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  • Thread Starter goldenmoon


    Thats great!

    WPPA is certainly the BEST thought out gallery on WordPress!

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    Thanks. Didnt know you could html directly

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    1. When you change:

    I meant an image buttons like for share, fullscreen, close etc

    No, No, Never. Is entirely against the design of wppa.




    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    For the time being, set Table IV-G2: Click on background to anything else but Browse (left/right)

    Shall await the fix in the next version

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    In Table IX-D5 you can enter a default photo description.
    In Table VIII-B4.2 you can apply this description to all photos in the system.
    On the Edit Album Information screen there is a button near the bottom of the album box that reads ‘Apply new photo desc’. This will apply the content of Table IX-D5 to all photos in the album.

    Thanks! This works like a charm!

    <div class=”wppa-more”>
    Show Info

    <div class=”wppa-dtl” style=”display:none;” >
    Hide Info

    <div class=”wppa-dtl” style=”display:none;”>
    <br />
    .wppa-label { padding: 0 3px !important; border: none !important; }
    .wppa-value { padding: 0 3px 0 12px !important; border:none !important; }

    Have used this now, I can hide and show the extra text.

    So now I have some additional queries
    1. Is it possible to add a button for the “Hide/show info”
    2. Now the text is displayed below the image. Is it possible to display it beside the image or as an overlay over the image.
    3. Here we are using w#CC and w#cd. I think you can display exif data with E#. Is there is way to display data from standard fields using similar codes. Could you please point me to location in documentation where it is described.

    Thanks once again

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by goldenmoon.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by goldenmoon.
    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    So, first upload or import the photos and then import a .csv file where the filenames are in accordance with the filenames in the album admin.

    I got it to work. I just did the ‘import’ twice
    First time the images got added.
    Copied the files again and imported again, this time pressing the ‘update’ button
    the other fields got added.

    Can I use this without causing any ill to the database?

    What the difference between the 2 buttons “update” and “start import”

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    Sorry about the link

    Could you try this?

    There is the following confusion: Fullscreen is a ‘mode’ of lightbox. So you can speak of lightbox in normal mode (with borders and subtext), or lightbox in fullscreen mode.
    In fact there are 5 modes that you can step through. Open any lightbox view and type the ‘f’ key repeatedly. All modes use the same (hires if you have set it so) file, to reduce excessive pageload.

    The medium resolution files are used for single image display in a page or post and in slideshows.

    Thanks for the explaination

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by goldenmoon.
    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    Tick Table IV-G6: Use hires files to enable the use of the highest resolution available for lightbox.

    I think I am not making myself very clear.
    Like given in the original post
    My ‘hi-res’ file is 2400×1600
    the image I want displayed is 900×600
    while my thumbnail must be 150×100

    If Table IV-G6 is ticked, then lightbox and fullscreen will both display 2400×1600
    I was asking if lightbox would display 900×600
    and fullscreen 2400×1600

    Yes, the right mouse button is disabled on lightbox, both in normal as well as in fullscreen mode, as designed.

    thank you. that is ok
    though i dont mind it working in the lightbox

    The close button works. Pls show me a link, and tell me the browser, to reproduce that it should not work.

    browser is Chrome

    Hitting esc is catched by the browser to exit the browser’s fullscreen mode. The browser does not propagate this to the running software. This is how browsers work and is beyond the scope of wppa. You will need a second esc hit to tell wppa to exit lightbox, or hit the 4 arrows button to return to normal lightbox mode.
    This is one of the reasons why the close button exists.

    Thats fine if its the expected behavior.

    Thanks once again

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by goldenmoon.
    Thread Starter goldenmoon



    I tried this, the image does get added to the gallery but all the data fields do not.
    my header was like this
    filename,description,Common Name,Scientific Name,state,GPS,date photographed
    first 2 ‘system fields’ and the rest custom fields

    out of this only the filename gets added the rest of the fields are blank

    I am using a gallery (and DB) created earlier and this had a lot of entries. I added/changed custom fields and then did this import.
    Would that have an effect?
    Do i need to clean the whole gallery first?


    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    If Table IV-G6 is ticked, the highest resolution available files are used (what i call source files if available) for lightbox.

    How do you set this up, would lightbox image also get created automatically like the thumbnail

    So – when the user switches lightbox to fullscreen, what could be considerably larger than what is defined in Table I-A3, i.e. the display files – he will see the right images.

    Thats exactly what I am looking for

    I will disable right mouse button on lightbox images by default. (Is not yet in but will be in

    The right click is now disabled both for lightbox as well as full screen image

    Though is see some erratic behavior.
    1. When in lightbox mode the close button (next to full screen button) does not work. It merely goes to the next image i.e like clicking anywhere on the right hand side of the screen.

    2. When in fullscreen pressing ESC changes the view from full screen to the image occupying the whole display area inside the browser window. You then have to press the ‘reduce’ button (one which comes in place of fullscreen) to get to lightbox mode again.
    If you press the ‘reduce’ button when in fullscreen the image first occupies the full browser window and then goes to lightbox mode (2 steps)

    Is this expected behavior?


