Hey guys,
I had the exact same problem and I found the / a solution.
Caveat: It was also causing problems with the Dashboard loading, too (the dashboard loading would stop when it got to the “Mailchimp List Stats” widget and I was unable to deselect ‘Mailchimp list stats’ in the ‘Screen options’ dropdown because JavaScript wasn’t working properly by that point).
Although it appeared to be a Javascript problem, the root cause (for me, at least) was actually this…
I had a single opt-in form (in the plugin), that was attached to a list that no longer existed in Mailchimp.
I deleted that opt-in form, recreated it manually and now everything works as it should.
I hope this helps someone as this issue had been causing me a few problems for a little while now, but couldn’t find any info out in the wild about this.
Cheers, Phil.
EDIT: I now see that this is, literally, what was suggested in the first reply. My bad.
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by GMD.