EWD_UFAQ_Widgets.php on line 103 and on line 164
these messages appear in the widged setting for the widget-title if i write a widget title into the field it disappears after saving it, but the typed-in title is shown on the front-page together with a php-messsage
uninitialized string offset: 62 in ……ultimate-faqs/Shortcodes/DisplayFAQs.php on line 495 -> this message only appears when logged in immediately after setting the widget-title and then going directly to the front-end.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Extra File Types] Problems after upgrade to 0.3.5as i recognize now:
in my production environment the plugin must be activated, for uploading the files by drag and drop – so i have a workaround – but it remains strange, that the finder doesn’t show the files as selectable anymoreForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Extra File Types] Problems after upgrade to 0.3.5per drag and drop it worked with .pages and with .epub
it eben worked with .key althoug the keynotes-files appear with .keynote in the settings of the plugin
but now the next phenomenon:i have deactivated .docx and .xlsx again in the settings but per drag and drop i still can upload them
then i deactivated the plugin itself and even now i can upload all filetypes per drag and drop while still when trying over the file-selection-dialog the same filetypes are selectable and the same appear as greyed and are not selectable
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Extra File Types] Problems after upgrade to 0.3.5
in Screenshots 01-07 you see different file-types i activated in the settings
in Screenshots 10 you see the dialog that results when in changing a post or creating a new post i click on the button for file-upload
in this dialog the click on “Dateien ausw?hlen” (file select) results in the file-selection-dialog
the following screenshots show the file-selection-dialog positioned to different of the activated file-types
some are selectable – especially the MS-Office-documents
others are not selectable (greyed out) especially the apple-file types .pages .numbers
by the way: the actual apple-file type for keynotes is not .keynotes, but .key
and the Open-Document-file types as .odt, as well as .epub are not selectable
.jpg is selectable
the actual kindle ebook file type is .azw3 (.azw is an older version)one of the .epub files i copied in the folder also
my test-installation is with wordpress 4.6.1 – do you think an upgrade to 4.7 could be helpful?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Extra File Types] Problems after upgrade to 0.3.5I just finished my new test-installation:
wordpress 4.6.1
WP Extra File Types 0.3.5 as only plugin installed and activated
.epub activated in the settings of the pluginresult:
i start to create a new post
click on the button for file upload and
in the file-selection-dialog .epub files are greyed out and not selectableForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Extra File Types] Problems after upgrade to 0.3.5I tried the following (in my test-environment)
I deactivated all other plugins but still .epub is greyed out in the File-Selection-Dialog für upload
the next try will be a new worpress-installation but i think this will last a few daysForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Extra File Types] Problems after upgrade to 0.3.5I now have tested to go back to Version 0.3.2 of the plugin and have the same phenomenon it seems that the problems has to do with my wordpress upgrade from wordpress 4.5.2 to 4.6.1
as I found out in the meantime Mac OS sets this quarantine attribute to all downloads. My complete wordpress and all other plugins have this attribute also and Nextgen gallery befor Version 2.0.77 had it also – never I had such a message – only with nextgen gallery since version 2.0.77 the attribute results in this message – thats strange enough
i opened the original file again with balthisar tidy and recognized a warning:
line 96 column 1: inserting missing “Title” element
don’t know what this means – in the file line 96 is empty
Komodo edit shows no warnings or errors
last try was to open the file “product.photocrati_nextgen.php” with baltisar tidy, to create a complete new file with komodo.edit, to copy the content of “product.photocrati_nextgen.php” into the new file, to save the new file as “product.photocrati_nextgen.php” and to copy it into my Test-Site
The result was a lightly modified message – not
???} ? ? ????DEV??INO??SYN??SV~?product.photocrati_nextgen.php?b??b???b?
seems to be the same problem
what could this be? ….. DEV .. INO .. SYN .. SV ……..nextgen gallery downloaded with firefox and “product.photocrati_nextgen.php” copied in my Testsite to the correct place ==> same long message with the qarantine attribute, the only diffference ist: attribute not set by, but by
thank you
at first i must say: It’s strange: i downloaded and installed several plugins and only with nextgen gallery this happened
i have tried the xattr command with file product.photocrati_nextgen.php on my testsite and partly it helped, but the strange message did’nt disappear completely – only the beginning is gone, the remaining rest ist:
nevertheless this is shorter, so i replaced the file also on my production site
and it looks better now, but not completely satisfactory
tomorrow i’ll try to download nextgen gallery with firefox – will see what happens
to be seen over – or above everything else
completely on top of the site
looked on the site from a windows machine ==> same message on top