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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Login Form] Dont import external checkboxesHi,
I have also tested your plugin with my own code in the function.php but also in this case your plugin is not able to show the checkbox I have added with y code.Follow the code I have used.
Can you have a look to that and let me know if you can add to your plugin the correct modification to ressolve that?
Take in your mind that checkboxes for term and us are needed to acomplish with privacy legislation. They are very important to show… I am sure you understant ??<?php // As part of WP authentication process, call our function add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', 'wp_authenticate_user_acc', 99999, 2); function wp_authenticate_user_acc($user, $password) { // See if the checkbox #login_accept was checked if ( isset( $_REQUEST['login_accept'] ) && $_REQUEST['login_accept'] == 'on' ) { // Checkbox on, allow login return $user; } else { // Did NOT check the box, do not allow login $error = new WP_Error(); $error->add('did_not_accept', 'You must accept the terms and conditions' ); return $error; } } // As part of WP login form construction, call our function add_filter ( 'login_form', 'login_form_acc' ); function login_form_acc(){ // Add an element to the login form, which must be checked echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="login_accept" id="login_accept" /> I agree</label>'; } ?>
Hi, good to know this news… I am simple and basic WP user… so I can’t test your new version hosted in github. Sorry…
But I have 2 sugestions based to my experience with actual official version. New version should:1. Recognice CHROME BROWSER for ANDROID. Actual version it seams dont recognice them as BROWSER and categorice them as “OTHERS”, but yes recognice them as Operative System and categorice them as ANDROID.
2. It will be very very very interesting to know geolocation of connection. If I am right with actual version it is not detected. Do you will introduce this new feature?
Thanks for your support and for your work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi DMD,
ok, maybe I have understand what you say.
When told me:
this code can be used only for this widget, but with other widget this doesn’t work and must be changed
you sayd “WIDGET” but you do not has refered to the widget “Gmap Listing Page”, but you are refering to “WIDGET AREA” (GD LISTING TOP SECTION).
So, at this time INFINITE SCROLL runs only to pages related to the WIDGET AREA “GD LISTING TOP SECTION”, but it does not work to the others WIDGET AREAS.
So, your intention is a complete integration of INFINITE SCROLL to ALL WIDGET AREAS.
I’d like suggest you the follow: if to make a more UNIVERSAL CODE for ALL WIDGET AREAS is too complicated or not tecnically possible, it is not a very big problem because the most important WIDGET AREAS where INFINITE SCROLL should work are not ALL WIDGET AREAS but only the follow:
Others widget areas (included news widget areas created from administrator) are not widget areas related to the “LISTINGS”, so there is not connection between LISTINGS and the OTHERS WIDGETS AREAS, so is not needed (and also not possible…) to make an INFINITE SCROLL compatible to ALL WIDGET AREA, except off course for the WIDGET AREAS previously mentioned:
“GD SEARCH RIGHT SIDEBAR”I hope my reply can help you to understand how GeoDirectoy run ??
Please, let me know if you can make compatible INFINITE SCROLL and if your intention is make a therd party addon for GeoDirectory.
If you has right now investigated about that and you can notmake compatible it, please let me know it so I will change my plans. ??
Thanks in advance for your support ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ITRO Popup Plugin] Show popup in All page except REGISTER PAGEHi
In my web I use the GeoDirectory Plugin. It converts my web in a
directory creating diferents Custom Post Type (for example
“restaurantes y bars”, “hotels”, “activities”, and so on…).
Into each CUSTOM POST TYPE, I can create CATEGORIES.At this time in my web I have the follow pages:
1. STARDARD WordPress Pages like:
2. Archive Pages (where is showed CUSTOM POST TYPE (like restaurantes,
hoteles, and so on..) like
3. Search Pages (where is also showed CUSTOM POST TYPE like restaurantes,
hoteles, and so on.. but using a search system and not archive page)
like: I create a popup and I select the option to show it to ALL PAGES,
popup will be showed to all pages (Standars WordPress Pages, Archive
Pages and also to Search Pages).
It is ok.
The problem is that I want show popup to all pages except BuddyPress
Register Page.Just as you sugested me in the previously mail, in order to do that, I
can use the option for to show popup only to Selected Pages using PRO
plugin with taxonomies and categories.I have tested this solution. It runs in:
STARDARD WordPress Pages
Archive Pages
but it do not run in Search Page.Search page are very important for me and I need show popup in Search Page ??
