Forum Replies Created
Sorry but is any chance to offer some kind of functionality as Math Captcha (or Captcha BestWebSoft) as alternative to Google ReCaptcha in the future? Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenCache] Help with conflict Zencache, contact form 7 and .htaccessOk, thanks for the replay. I will get to the web hosting company. I was just trying to identify what was the point with this code. (Oh sorry for the duplication – new win 10 and ….) Thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved WordPress up one level via FTP and broke it – need helpHi, I didn’t see that you solve the issue, so I once (about two months ago) had the same problem, well the host stuff helped me, but it was not enough as some links still got lost / broken so I used this plugin, I think his recommendations was very good too, his plugin worked great even though aged – and
Hi, I read about your plugin and got very impressed – so I want / need the plugin to Contact Form 7 to use in one of my websites in order to test it.
Just one remark: I tried to contact you before this post by the Contact form in your website and I got blocked several times with this email or other emails and with the use of a proxy too – just left me a question: I saw it work but I am not a spam and also the email I used was from gmail and from commercial website of mine; even though after install it I could whitelist my IP in my WP website and it didn’t block me in on my website and also I don’t use register in there… may you help me as I can’t get in contact? Thanks in advance, GgOK, Thanks for your immediate replay. In fact, that new line added was not in my file(?!?) even though my version was to be 1.4.1(!?!)
Thanks again, worked perfectly,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Captcha] No Translation Portuguese – where to fixThanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Captcha] No Translation Portuguese – where to fixOk, I tried with the new Opera in portuguese/windows 8.1 and I didn’t get but should be a detail.
So thanks again and keep your great work!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Captcha] No Translation Portuguese – where to fixOk, I understood. I just tested with a Browser in “Portuguese” and didn’t get to see any message at all if you didn’t write anything inside that box, not english and not portuguese, so at least we could have a message:
“This is a required field” can be translated as “O preenchimento é obrigatório”
Ok, Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ThinkIT WP Contact Form] Problem with ajax-loader.gifOk, never mind – I got a github version and it worked perfectly and had also the ajax-loader.gif!!!!
Excellent!!!!! Thanks!!!!I am sorry again but the learning process sometimes take a little longer, thanks again!
Hi, I just install it in another place and figure out that the ReCaptcha has the own message on the own field config on the Form being edited and the message can be customized in there and not by the po / mo file as by the most of the others plugins here.
So I want to apologize and say that your plugin is so reach in features, it is Excellent in my opinion!!!
Thanks again.
Oh, sorry I just saw the Config to change the Submit word, please can you fix the message
The reCAPTCHA was not entered correctly
doesn’t beeing replaced by the translated message in the po / mo file?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ThinkIT WP Contact Form] After Success Sent Message no RefreshWell I saw the last version (0.2) just uploaded and works great, have a message box – Thanks!
Oh, I am having the same issue with wfHoover – taking 1/3 of my DB too, well I need to say that one of my sites is not using robots or external indexing because is membership closed… so I don’t need this wfHoover of / to Google so what do??? Also someone can tell me what to do with wpmm_log – what is it useful and how to clean all these?