9 years, 9 months ago
The background picture I want on my site is loaded but doesn’t appears, there’s still the black background
My site is
Please can someone help me?
My blog is
Please can someone inspect it and tell me what’s wrong :/
9 years, 10 months ago
I will say it in another way:
The new URL i’m trying to map to my subdomain, must be new URL that I bought previously?
The new URL i’m trying to map to my subdomain, must be a domain name that I buyed?
Yes I moved the sunrise file to /wp-content
I guess I followed all the directions, but what do you mean by all the directions?
Thanks for your helps
I finally make it appears, now I can see it in the dashboard of the subdomain but when I map the new URL, it redirect me to a none existing page :'(
When I look some tutorial on Youtube they can go to “domain mapping” in tools and doing “add new”.
For ex this video tutorial: