I take it back, I just had a couple comments posted on some older posts. But somewhere along the way something has changed so that newer posts don’t have that option.
Here I am again. I notice that on my page guidelines for posting there is what I am looking for….a place to put comments. But that seems to be the only page. Help, please, before I drive myself crazy.
I re-activated the Adsense plug-in, because I don’t want to lose money while working on this. I am probably doing something wrong that is really simple to an expert…or a 12 year old.
Thanks, I have all that done. What I was trying to say…and probably did not state in clearly…is that there is no place for people to post comments, which there should be at the end of the post, yes?
Sorry, I just figured it out. Had to go to the test drive and select the child blog. Don’t know why the child doesn’t show up on the list of installed themes but my panic is over (for now).
Well I had no idea I was not supposed to make changes. I think I will quit while I am ahead. It works more or less, so some day when I can afford to hire a designer I will get it the way it should be. Thanks for trying to help.