The unique solution is select the option “Show to All Pages”, and
introduce a snippet to the function.php saying:
It is an example…
It should be one simple line of code (a simple snippet), but I am not
informatic and I do not know what is the snippet…If you provide me the snippet I will buy PRO version. Otherwise I can
not use your popup ??I hope you can give me the snippet. Please let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ITRO Popup Plugin] Show popup in All page except REGISTER PAGEHi,
maybe there is a little error.
CASE 1: If I create a popup and I select the option SHOW to the SELECTED PAGES, popup will be showed in “SELECTED PAGE” (where will be showed only the STANDARDS PAGES).
CASE 2: If I create a popup and I select the option SHOW to ALL PAGES, popup will be showed in “STANDARDS PAGES” and also in “ARCHIVE PAGES” (even if ARCHIVE PAGE are not listed).
CASE 3: So, in order to bypass this problem and show popup only to the ARCHIVE PAGES and no to the REGISTER PAGE, I have created a popup and I have selected the option NO PAGE. I thought it allow me do not to show the popup to the STANDARD PAGES, and I thought it allow me to show the popup to the ARCHIVE PAGES. But I was wrong… I do not know if it is a bug o not…
In conclusion, I can not bypass the problem… If you do not want to add the option SHOW TO ALL PAGES EXCEPT THE FOLLOW PAGES…, maybe you can help me givin me a snippet for function.php that let me DO NOT SHOW POPUP FOR REGISTER PAGE.
I think this option it is interesting also for others user because show popup when an user are going to make a registration, it is very annoing…
Please, let me know how you can help me in the case I buy PRO VERSION.
Thanks for your support.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi DMD,
sorry if I am continuing asking about that…
In the previously post you said:
some script I think doesn’t work correct for new posts
In the last post you say:
this code can be used only for this widget, but with other widget this doesn’t work and must be changed
Maybe I have understood, but I need alert you that in GeoDirectory there is only one widget related to google map and post. It is “Gmap Listing Page”.
It is the same widget,
both for the LISTINGS PAGES (like “restaurants, activities, events, and so on…”) and also for SEARCH PAGES like:
(this page is generated when user do search using fields for search listing, located above the map)
You can see the follow image:
I do not know if you in the previously post are refering to this ERROR in SEARCH PAGE, or if you are refering to other ERROR.
At this time I have found the ERROR in SEARCH PAGE, so I ask to you if you are working in resolve this error?
Or if when you say to do compatible plugin with others widget, you are refering to another thingh…
Please, let me know. Thanks for your support.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Registration Widget] Can I use SHORTCODEHi, I resolved this problem using “BuddyPress Registration Widget” in combination with a plugin that convert widget to shortcode. In order to convert widget to shortcode I do not remember what specific plugin I used, because at this time I do not need convert “BuddyPress Registration Widget” to shortcode, so I deleted it.
But If you do a search in google “wordpress convert widget to shortcode” you can find a few plugin that can help you, like:
Same of them converted me in a crazy man because I did not understand how they run.
But one of them runned very well and it was very simple to use.
If I remember well, I used
When you install this plugin a new WIDGET AREA named “WIDGET FOR SHORTCODE” will be created to DASHBOARD>APPEARANSE>WIDGET. You only need to add into “WIDGET FOR SHORTCODE” WIDGET AREA the widget you whant use as short code, and it will return into the widget a field with the shortcode.
If I remember well only was taht… ??
I hope it can help you. Let me know ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi DMD,
thanks a lot and tanks very very very for make compatible your plugin with GeoDirectoy ??Ok, I will not update your plugin. If I see an update on wordpress repository I will contact with you in order to understand if I need update or no.
I see all correct except two things that I need resolve with geodirectory support.
1. PINPOINT button (if do click to it,listing on the map will be marked). Some times it runs, and some times it do not runs…
2. MARK CLUSTER (it creates a group of listing with only 1 icon). If I click to PINPOINT button, cluster is not opened…When you say:
this works not fully correct
some script I think doesn’t work correct for new posts
What do you refer to?
Please, give me more details.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi DMD,
it is beautifull to have notice of you about this thread ??
