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  • Ok then i will…what is your site so i/wee can check it out!

    Thanks so much…I feel like I accomplished something today! Now if anyone else has similar prob they can read this all.

    So If the admins accounts are not needed then i will delete them 2marro eve unless someone needs?

    Caan u set the home to show just 1 post and make it “sticky” so it will be on the top (home). It is under “visibility” in the publish section of edit page.

    try this: in file – post-excerpt.php (MAKE A BACK_UP COPY!)remove these 2 lines:

    <?php the_post_thumbnail(‘post-image’, array(‘class’ => ‘imgthumb’)); ?>
    This line would have put a second thum image.

    (down a bit on page)

    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    This is what was making it an excerpt so it will fall back to show the whole post.

    This will prob stop any/all excerpts from showing anywhere on the site!
    This a a quick fix so pls test it out in all ways to make sure it dont break something else i did not see. That is why it is good to have the original file to put it back to the way it was if it fails.

    good luck!

    Did a quick test on something i was wondering about:

    in “settings” > “reading” i changed the “Front page displays” from “Your latest posts” to “A static page (select below)” and chose a static page from the dropdown menu and saved changes. It made the slider not show. So check if ur useing the default “Your latest posts” or a static page. Switch it and see if slider shows up!

    I might not be able to show on the NON default home page. (just a thought)

    Good Luck

    ok i made 2 admin accs on thte cell demo site

    name: Pw:
    user1 demo123
    user2 demo123

    the slider is working there but if u delete the featured image that photo wont show in the slider…try it to see what it is doing that your is not.
    Not sure how crazy things might be if both admins are signed in and changing stuff around on each other so if stuff seems weird it may be the other admin trying to make changes on the same thing at same time. So try it again l8tr. I wont sign in for a few days so u all have a chance at it. I will keep the user accounts for about a week but if u all get done/fixed let me know so i can delete them so no one else can screw w/things besides us here. I put “meta” widget in sidebar to sign in easier.

    good luck

    Ok goto post(s) and add an image as a “featured image” and see if it will show the slider with it as featured image. There should be a section in right sidebar at bottom when u write/edit a post/page.
    If U dont see it …look on top right of page for “screen options” then in the drop-down check off “Featured Image”. Then it should be section in (edit page) rt side bar for u to try adding slider photo as “Featured Image”. I think it does say it should be featured category but it worth a try. My cell phone demo site will remove any slider photo i DONT have as “Featured Image” so it might help.

    The sidebar thing i hope is simple:
    Look here: i put random txt to show the diff side bar location and look. It seem u have yours in maybe the “sidebar Left” widget. To make full width try putting it in “SIDEBAR TOP” in the appearance > widgets. I hope it is simple anyway.

    I can still see “Ayudanos a Ayudar” in your site’s header photo (i use firefox). Try to remove this:

    <div id=”site-description”><p><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></p></div>

    from in netween the <!– BEGIN HEADER –> & <!– END HEADER –> in the header.php in the editer or ftp. It is the code that puts it there.

    Good Luck

    Try to make more than one post in the “featured” category bc some take more than one to work right IT MIGHT work!
    The prob w/ header pic not removing the title read above katyandchristine had that prob and fixed by removing some code from the header.pfp file.

    Good luck. If all else fails find another theme…lol

    I guess u just have to give a try and see what happens! :0
    If it dont do what u want then delete it.

    try to make 5 demo post with 3-4 in the featured post and last nes in another cat. besides uncategorized. some slider need more than 1 post/photo and not to be in uncat.

    I really like this theme and wish the maker of it would stop in to give the right definite fixes so we have to just mess with it. Check out he other themes i mentioned above bc they have nice sliders too but u might have to still tweak but may be easier than fixing this Brite page theme.

    Oh leave a url to your site too so we can see the problem.

    Thread Starter givesuccess


    Ok thanks I will try it out!

    Glad 2 hear!

    u might wish to put this

    <title>Your title here</title>
    <meta name=”description” content=”your site description here ” />
    <meta name=”keywords” content=”your keywords here” />

    above where u took out, in where the other “<meta” stuff is in header.php. Fill it in w/your title desc. and keywords. The title and desc. will what searches use to show your site in them. The desc can be i think up to 160 chars.
    If u use “All In One SEO” plugin it will put for u!

    Maybe you can remove the code that generates the title/tagline from the header.php file. (MAKE A BACKUP OF THE FILE FIRST )In there you will see:
    <!– BEGIN HEADER –>
    <div id=”header” class=”clearfix”>
    <div id=”header-box” class=”clearfix”>
    <h1 id=”site-title”>/” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>” rel=”home”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></h1>
    <div id=”site-description”><p><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></p></div>
    </div> <!– end div #header-box –>
    </div> <!– end div #header –>
    <!– END HEADER –>

    Try to remove :
    <h1 id=”site-title”>/” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>” rel=”home”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></h1>

    If that dont work take out the description code:

    <div id=”site-description”><p><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></p></div>

    If that still dont fix, remove all between the <!– BEGIN HEADER –> & <!– END HEADER –>

    That is what puts the txt there (I think…lol) If all else fails just find another themes similar. I mentioned a few above. I had issues w/this theme too but I just found anopther my client liked better ??

    I like the tweaks you made to the theme. I had to look hard to recognize it. I saw a plugin for Recipes you might want to try with special templates for them. Look here:

    Good luck with the theme issue.

    What is the url of your site? Try to remove the txt from the title and tagline from the settings page. It may be the prob but not sure. What theme is it brightpage?

    Wacosta, i saw this theme is new today! It has a nice slider and looks close to the brightpage one. It is free but has a paid pro version. You prob wont need the extra stuff tho.

    I tried to get the same prob to happen on this site: but it wont show the double photos as yours.
    Try to delete the theme files and start ovr w/new to see if maybe it got broken somehow or maybe it easier to just try different theme like: pandora 1.3.2 (demo here ) the default look might be to “busy” for you but It may work with a bit of tweaking …and luck…lol. I like the slider with it better than brightpage’s.

    Or get slider plugin and put hard coded in them removing the nivoslider php from the index page.

    If u want to mess w/the cell phone demo of brightpage theme just ask and I will give uname and pw to u can compare with yours and maybe get it to work the way u want. Or if u allow me into yours I would be happy to give it a shot to try to fix what is there.

    Best of luck 2 u !

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