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  • Thread Starter gnd


    Yes, yes, feeds are fine. I figured it out now. They were just listed differently in footer.php and in IE (IE has built in feed reader, so I’m not trying to read feeds in my browser – sorry for being unclear).

    I found another set of feeds in header.php, and renamed them, and added comments feed.

    All works now, all is fine.

    Thnx all for help.

    Thread Starter gnd


    I checked theme code, and in footer.php there is feed for both pages and comments, and it works by clicking on link. But in IE just one feed shows.

    <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>"
    		  title="<?php _e('Syndicate this site using RSS'); ?>">
    		  <?php _e('<abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> Feed'); ?></a>&nbsp;&bull;
    		<a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>"
    		  title="<?php _e('The latest comments to all posts in RSS'); ?>">
    		  <?php _e('Comments <abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> Feed'); ?></a>

    So, there is just one feed (for posts) in IE, on toolbar where feed icon is. And besides there is Atom feed, which in not in footer.php. Where can I find feeds, that are showing in IE toolbar?

    Thread Starter gnd


    I see that several feeds are already built in.
    Now my theme shows only this:
    RSS 2.0
    Atom 0.3
    I would like to have it like it is here, for example:
    This page shows two RSS feeds:
    FreePress Blog Posts RSS Feed (new) and
    FreePress Blog Comments RSS Feed (new)

    How do I make this? Where in theme template do I search, and what code do I need to replace/insert?

    Thread Starter gnd


    Thnx, samboll.
    But this is email subscription….
    I’m looking for RSS subscription for all new comments in any post.

    Like now my blog makes one feed, to subscribe to any new post. In IE, the orenge Feed button shows Atom and Rss feed. But it is only for new posts, and not for comments to posts.

    I noticed on some WordPress sites that they have separate feed for posts and for comments. How do I do that?

    Thread Starter gnd


    So, now I manually changed all 646 files into 644. And now all works fine.

    Only one thing – in Organizer plugin, it doesn’t show picture thumbs. I wonder how to fix that. Before it worked, now it just shows white square with red X.

    Any idea?

    Thread Starter gnd


    OK, I changed all files in admin folder to 644, then renamed folder and copied all files again in from backup.

    Now dashboard works again.

    Before I copied renamed admin folder, and copied files from backup, but prior to changing them all to 644 it didn’t work.

    Comments are still not working. And i noticed thumbnails in Organizer plugin do not show. Possibly some other things are not working yet.

    It seems I still need to do some things. Any ideas? What more do I need to do. Change all files from 646 to 644, and re-upload from backup? Does this make sense?

    Thread Starter gnd


    I see… I tried directly opening pages in wp admin folder, which I see over FTP, but none works. Allways “Not found”.

    One thing is, that I have another wp site on same server, and that one was moved well, all works. But it is older wp, 2.3.1. This one is 2.5.1 and admin is not accesible.

    Raeinstall would probably work, but I’d rather not. What if anything goes reall wrong and I loose it all? I’d rather make it work now, and then update.

    Thread Starter gnd


    Yesss! It works now! You rock!

    Thread Starter gnd


    yep, it is in admin folder, and it looks fine.

    I even tried to replace those two files (edit-tag-form.php and edit-tags.php) with 2.6.2 wersion, but that changed nothing, that page was still wrong one.

    Yes, it was plugin: Dean’s FCKEditor For WordPress

    After disabling it, buttons appeared.
    Too bad… I liked it.

    Something is wrong with my edit comments. All buttons are gone! Before updating to 2.5 there were bold, italics, quote…. buttons. Now there is just text window.

    How to get the buttons on dashboard edit comments? Some setting somewhere? Is there a way to enable tinyMCE for editing comments?

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