Forum Replies Created
Hi @forexjudge
looking at your page it looks like all is working.
Probably, the message you see is a false detection due to a conflict with Nitropack.
I will investigate it deeper.About the search results page, this should be fixed with the new version I suggest you update to the last version and let me know if you still have the same issue.
Basically, these are the PRO features:
- Have a mobile version of all the queriable post types are supported
- Load a different theme specifically on mobile devices
- Unload specific plugins only on mobile devices
- Decide if tablets should be considered as mobile devices or not so
- Have a different navigation on mobile
- Write specific content depending on the device
- Have access to the premium support
You asked for clarification about “Mobile version for every custom post”. A custom post in WordPress is a post type that is not provided by the core. According to the WordPress definitions, blog posts and pages are both posts. Blog posts are post type post, and pages are post type page.
A custom post type could be for example a product, or an event, or a WooCommerce order.
In your case, it looks like the reviews are custom post types.With the free version you can have the mobile version only for posts and pages. With the PRO version you can have the mobile versions for example for products and so on.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day!
Hi @bigtomwpo
I think none of your options ??
It depends on how you use it.
If on desktop your page talks about apples and on mobile the same page talks about shoes, that page will have big penalties => Bad.
If on mobile you use it to remove SEO relevant items like titles, subtitles… => Bad.
If on mobile you have a lighter page, topic is the same => Good.
If on mobile the weight of the page is similar, and you use it just to solve some layout or design issues => Not a big impact.
However, this is based on common sense rather than on statistics.
Having a statistic to support my words is a little complicated.The number of installations is still not very high, and the SEO results are always based on medium-long periods of time. Comparing with and without mobile versions is not so easy.
It’s not a matter of performing some quick tests and compare the results. For giving answers based on numbers you should monitor some websites in periods with mobile versions, and other periods without mobile versions, being careful that all the other parameters that are SEO relevant are kept the same as much as possible. This was never done.I suggest you ask the same questions to SEO experts. I did it when Specific Content For Mobile was still only an idea, but never received sure answers. Maybe you will be lucky ??
Have a great day!
JoseI suggest you read here:
For your information, with the free version, you can set up to three plugins with those settings. With the PRO version, you have no limits.
I hope it helps
Have a great day!
Hi @generosus
thank you very much for your precious advice! This is very helpful.
Have a great day!
I’m the author of the plugin. It was me who didn’t answer to your email.
Really sorry for that. I’ve answered right now.Have a great day!
JoseHi @generosus
the first one is the spinner that you see before the uncached content is ready.
If uncompressed the weight of that image is 3.7 kB. If it’s compressed as probably it is in your case, the weight will be lower. Take into account this is the standard spinner given by the core of WordPress. Probably, also other plugins use it, and probably the users have it in the browser cache.I would not do it, but you can remove it by adding this custom CSS:
.eos-dyn-content{background-image:none !important}
The CSS above must run before the uncached content. You should put it inlined in the <head>.
In another case the CSS will run after the spinner is already called.In the next version you will be able to remove it by a filter hook. At the moment you can remove it only by CSS.
The second one is the Ajax request that loads the uncached content. Without that request you can’t show the uncached content. This can’t be avoided. may make you think it’s backend stuff. It isn’t so. This is the standard way in WordPress for sending Ajax requests, including from the frontend.
Both from the frontend and backend you call that file to call a PHP function via Ajax.
You use the same file for both the backend and frontend. In this case, it’s used from the frontend.
This is not something that should run only on the backend and the plugin loads it also on the frontend. It loads it on the frontend to show the uncached content.If something is not clear let me know.
Have a great day!
Jose- This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Jose.
Hi @generosus
thank you for providing the code, this is a big help.
It will never work until you have this condition in the function of your shortcode:
if (is_page ('contact')) {
//your shortcode code here...
}during the Ajax request is_page( ‘contact’ ) will return false because during the Ajax request you have no contact page.
Replace that condition with the following one:
if ( is_page ('contact') || ( isset( $_POST['request'] ) && 'content' === sanitize_text_field( $_POST['request'] ) ) ) {
//your shortcode code here...
