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  • Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi Damian,
    I have update your plugin.
    I have tested your plugin in your DEMO and in MY WEB.

    In your DEMO not all run well. There is a problem with TWITTER.
    I have two twitter accounts.
    I have open in twitter the first account and I have gone to your DEMO and I have sent twitter invitations. That is ok.
    After that I have closed my first twitter accont and I have opened my second twitter account. After that I have gone to your DEMO I have done clic in twitter logo in order to send invitation, but your DEMO has opened me a windows with followers of my first accont. I have closed and opened twitter account a lot of things, but the error continue.

    In MY WEB not all run well.

    2.1 Whit TWITTER there is the same problem like in your web. When I want send invitationss to followers of my second account, your plugin show in the invitation windows followers of my first account.
    In additions, some times, your plugin show the follow error
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_empty() in /homepages/9/d390074253/htdocs/soysotenible/wp-content/plugins/wp-social-invitations/includes/providers/abstract-providers.php on line 87

    2.2 With FACEBOOK, some time all run well, and same times your plugin show the followings errors:

    More Than One OG URL Specified: Object at URL '' of type 'website' is invalid because it specifies multiple 'og:url' values:,


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_empty() in /homepages/9/d390074253/htdocs/soysotenible/wp-content/plugins/wp-social-invitations/includes/providers/abstract-providers.php on line 87

    2.3 The logo zone (in FACEBOOK WINDOWS INVITATIONS and in FACEBOOK WALL) is white.
    I add pictureS:

    I hope your answer in order resolve these problems.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Thank’s for your support.
    You can mark this post like RESOLVED

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Ok, now I undertand you…

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi, thank’s a lot for your answer.
    I only remember you that the POP-UP PROBLEM only is one of three problems.
    But I don’t know if the solution in order to solve the problem number 3 (POP-UP) automatcally will be a solution in order to solve the problem number 1 and number 2.
    I hope you can solve the 3 problems I have listed in the first reply.
    Thank’s very very much for your support.
    Good work

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi Justin,
    with WP Social Invitations there is no incompatibility.
    All run well.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    I have solved the problem…
    The codec “!is_user_logged_in()” to do away widget also from home page.
    I have had a mistake.



    Sorry, I want open a new topic but I have had a mistake and I have published here…
    I will go to open a new topic… but if you know the solution you can publish here… I thank you also. ??
    Good work.



    I have used the following codec: “!is_user_logged_in()” in order to make disappear (to do away) a widget from sidebar, when user is log in. Now widget has disapper from all pages of my web, but no from my HOME PAGE.
    Can you hep me? what is the complete codec in order to do disappear widjet from all page and HOME PAGE too?
    Thank’s a lot for your support.
    Good work.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Only one question: approximately when we can have your answer?

    Before 1 week
    Before 1 month
    before 3 month

    I need know if there is one solution or no, and when, I am designing my web and I want introduce especial “warning” about these errors in order to inform my users.

    I hope your answer.
    Thank’s for your support.
    Good work.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    OK, I will report just now the error to WP Social Invitation.
    Thank’s very much for you support.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    the problem is solved desactivating the option “sucription” in WP dashboard => setting => forum.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi Justin,
    I understand what you mean. You need more informations. You are right…
    But just in this case I will give more information after the two next weeks, becouse “WP Social Invitations” told me that:
    “is about to launch a new version of WSI, that is a totally new version as the plugin been recoded. So we are not going to check / fix any issue until the new version is out.”
    So, I hope the new version, and we can return to speak after the new version.

    Now, I only need have clear one thing:
    I have created a “new App” for your plugin, and another “new App” for the “WP Social Invitations”. So, it is no correct? I must use the same “App ID” and “App Secret” in both plugins?
    I have understood good what you said?
    If it is so, at the 99% this is the problem…
    I hope your answer, and I replied you in after the next two weeks.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    I Justin.
    I have done a tests with your plugin.
    Buddypress use another “register form”. So this is the reason about the incompatibility.
    I don’t know why, but I received a mail with USER IP, so I thought the your plugin sends mail. But I have seen that it is not so…
    I don’t know the origen of this mail…

    Your plugin provide IP in the “website field”, and this funcion run well in my web even if I have buddypress.
    So I continue using your plugin in order to have IP’s, but I look for other plugin in order to add “mathematic calcul”.
    It’s all.
    Thank’s for your support.
    If you want you can mark this tiket as resolved.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi Damian.
    Thank’s for you answer. I understand what you mean. It’s logic wait the new version.
    I have understood that you are referencing at the plugin:
    WordPress Social Invitations 2.5 Beta release
    I want to buy your plugin but I need know if it runs in my web with “WP-FB-AutoConnect”.
    I ask you if you can send the 2.5 beta release, so I can do a test today or tomorrow.
    If you can’t send 2.5 beta release, can you tell me when NO PREMIUM USERS can have the new plugin for free?
    Thank’s a lot.

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi Justin
    I think the problem about “mathematic calcul has no showed” is due at the incompatibility with buddypress.
    Do you know if there are other wordpress pages using “JP User Registration Blacklist” in webs with BuddyPress?
    About the other function, (“IP USERS”),I tell you the following:
    I thought your plugin goes to create a page in administration section, where administrator can see for each user the IP.
    But I don’t have seen that. I have understood that your plugin sends mail at the administrator with IP.
    I have had a test. A user has done a comment in my web and I have received a mail with IP. So, this function run well. But I tell you the following:

    My web isn’t a “normal wordpres”. It is a wordpress with buddypress. It’s a social network with 10.000 users. There are a lot of comments.
    If for each comment your plugin send a mail, I will receive a lot of mail…

    I have understand that wordpress is an instable system when must send a lot of mails
    Do you understand where is the problem?
    Can you tell me your opinion?

    Let me know.

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