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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Oracle Cards Lite] Can’t login for supportthe rules of this forum don’t allow us to discuss about issues related to the PRO version.
I kindly ask you to send a message through my contact form at including the email that was used in the checkout when they bought the license of the plugin.
I will be happy to help you privately.Have a great day!
Hi @tanner96
the PRO version will be compatible with multi-domains, but not because of the auto-detection.
Simply because the multi-domains compatibility will be added to the PRO version.Sorry to disappoint you. I can’t say now when FDP PRO will be compatible with multi-domains.
Currently, if you want something tested on installations with multi-domains, you can’t use FDP.
Have a great day!
Maybe there are two causes. You have a lot of archives and plugins, and a conflict with another plugin is causing an unnecessary duplication of archive options.
I say that because a length of 445938 would not be justified even with a lot of archives and plugins.
Moreover, if you say that it happened overnight, it means something strange happened. It can’t be only the number of archives and plugins.Anyway, you can probaly solving by doing so:
- Make a backup of the database (if you have enough space on the server)
- Go to Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Experiments
- Check “Check this if you want to save the Archives and Terms Archives settings in the filesystem…”
- Digit FYLESYSTEM to conform
- Click on “Yes, I’m sure”
After doing that the size of eos_dp_archives will go to 0 bytes. The options will be distributed in the filesystem and removed from the database. They will be many very tiny files.
The size of each file will be practically zero, and it will be called only when the URL matches with the archive related to that file.It’s important you make a backup of the database because it’s not normal you have a length of 445938 for eos_dp_archives.
However, i’m not sure eos_dp_archives is the only cause of the enormous size of the database. A length of 445938 doesn’t justify 9.8 Gb. You probably have also other problems somewhere else.
I hope it helps.
Please, let me know if you still need help.
Have a great day!
JoseMany thanks to you Mike.
The files in wp-content/languages/plugins… were not working because of a bug. This is now fixed with v. 0.0.8. If you want, you can update the plugin.
Have a great weekend!
JoseHi @tanner96
Unfortunately, FDP doesn’t fully support multi-domains.
As I understand you need some plugins to be active only for some languages, right?
This would be possible if the domain was always the same, but if you use different domains as in your case, it may not work because we don’t test the plugin with different domains.You are welcome Mike!
Have a great day!
JoseHi @cutu234
as mentioned in the other thread, v. 0.0.7 is now public.
To hide only the checkbox without hiding the text you need to add this line of code to the functions.php of your child theme or to a functional plugin:add_filter( 'essential_form_agreement_checkbox_required', '__return_empty_string' );
Best regards
JoseThe development version already has a filter to remove only the checkbox without removing the text.
Already added and tested. This is not a problem.
You will need to add a line of code to the functions.php of your child theme or to a functional plugin.
As soon as you send me the German translations I will publish the new version and give you the line of code.If I remember well, the files in that folder work only if the approved official translations of the plugin reach more than 75%. I mean the translations that you find here:
Thank you very much for German translations. I will add them to the plugin folder.
I suggest you do the same. Next version of the plugin will also have it.
However, if you change something after you give me the translations, updating the plugin you will lose the translation file. So, keep a copy of your files if you do any changes after you send it to me.
If you want you can also upload it here: Click on “Import translations”.
I can also upload it after you give me the file. For me it’s totally the same.
When they approve the translations, you will be able to use the file in wp-content/languages/plugins/essential-form/, and you don’t risk anymore to lose any change.You are welcome Mike.
Yes, I know. The GDPR law is not clear. Different lawyers interpret the law differently, and probably also the inspectors ??
This is why I prefer to decide for the option that gives less risk when the choice doesn’t worsen too much the user experience.
In this case, the lower risk is given by the presence of the checkbox. An inspector will not give you a penalty for the presence of the checkbox, but depending on the inspector, they could give you a penalty if the checkbox is not there. As there are lawyers who tell you you must add the checkbox, there are inspecotors they will give you a penalty if you don’t have the checkbox. And even if you can demonstrate you are right, better not to have an inspector who doesn’t like your site.
I know this is not the way the law should work, but unfortunately, it is so with the GDPR.
A checkbox in my opinion doesn’t worsen the user experience. This is why I would add it.
People are now used to checking checkboxes. Moreover, appearing GDPR compliant to all visitors is even more important than being GDPR compliant.
If your site is 100% GDPR compliant, but some visitors think it isn’t because they don’t see the checkbox, then you have a problem.Of course, these are only my opinions.
Thank you very much (@cutu234 !
Essential Form is translatiion-ready. The sentence “Form submitted from the page…” is translatable in the way you can translate sentences from any translation-ready plugin.
Read this post:
Let me know if you still need help.Have a great day!
HI @cutu234
Thanks to you.
As I know, according to the GDPR the users have to give their explicit consent.
Checking the checkbox they give their explicit consent. If they only read the text, you can’t demonstrate their consent was explicit, because you can’t demonstrate they read the text.
If the checkbox is in place, without checking the checkbox the form can’t be submitted. This is enough to demonstrate the explicit consent of the user. Without the checkbox, the form can be submitted even if the user doesn’t read the text.
Removing both the checkbox and the text means not being GDPR compliant. Leaving both of them means being GDPR compliant. Leaving only the text would also mean not being GDPR compliant.
However, I’m not a lawyer. I suggest you ask someone who is an expert in this field.Have a great day!
Hi Fanus,
have you tried Custom URLs => Frontend URLs?
Add a row with the pattern* or */author/*
then it will match all the author archives.
There are no dedicated settings for the author archives because usually you can use the Custom URLs settings, and it’s not easy to detect the author archive pages before the firing of the first standard plugin.
FDP needs to fire before the first standard plugin. At this point WordPress core still doesn’t know if it’s an author archive page. FDP should do in advance what WordPress core would do later.
For performance reasons we prefer to don’t replicate this job. Also because you should be able to reach the same goal with the Custom URLs settings.
Let me know if the Custom URLs settings work for you.Have a great day!
Hi Gin,
honestly, I don’t know if the Honeypot plugin works with Essential Form. Never tested it.
However, Essential Form already has its own anti-spam system.
I would say you don’t need also Honeypot. I suggest you first try it without it.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day!Jose
Hi @inewton24, many thanks to you!
FDP needs to show the menu from the cache, in another case you would not see all those menu items added by the plugins that are disabled in the backend.
You can by-pass the FDP cache by adding this line of code in wp-config.php before the comment “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */”:define( 'FDP_SHOW_ADMIN_MENU_DISABLED_PLUGINS', false );
If Admin Menu Editor has its cache, it can work, but be sure Admin Menu Editor builds the cache after visiting a backend page where you have all the plugins active, because probably it doesn’t take into account some plugins are disabled in the backend.
I hope it helpsHave a great day!