Unfortunatelly I am not informatic, and what stiofan says, from geodirectory support, it sounds to me like a chinese… ??
Maybe it is very simple to do that… or may it is no so simple…
Please, let me know if it is a simple snippet to add or if it is a more important change.
And let me also know if you want make the change proposed by geodirectory directly to your plugin (updating it), or if you can do change only to my web (because for example you are not interested in update your plugin).
I do not know… Only you can know how you can continue that… ??
I hope your reply.
Thanks very very very much for to be so kind.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi DMD,
I thought maybe Geodirectory Support can help you to find correct javascript for show map…
Maybe they can suggest you in what file and line do a research…
I do jnot know… it is only a sugestion for help you and make your plugin compatible without lost a lot of time.
Please, let me know if you want send a question to the people of Geodirectory.
You can write here your question and I can resend it to them.Thanks for your work. ??
ByeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi @deadmustdie
first, thanks for set selectors ??
Yes, I sopuse the problem will be about the map…
Please, feel free to investigate and resolve that when you find a retails of times.
If you make an infinite scroll compatible with geodirectory, maybe you will be able to offer it to others geodirectory users.
We continue in contact in the next days.
Thanks for your disponibility. ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi DMD,
Of course holidays are more important than infinite scroll… ??
So, delay is not a problem. I only can say you “1000 thank you for your interest”.
Last week I changed domain and I forgotten alert you… Sorry…
New domain is:
Do you need user admin and password for to have a look into Geodirectory?
If you need them, please send me a mail to [email protected]
And also alert me in this thread.
I hope your reply.
Thanks very very much for your kindness.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi DMD,
off course there is no problem in to wait you. You are in holiday and you only need to rest and enjoy ??
I get this oportunity, for to ask you some things I have no clear about infinite scroll. I will numerate them. You can reply me without hurry.1. If I set your plugin for GeoDirectory Custom Post Type like this page:
Can I have also infinite scrol for BLOG without customization?
My question is due the following obsevation: Posts selector, Post selector, Pagination selector, and so on, are differents in BLOG and in GeoDirectory CPT.
I think INFINITE SCROLL only can run in 1 type of page (for example in GeoDIrectory pages), and not in differents type of page… It is so?2. You said me
I think plugin can cause some problem with JavaScript in other plugins.
Why you said that? Have you seen something special feature in my web that can generate conflict? Can you provide me a little more of details?3. If your plugin at this time is not compatible with GeoDirectory, are you interested in to make an INFINITE SCROLL ADDON for GeoDIrectory, and sell it like a therd party plugin ?
4. Other developer interested in to make an infinite scroll for geodirecotry said me the follow:
GeoDirectory tables are desordered. This is too work to make compatible INFINITE SCROLL WITH GeoDirectory...
Do Also you, with your plugin, need to study Geodirectory table? Or aproch with your plugin is different?I suggest come back to read my first post, where I explain you what I need. So you can provide me a perfect reply to my question.
Off course, in addition to my 4 questión, I hope you can provide me correct TEXT for Posts selector, Post selector, Pagination selector, and so on.
If you want, I also can provide you an user administrato, so you can investigate GeoDirectory.
I hope your reply.
I thanks you in advance for to spend your time with me.
1000 thanks for you.
Hve a good holiday ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMD Infinite Scroll] INFINITE SCROLL in ARCHIVE PAGEHi,
thanks for your reply ??
I’d like test your plugin in my page, but I need your help for configure your plugin.
I know I should open console, but I am not confortable with CSS… (I am without informatic knowledge…)
Can you so kindly to help me to setting your plugin?I thanks you in advance… ??
I’d like run INFINITE SCROLL in the following page: do not understand very well what introduce in following fields:
Posts selector
Post selector
Pagination selector
Next page selector
Previous page selector
Pagination pages selector
Selectors to replaceThanks you for your support
Hi thanks for your reply.
Just I commented in previously post, I tested your free plugin, but I anly was able to create shortcodes and add they in news pages created by me for test your plugin.
But I do not want create a new page, I’d like to have INFINITE SCROLL run in the same page like:
They are archive pages
But I was not able to set your plugin.I can do what I need with you plugin? Can you provide me some sugestion for set your plugin just how I need?
Thanks for your support.