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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme Switcher FunkinessThere are days when I want to get a new blogging software because of the superiority complex of most people on the WordPress Forums. To clarify to JENN I tried to use themes I used in the 1.5 alpha stages with the theme switcher once 1.5 a€?the Stable Versiona€? was released. This only broke my presentations menu for a week and I was stuck looking at that piece of crap that is WP Default. I could not change it, I could not make it reload. All this from that piece of PHP called the style switcher. I had to totally delete WP off my server and reload a 1.5.1 alpha version to get it to cooperate. Then I take Stuarta€?s Gemini templates fixed up for 1.5 and it goes screwy again. I posted my errors to the forums twice and I got no help. NONE! I had to find a workaround all by myself.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme Switcher FunkinessI think what we are saying is there are many people trying to incorporate 1.2 themes to 1.5. According to the developers they are supposed to be backwards compatable, yet they are not. I have been using 1.5 since it was 1.3 alpha. I was able to use my old themes in all the alpha and beta versions no problem. I did not have this problem until the 1.5 “stable” release which has many bugs in it. I would appreciate it if you would not assume just because your installation works that it is the same for everyone.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme Switcher FunkinessI tried to install a 1.2 theme I had and it broke the entire presentation menu, which you can see if you search the forums for my lovely posts on it which were ignored.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error after activating new themeI am getting the same error and no one is responding to it on the forums. I would really like to know what is causing this and how to prevent it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Presentation Menu and settings brokenI can access via FTP and I can’t figure out what is wrong with the files. I have the files downloaded and can’t see the problem.
I was looking at an old theme I wrote when 1.5 was in beta. That is the only thing I can think of that could have done anything.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New Page QuestionBrian,
This should not be a problem in WP 1.5. There is a static page generator that names the pages like When you click on the write tab go to create page instead of create post. The other thing you need to do is under options-permalinks you can change the naming convention of the pages on your site to how you want them to look. The page itself gives you examples and instructions on how to tell it what to do.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Stylesheets and templates confusionI just downloaded Utica Av to check it out and my zip file has all the template files as well as the style.css file as well. Make sure when you unzip the file there are php files as well as the css and then upload all of them to a folder within wp-content/themes/insert name of folder here and you should be able to access it from your presentations menu.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP v1.5 Theme CompetitionHere is the kicker, you can put image titles in with a php file and not have the plugin which is legal, but using the plugin is not. Yet, I can’t do the ‘time since’ because it requires a plugin. I know I am not going to win, but I do like to play so I am going to contribute because I want there to be options for new people to WP.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Will not let me update discussion optionsForged,
While I appreciate the link, translation of what I need to be asking my hosting provider for would be helpful. While my technological skills are getting better each day, I don’t understand what they are talking about.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Requested resource could not be found on this server”I have it and I re-uploaded to make sure and I am still getting the error
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need to Reintegrate a DatabaseI emailed you the information. Hope to hear from you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need to Reintegrate a DatabaseBTW, the original backup does have the users table but when I moved it to the new host it never acted right.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need to Reintegrate a DatabaseI had a feeling that is what you were going to say, there are only 30 subsequent posts and not that much more in comments. Podz, what would be the best way to do this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need to Reintegrate a DatabaseI have PHPmyadmin on the current site and I have the backup of the old and new posts, I just don’t know how to attempt to integrate them without destroying more than I already have.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New DesignIt should use the Alt text which is indeed in the code, also if you read the post he still uses image replacement because of the speed problems with sIFR. I don’t have enough traffic, nor anyone I know of that has a problem with the image replacement.