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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't use visual editorThanks, one thing about it. Going to take a little time to get my posts as before. No sweat and the half pass perfectionist do things a little better. I do plenty of patience and doing anyway so its all good.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't use visual editorFunny you answer just now. I am not smart cookie. While watching a movie got to thinking. The old poster with two vultures one saying dammit gotta kill something. So if not smart gots try something. What i did CCP from every post from editor. The pasted each in post in draft at Didn’t take long maybe 30 minutes. So each post had whole content.
Anyway then took the plugins WordPress Database Reset to try. It did wiped every clean. Looked and the visual editor still screwed up. Well damn one more thing to try. Reinstall it from dashboard. Hot damn back to what it should be. The visual editor good working order so far.
I mostly use page builder on everything so went back to took the saved content posted it in new post. I know everything doing this and that set it like I had. Wont take long and worth it to get editor back to normal.
I guess I can basically reinstalled WordPress 4.4 “Clifford” back to everything to normal. And hopefully with no more problems.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't use visual editorWent and did it, ?? anything technical I am a idiot. Have a slight idea what you’re talking about yet early experiences Murphy’ law come into effect. How about I CCP on what I have every page. Save them some where and come back and do my thing. After reinstall. Been thinking of reworking anyway. May be safe downloading wordpress? Then? And no worries. Time for it redo doesn’t matter as long I have my text saved somewhere.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't use visual editorSame problem here, no visual settings on editor just text. Tried changing themes, deactivated all plugins, same with page builder, cleared cache, restarted PC.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with pluginOk, sorry for previous post, see no way edit. So here new try go into better answers. i was wiped out not saying anything good. Hate it was long. See no edit.
First of all, is this a single WordPress install or is this a multisite install?
==single install= yesSecond, do you see your plugins when you log into your hosting account via FTP and navigate to /wp-content/plugins or do you see nothing there as well?
It is there. Also found file installed on pc. There is an uninstall to file. Can I do that and reinstall?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with pluginThanks for responce, been messing with it all ay now. Let me see if i can recall beginning issue. i had the gratee theme, something came up saying to install for it with something redux. Dood that things went haywire.. Think that was it.
Gone to customizer, page never load. Changed themes finally different one load. Then went back to grafee did load. Thought cool, went to plug in page nada there. Not sure was theme cause of it. Anyway went over my steps to track down.
Checking recommended plugin recommend had all in beginning. Figured install jetpack, failed showed this,
Installing Plugin: Jetpack by 3.7.2
Downloading install package from…
Unpacking the package…
Installing the plugin…
Destination folder already exists. /home3/yadayada/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/
I found my file on pc, not sure what see on it
Even check current wordpress version all good.
So fooled with other plug in got four to install. Stopped, trying figure why some wouldn’t install. At last attempt set wordpress reset hoping back to beginning. Hope all be peachy. Nope major plugin failed. wasn’t worried what i posted, saved it all. Hadn’t done much anyway.
Back to this
Destination folder already exists. /home3/yadayada/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/
Way too long i know. Way too long i know. Way too long i
All this doesn’t explain what i tried. Something not right i go on a mission to solve. Near 7 hrs got me beat. Really haven’t dive into hostgator acct. Maybe info give you a clue. Still on mission take up tomorrow. Signed Murphy’s Law 2.0 ??
Thanks, nevermind
I am curious, any themes it seems to correctly on or just certain ones. I am using retro-fitted,. of all i like it best using page builder. Couples others may able to use tke ungodly amount of tiome to look aceptible with all i have done.
I do appreciated all suggestions made. Find myself overwhelmed at the moment. Only in the sense time it will take to transfer posts from one blog to my domain site. I dont mind that so much. Kind of to be sure of couple things I would like to be able to do with. self hosted site. I would like some plugins that will accomplish a few things. Sorry, cant say something in few words.
Recent posts to also show up on my to the blog. Thinking many ways to branch out and take odd in many directions.
I use pagebuilder and no way in hell getting rid of that.
Able to have my followers from my wordpress,com blog to show on my own domain. From past to present and on. With recent posts also. And able to press follow button other than the subscribe by email.Guess that’s not big deal as long it they notified of new posts. There is a like button. Suppose saying what can done on blog can do with domain without a lot of criss-crossing. I can do on my blog can also do with my domain posts and so on. Or use my self domain for everything. Maybe keep the one blog. Christ, can spend a lifetime on so much. Perhaps way off on my thinking.
“Let in insert here that I am intellectually challenged on blogs and regular domains setup. Takes a good learning curve, I have come to understand few things what may be done. also looking like a village idiot Also tad tired of searching plugins which leaves good options yet not able to do what I think. Itall will do what accomplish. The sheer volume of plugins makes much searching. Leading to fatigue even with search.”
Kudos Mr.Jeremy Herve and others making something great with JP. And the work put in. I know some issues are being worked on and have confidence. Much more brain power than I. ??
hello, i had made a post and directed here. The post was long.
Would like to add a few things. Again long. I had disconnected jetpack. There was something I wanted to try switched. my retrofitted theme to twenty twelve. Totally screwed up my setup with pagebuilder that can be redone. Reinstalled JP. Still same issue. With my remarkable ability to screw things up may dood again.
Iremember when the jetpack not linking with recent posts on domain. JP worked right on all else. I did do what the error suggested then again my name is murthy and a law stays with me.
I better shut up before i get even more confused as you may end up being.
I am keeping on this forum, same problems, no solutions tried. and with hostgator looks no difference any with host.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Permalink Settings issues?thx will do
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RevisionsThanks for info, was just curious about it. Because for a long time revisions would go couple weeks back. Then all of sudden with only two. 99% sure I didn’t do anything anywhere. Pretty sure it wasn’t a plugin. I am kinda of a nut will go back and forth tweaking of what want final result. But my whole work is odd.
And first with WP I was trying a lot of things experimenting. I am slow about learning anything. And some gaud awe full mistakes or truly had no idea of what I was doing from not being that savvy. I know everyone starts out that way. I have a lot better idea of what I am doing now.
However now that I think about it, Believe it began when I installed latest version 4.0. Not positive about it because of not keeping track of a lot of things jumping around doing this and that over many pages. Not calling latest version the culprit because I don’t know much. Do not see any others posting about a problem. So many things I’ve done that would fit in the idiot category.
When I am not dead tired when I get online which is always. Will look into what you mentioned.
PS, The only thing I know about code is when I get a fever and coughing a lot. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 4.0 several issuesI hear you, after thinking. I do like pagebuilder a lot main for the fact move things around and revise often. I am sure there will be bugs not going to sweat it although will not be doing anything for a few days.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: village idiot on installtold you I was a idiot,. I cant find anything in my saved emails on buying no where,. even checked paypal and no charges put on it except HG. guess if I wanted is to cancel my cancelation on that one. and see if I can get my money back for paying for even tho I choose to quickly on first one,.
see I helped murphy’s law alot