Forum Replies Created
Success! I was typing about the typo then you corrected the typo! ?? Thank you very much, this solves a lot of problems for me. LMK if you have a tip jar or anything. Unfortunately I’ve already got a Pro FA license going.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Seriously Simple Podcasting] Critical Error After Update to 2.20.0Same. Local and production.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Global Option For Featured Image to be LCP Image to preloadI have a series of podcast sites. The one and only image on a post is the episode art so that’s easy in my case. I think many blogs have the featured image as the hero/main image on top. A toggle would be a nice QOL addition, that’s all. Thanks for your hard work, take care.
I wouldn’t. We still have bugs with 4.0.6. Had to turn off the plugin. Wasn’t working 100%.
Was the 4.0.3 fix you mention above applied to both the SNAP Accounts page and the SNAP module on the backend post editor page? It works fine on the SNAP accounts page but doesn’t on the post page. Vanilla install tested.
Is the last 3.x version available to download somewhere? I’d like to revert too.
I did, I checked Safari, Chrome and FF.
There’s no errors either on the post page or the SNAP admin page
4.0.4. Sorry, I just realized this area is for the free version but this is the paid version. (Helper version 1.4.4)
That fixed it!
Sorry, didn’t see your last post, yes, happy to install via FTP
Ok, one more piece of info, maybe it will help.
This works with title AAAAA, notice the character count is 5 for it.
https://blahblah.mp3 51325304 audio/mpeg a:7:{s:8:"duration";s:7:"0:42:46";s:8:"subtitle";s:6:"BBBBBB";s:7:"summary";s:6:"CCCCCC";s:8:"explicit";s:1:"0";s:13:"episode_title";s:5:"AAAAA";s:10:"episode_no";s:1:"1";s:6:"season";s:1:"1";}
This is after I add an apostrophe to it:
https://blahblah.mp3 51325304 audio/mpeg a:7:{s:8:"duration";s:7:"0:42:46";s:8:"subtitle";s:6:"BBBBBB";s:7:"summary";s:6:"CCCCCC";s:8:"explicit";s:1:"0";s:13:"episode_title";s:7:"AAAA'A";s:10:"episode_no";s:1:"1";s:6:"season";s:1:"1";}
The iTunes field character count is 7 but it should be 6, right? If I manually edit that to 6… everything works.
Locally, I just created a fresh WP install and added only PP to it and I’m seeing the same behavior. Weird.
My live site is on and is behind Cloudflare. UTF-8.
The local environment is ServerPress which is basically XAMMP so obviously no Cloudflare there and also UTF-8.
Let me do the plugin dance and see if there’s a conflict somewhere in the meantime. I’ll write back soon. Thanks!
Ha, well the comments here converted it to a curly quote but in power press I’m definitely talking about non-curly single apostrophes. Thanks.