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  • Thread Starter gmex1292


    I figured it out and it was my fault all along. I was using the “Title” not the “Name” of the field. The problem was that I used dashes in the field name (ie my-field) but when the field was created, it replaced the dashes with underscores (my_field) and I didn’t realize it. It was the only field that I created with dashes. It works fine now.

    Thank you so much for the help!

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    Ok here is an interesting update…

    I went into the Manage List Columns area, in the Public List Setup, I dragged my new checkbox field out of the “List Columns” back into the “Available Fields” and it dropped into that area. I refreshed my page and the LINK field now works like it was before.

    if ( $this->field->name() === 'my_url' ) {
    $myURL = $this->field->get_value();

    The interesting part is, I went back into the Manage List Columns area, didn’t touch anything and the new field that I moved up into the “Available Fields” area, is now back in the “List Columns” area in a DIFFERENT spot and I didn’t touch it! Although the new field (checkbox) is there now in the List Columns area after it seemingly moved back on it’s own, it doesn’t work via code like before.

    if ( $this->field->name() === 'my_checkbox' ) {
    $myCheckbox = $this->field->get_value_display();

    I checked by blank page with [pdb_list] and the columns all show, including the new one (in the different order now). But still can’t get it via code (it’s the only field that won’t work!).

    I have a before and after shot of the wp_participants_database_fields table, and the only thing that changed was the display_column now has a different order – which is probably expected.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by gmex1292.
    Thread Starter gmex1292


    I created a new blank page and put the [pdb_list] shortcode in, and all the list columns display correctly, including the two I’m having trouble with, which are at the end which is where I expect to see them. I corrected all of the other instances of get_value_display per your recommendation. Still not working (in code I guess).

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    If this helps, I have several other fields that I changed to your syntax and they all work fine. It’s only the 2 fields that I moved in the “Manage List Columns” that don’t work.

    The exact recreation of what I did was, add the new checkbox field to the “Manage Database Fields” page. I did not reorder anything here. It just appended at the end of the list of fields. Next, I went to the “Manage List Columns” page, dragged my new checkbox field from the “Public List Column Setup” into the “List Columns”.

    When I dragged it attempting to drop at the very end of the list, (at this point the URL field was at the end) it moved the URL field in between all the other fields. The checkbox field was now at the end, then I dragged the URL field so that it was before the checkbox field.

    I hope that makes sense!

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    Unfortunately that did not work for either one. I changed it to:

    		  if ( $this->field->name() === 'my_url' ) {
    		  $myURL = $this->field->get_value();
    echo "$myURL"
    		  if ( $this->field->name() === 'my_checkbox' ) {
    		  $myCheckbox = $this->field->get_value_display('my_checkbox');
    echo "$myURL $myCheckbox"
    Thread Starter gmex1292


    I was able to get it to work. What I had to do was in addition to what you suggested above, was add the image layer by using “add image” button. I selected the image, then added the hide-on-mobile CSS class. At that point it was still doing was it was before on desktop: the video would slide in and start playing, then the layer image would slide in over the top of it. On mobile, it would show blank for a second then the image would fly in.

    I then went into the Layer selection button, selected the Image layer and deleted it.

    Now it works properly. I did that on all the slides and they all work properly now.

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    So sorry this is still not working properly. Whenever I add the image by clicking the Add Image button and choose the image, it displays in the content area where I can move it around and select it etc. I then can edit the Styles and other elements. However, as soon as I add the CSS class name to the CSS Classes field it disappears and I can’t select it or see it again. This does not happen when I add the “dot”. It’s very weird.

    It also covers the text layer, and I have to re-add the text layer.

    It has a different behavior now:

    Slide comes in fine with video, but the image overlay comes in over the top of it.

    Mobile: The slide and picture comes in, but the text layer is missing.

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    Thank you! It’s not quite working yet. I want to do the opposite: show the image on mobile (because the video won’t play) and hide the image on desktop and play the video.

    Put simple, because videos won’t play on mobile, I want to show an image placeholder instead.

    Here are the settings:
    * On the Video tab, I have the 3 video formats in there.
    * I clicked the “AddImage” button (not the Image tab) and insert an image
    * On the Style Tab, in the “CSS Classes” field I have .hide-on-mobile.
    * In the Slider Custom Styles, I have this code:

    @media (min-width:920px){ /* Show it on mobile */
      display:block !important;
    .hide-on-mobile{ /* Hide it on desktop */
      display:none !important;

    But the behavior is:

    Desktop: slide fades in and video plays. Then 1 second after that, the image fades in and partially covers the video.

    Mobile: image fades in, but the text layer does not.



    I had a similar hack. I had infected files but most prominently it was a change in my site URL in WP_options and every single page/post had injected javascript in it.

    If you can, go into PhpMyAdmin and run the query:
    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_content like ‘’

    …and see how many posts may have been affected. Then you can run a query to clean it up but you may have to understand how that happened in the first place: outdated plugins, wordpress etc.

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    I just wanted to add that I really appreciate the support that you provide! Great plugin!

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    This worked! Thank you so much!!!

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    Thank you so much. That worked!

    However I still have the same issues I had before in this post

    I am reading a picture and link field, and before it would pull in the picture as a hyperlink and now it’s only the string. The link field also.

    For each I was using this and it worked fine (added your suggestion from other post):

    		  if ( $this->field->name() == 'my_page_url' ) {
    		  $myPageURL = $this->field->get_value();
    		  if ( $this->field->name() == 'picture' ) {
    		  $myPicture= $this->field->get_value();

    Each of these just returns a string. Picture just the file name, and the link field just the display text.

    I will mark this as resolved but will respond to other post with this.

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    I have tried those and it now works. Thank you! I will say though that has been happening and I’ve had to manually do these steps before. I wonder why it just suddenly stops working from time to time.

    Either way thanks again.

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    Thanks for your help. I can’t explain it but it’s now working. I didn’t change anything. I’m curious, after making any config changes in the wordpress plugin, is there any caching that occurs? It seems that when I tried to run the backup manually, it would fail (haven’t tried it since) but when it ran on the schedule I set up it worked (and has been working for a few days now).

    Thread Starter gmex1292


    Sure where can I send it?

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