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  • Oops. Sorry! ??
    Is the page you’re looking to add sidebar information to handled through your WordPress admin panel? (It looks like it is to me, which is where I drew the assumption.)

    If so, login to your WordPress account, click on “Presentation”, then “Theme Editor”. Down the right side of the editor window is a list of files that make up your page. If you have one that alludes to “container-XXXX” or “sidebar-XXXX”, (with “XXXX” being “right/left”), then that’s the file you want to open to add content in the sidebar.

    As for the validator, head to and insert your site’s URL. That part usually leads to some digging and frustration, but in the end, it’s worth it!

    I’m not sure how your WordPress lays it out, but if it’s like others, in your Theme Editor, you’ll have files likely named “container-left.php” and “container-right.php” that has the information from your two sidebars. (They may also be named “sidebar-(right/left).php” or something to that effect.)

    I’d also suggest running both pages through a validator, too. There are some messy errors in there. (Including a second set of header information at the top of your “centerbox” div, and something with the “expander” div that’s making your page over 1400px wide.)

    I had thought the same thing, doodlebee, but chalked it up to copying and pasting. The good thing about WP themes is the <head> stuff is usually pretty identical from one theme to the next, you can always use snippets to check your errors out.

    Glad you got it working!

    Yeah, that looks right.

    Hmmm. Check to make sure your style.css file is in the right directory (which it should be if you’re able to see it on your “Theme Editor” page in the Admin Panel). Also, view your page source after it outputs into a browser without the styling and see what the PHP is putting out.

    Without looking at that tutorial, the first thing I’d do is double and triple check the path to your style.css file in the header information, making sure that it’s in the /wp-content/themes/YourTheme/ directory.

    Which theme are you using?

    You *should* be able to find the code for the header in your Theme Editor (under the Presentation menu in the WP Admin panel, the files that make up your site’s theme are listed to the right) and copy the bulk of that to your non-WP page. You may have to change some paths for images and such, as well as tweaking out a few things that WP uses, but that’s where you’d find it.

    I’m usually doing it the other way around (dropping info from a non WordPress page into the WP theme), but it should work fine for you.

    Thread Starter GOBLUE14


    I tried a different search right after I posted and that came up. Fortunately, since I don’t have immediate access to the database, I also found another that suggested logging in directly through ‘wp-login.php’ which worked, thankfully.

    Thanks for the quick reply, though! ??

    Thread Starter GOBLUE14


    Yep, that was it!

    Just used:
    <?php wp_get_archives('type=postbypost&limit=5'); ?>

    to get the Recent Posts rather than the mini-loop idea for static pages.

    Thread Starter GOBLUE14


    It’s in a “mini-loop” in the header to list the 5 latest posts.

    Although looking at it again, maybe inside the theme I just need to use the PHP for “Recent Posts”, and leave the wp-config part for the static pages on the site.

    I was going with this info from the codex to get the headlines on a static page and just transferred it over when I pieced together the theme, but I think I see what’s up now. (Or at least another avenue to try out!) Thanks!

    Thread Starter GOBLUE14


    It’s a full image, set as a background.

    To make it work, you need to design a header with the same dimensions as that one, then replace it in the template. Since it’s a background, I’m guessing you’ll find that in the style.css file, probably in the #header section.

    Create your header, upload it to the themes/letoprime/images directory (or however the path works with that theme, I haven’t really checked it out), then change it appropriately in the CSS.

    Oooh! Flash is something I hadn’t thought of…

    In retrospect, I could probably make this work very well with a two-column design if there wasn’t so much “sidebar material”.

    Here’s another simple “swap job” I did with one of the two-column templates. (2Exquisite)

    And while I’m showing off, here’s my blog with a three-column template that I can’t remember. JournalizedBlue, maybe?

    Hadn’t thought of a ticker…

    I had thought of randomized images, but the difference in size from 800×600 to the monitors I use most (1124x”something”, I think?) is so big, anything looks kind of awkward. I’ve thought of trying to fill it in with a background that looks like the surface of a basketball, though I don’t know if I could pull that off without it looking blatantly tiled. Maybe using it and covering the seams with a smaller image that works in all resolutions would work. Hmmm…

    3-column designs look great, but this isn’t the first (and probably won’t be the last) time I’ve had an issue like this.

    Exactly. I (and my client) have been very happy with how it turned out this way, although, as I mentioned, I’m trying to figure something with the header so it’s not a big white space. We had Google AdSense in there, but it was either ridiculously small for a large resolution, or covering up the logo at 800×600.

    Still trying to tweak the post title and content size, too, I think.

    But thanks! ??

    Good stuff.

    I’m also messing with Tiga for a client, though most of my tweaking has been simple “image replacement”. Still trying to make something work in that header, though.

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