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    Replacing the call of



    allowed me to activate both plugins and get the product page too

    To help others find the solution for this issue, could you update the title of the topic to “Scrolling not working with TwentyTwenty”?

    I cannot tell why the search did not return this topic, while I was searching for twentytwenty.

    Sorry to restart discussion, but i did just an update of w3tc, and facing this issue again, and i assume, the explanation of @radgh is right because i could “hide” a message on the dashboard of w3tc but i was getting this on the core-update page, if i hit “purge all cache” from the top menu:


    I had wordfence-waf already in auto_prepend so i placed the snippet below into the htaccess:

    # .htaccess snippet 
    # W3TC Apache2 modules test with fastcgi
    <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
    	<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_deflate mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_env.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_env mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_expires.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_expires mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_filter.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_filter mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_ext_filter.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_ext_filter mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_headers mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_mime.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_mime mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_rewrite mod_loaded
    	<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    	SetENV HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_setenvif mod_loaded
    # .htaccess snippet END

    And this code was placed into the wordfence-waf auto_prepended php:

    // Only do this if the function apache_get_modules() does not exist, despite Util_Environment::is_apache() is true
    if ( ! function_exists( 'apache_get_modules' ) ) {
    	function apache_get_modules() {
    		// Pre-Fake some defaults
    		$apache_returned_modules = array( 'core','mod_version','http_core','mod_so');
    		// Check for mod_loaded in _SERVER env
    		$env_mods_loaded = array_keys($_SERVER,'mod_loaded',true);
    		foreach ($env_mods_loaded as $env_mod_loaded) {
    			if ( strpos($env_mod_loaded,'HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_') !== false ) {
    				$apache_returned_modules[] = preg_replace('/.*HTTP_X_A2ENMODS_FPM_/', 'mod_', $env_mod_loaded);
    		return $apache_returned_modules;

    @nosilver4u my post is indeed not close related here, but at least it relates to the following two topics:

    Is it worth opening as new topic only for me?

    I got an update notification with ewww version 2.8.5 -> 2.9.3, about 2 hours ago i done the upgrade, then in about 30 minutes a dozen of async optimization requests were made from wordpress to itself, and all were lockin up somehow, until oom-killer or me killed apache. It seemed to me, that the update released some background process which would eventually go trough the whole image library, but without proper warning, i only saw my website going down. If the process is part of the upgrade i suggest a warning, or any information about possible backgroud processing that may cause higher load that expected.

    Currently reverted plugin back to 2.8.5

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