    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    Hi Jacob,

    The import .csv functionality for custom datafields will be extended in the next version (6.6.13) so that the following ‘standard’ datafields also can be filled by this procedure:

    I am trying to understand this but not able to build an appropriate csv file.
    Is it possible for you to put up one sample row from a csv for an image with custom fields

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    The one in lightbox will be 900×600 if we consider the example above.
    When you say display full screen it would automatically switch to hi-res (2400×1600) and disable right click on it.

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    Please import the ORIGINAL photo files. wppa will take care of resizing for display purposes (according to the settings in Table I-A 1..3). You can even do this later again, e.g. when you decide to change the displaysize.

    The ‘original’ file is always in a RAW format and upwards of 20MB in size, this is never put in thr public domain to view or download. Instead it is post processed and then reduced in size (pixel & KB) to a web friendly jpg format. This is then the ‘Original’ file for the gallery for all practical purposes.
    I have a supplemental question to this but instead of polluting this thread will start a new thread.

    You will also have the gps data in the right datafield and in the right format to display maps like here

    Thats cool.
    Some of the way I plan to use it is.
    1. User can view all submissions for a given location/area/country
    2. User can search and the result set of images will be marked on the map. e.g. user searches for a ‘x’ species by ‘y’ photographer

    The import .csv functionality for custom datafields will be extended in the next version (6.6.13) so that the following ‘standard’ datafields also can be filled by this procedure

    Thats great news, thank you.
    Will be waiting eagerly for the release

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    First of all thank you for your prompt and detailed response. That too on a Saturday, highly appreciated.

    1. Thumbnails will be generated by wppa. You can not import ready thumbnails, so do not waist effort in creating them.

    Thanks for the heads up

    2. Can you easely decide to what album they belong seeing the filenames?

    Yes, I can. If needed can update in csv.

    4. WPPA processes gps info (from the exif gpx tag) automaticly, regardless if you use exif.

    99.9% of the images wont have GPS info as its all stripped when the low-res image for the web is created.
    I plan to enter the gps/lat-long in a custon data field or generate the lat-long from the location data which is another custom field.

    I think… the best way is:
    – ftp them all to …/wp-content/wppa-depot/[your username]
    – Create the albums you are going to need.
    – Use the import screen to import them, you can select the album there. Use the Start Ajax Imort button.

    This proc will place the originals in the …/wppa-source/uploads/album-[id]/ folder and create display and thumbnail files and register gps data and exif date if present in the orig photo file.

    Can i do this multiple times?
    i.e ftp say 500 images to the above location and then use Ajax import.
    after the process is complete clear that folder and add a new set of images for import.

    There is a proc to import a .csv for custom data, see:

    I had seen this but my understanding was that this just imported the custom fields from images already in the album.
    Please correct me if I am wrong

    If needed i will write a proc to make it possible to import a .csv with photo name, description and tags (maybe more standard fields)

    Thanks a lot. I shall certainly take you up on this when I am finalised with the fields

    Note: You talk about caption, title and description. Standard fields in wppa are filename, name and description. Other text based fields must be implemented by the custom data fields (max 10).

    These were the field names from the earlier database will put them in appripriate fields in WPPA

    Filling the db table directly with a .csv file is not a good idea, because it is not obvious which id belongs to which photo, and the (possibly downsized) display files and thumbnail files have their names changed into [id].[ext].
    Example: Photo My-selfie.jpg may have the recored id in the wppa_photos db table of 4711. In this case, the pathname of the display file is
    …/wp-content/uploads/wppa/4711.jpg or even
    …/wp-content/uploads/wppa/47/11.jpg if you convert to treestructure, for very large systems to avoid max dir entries overflow.
    and the thumbnail:

    During the import proc, the default is photoname = filename (other possibilities settable in Table IX-D13 of the Photo ALbums -> Settings admin page). Photoname is changeable, if you need it automated i could write a proc for it as mentioned above.

    I am not sure if I completely understood this. I get it that thumbnail creation is via the system but isnt the filename the same as what is entered in the csv (assuming that I dont change the default settings)
    Or do you mean to say that copying csv into the db directly wont create the thumbnails (and any other settings/field in the database)?

    Isnt the add image to gallery page doing the same thing or is there something else that it does?

    Question: How many photos approx? Over 50.000 ?

    The current database transfer might be much less. But eventually that number will crossed and I plan to use bulk imports to get to that point

    Thread Starter goldenmoon


    The data is currently in a G2 SQL database, i plan to run sqls and massage it to get into a format corresponding to the table “wp_wppa_photo” and export to csv.
    Then import this csv into the table (overwriting the current values) using PHPmyAdmin. I would be doing this after I add custom datafields in WPPA and the structure of the table is fixed

    1. Yes, I have all the original photos. I plan to replace some images my changing the appropriate entry in the csv.I have thumbnail files too but I plan to regenerate them seperately in Photoshop (automated)
    2. They are currently in a single folder, irrespective of the album. On the current site i have 1 folder with 6 sub-folders.
    3. Some image do have EXIF but i do not plan to use/display those values
    4. With the image the data associated is date clicked, date uploaded, caption, title, description. In some there is common name, scientific name and families/genre etc as tags
    To this I plan to add GPS/location (to automatically generate distribution maps) and put common name, scientific name into custom fields. Also have a fixed sequence of values that I would be adding into tags

    I hope I am able to convey what I am planning to do.

    Thanking you

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