}I reproduced exactly your steps, and it works for me with the new condition.
In your case you have also another issue. Looking at your screenshot I can say It will not work also after replacing the condition.
I suspect you added the shortcode [business_hours] in the Visual field instead of the Text field.
I suggest you edit again the Content No Cache element, and then click on Text.
Be sure you have nothing around between “[” and business_hours, and nothing between business_hours and “]”.
After clicking on Text you need to see a clean [business_hours] without any markup.In the next version I will remove the Visual editor.
Please, let me know if you still have issues.
Have a great day!
JoseHi @generosus
the next version will automatically delete the custom posts added by the plugin.
Now you can just manually delete those custom posts, and then you can deactivate and delete the plugins.
Nothing else is added to the database. Only the custom posts.Have a great day!
Thank you very much @vutruso
Have a great day!
JoseHi @vutruso
You are welcome. I’m happy that it works.
If you want to know which plugin was causing the conflict you can read at about how to get the entire array of plugins that you can put in wp-config.php.
With the entire array, you will have the issue again. Then you can remove one plugin after the other until you find which one was causing the conflict.The array will be something that looks like
) );To remove a plugin from the FDP settings page you can comment or completely remove the line.
To comment a line just add // in the beginning of the line.
In the following example ‘plugin-2/plugin-2.php’ will not run because the line is commented:if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && false !== strpos( $_GET['page'], 'eos_dp_' ) ) {
) );
}If you find out which plugin was causing the issue I will be very interested to know it, so we can solve this issue also for other users who have the same plugin.
However, If for you it’s ok so, and you don’t want to spend more time, of course it’s also ok for me.Have a great day!
If you don’t see any errors in debug.log, I suggest you add these lines of code in wp-config.php before the comment /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */:
if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && false !== strpos( $_GET['page'], 'eos_dp_' ) ) {
) );
}Then go again to the FDP settings page. Now only the plugin Freesoul Deactivate Plugins will load and nothing else.
If it works remove the line define( “FDP_EMERGENCY_ADMIN_THEME_OFF”,true ); to enable again the theme. If it works I will tell you how to easily add the array of all the plugins. I will then suggest you to remove one plugin after the other to find which one is causing the conflict.
First, let me know if it works without any plugin and without the theme.If it doesn’t work without any plugin, the main suspects go to the following dropin plugins:
object-cache.phpand this mu-plugin:
Index WP MySQL For Speed Upgrade Filter for mu-pluginsBefore to investigate them, let me know if without any standard plugin it works.
Have a great day!
Hi @vutruso
I suggest you to add these lines of code in wp-config.php before the comment /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */:
if ( ! defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) ) {
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
}If you already see something like this:
if ( ! defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) ) {
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
}replace it with the suggested lines of code.
Then go again to the FDP settings page, and let me know the errors that you find in wp-content/debug.log.
Have a great day!
Hi @sergii82
the link to see the bottom panel has an expiration time and it is valid only if you are still logged in.
Be sure you are still logged in and the time passed since you clicked on the lens icon is not too much.
Honestly, I don’t remember the expiration time. I think it’s 1 minute, but it may be different.If you are logged in, and you don’t see it immediately after clicking on the lens icon, it may be hidden by the CSS of the theme or another plugin, or you may have some JavaScript errors.
If you still have issues, I suggest you right-click => click on Inspect => Click on Console.
Do you see any red errors?You already said there are no errors in the log file, so I would exclude PHP errors as possible causes of the issue.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day!
Hi @seekbeacon
thank you for the information. Can you share the URL of the page where you have the issue?
Unfortunately I don’t have Fluent Forms PRO, and I can’t reproduce the same issue.I suspect Fluent Forms PRO builds the style via PHP, and you disabled Fluent Forms for the URL that is called to create the style.
Even if you keep Freesoul Deactivate Plugins disabled, sharing the page URL would be helpful because I could see what URL is called by Fluent Forms.
Have you checked the FDP settings of the homepage?
If for example Fluent Forms calls, then if you disabled Fluent Forms on, it will not work. This is just an example.
Without seeing the URL I have no idea. I can only do suppositions.Have a great day!