Forum Replies Created
Hi @enumis
does the same issue occur if you roll back to the previous version?
You can download the previous version from this link: need to upload the zip from the page of plugins, not via FTP. In another case FDP will not restore the previous mu-plugin.
Rolling back will not be the final solution. I want only to be sure the last update is really the cause of the issue, or just triggered the issue.
Be sure you haven’t disabled WooCommerce in Post Types => Products or Singles => Products.
In the meanwhile I will do additional tests with WooCommerce.
Have a great day!
Hi @webswift,
thank you so much for your kind words. I’m really grateful for you review.
Have a wonderful day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Oracle Cards Lite] Can’t create accountHi @lfisch1
thank you very much for your interest in the PRO version and for reporting this issue.
The checkout works again now.Have a great day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Oracle Cards Lite] Can’t preview the shortcode on a pageThanks to you @ibp12. So, it’s confirmed it’s not just a matter of CSS, but the output of the shortcode is not printed at all.
Do other shortcodes work on the same page?
If not tested yet, can you try for example the following shortcode
[caption]Hello world![/caption]
That’s a shortcode added by the core. You should just see “Hello world!” on the page.
If that shortcode works, I will investigate deeper why it doesn’t work with the shortcode added by Oracle Cards.
If on the contrary, it also doesn’t work, I suggest you to check the settings of the plugin AIOSEO. I know that plugin does strange things with the shortcodes.
I would check the settings of AIOSEO in any case.
Maybe temporarily deactivate it to see if the issue is caused by a conflict with AIOSEO. If this is confirmed, we can focus on that direction.Have a great day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Oracle Cards Lite] Can’t preview the shortcode on a pageHi @ibp12,
Theoretically, it should work also with Divi.
Can you share the link of the page where you are trying to add the deck?
Have a great day!
Hi @xizor,
thank you for the detailed information.
I tested all the most popular browsers but I’m not able to reproduce the same issue with FDP v. 2.1.9.
If you disabled all the other plugins, the issue may be caused by a conflict with the theme or a browser extension.
As I see the download link provided by WPVivid has no href attribute and the download is handled by JavaScript. So, even though I was not able to reproduce the issue, I think the new incoming version of FDP may fix the issue because v. 2.1.9 was loading an FDP script also in the WPVivid backend page, but v. 2.2.0 will not load it anymore.
Version v. 2.2.0 is not public yet, but if you want you can test the beta version v. 2.2.0.beta-2 which you can download here: would be perfect if you can test the beta version on a staging environment. In another case you should wait for the official release, and honestly I’m not able to tell you when it will published.
If the issue is not caused by JavaScript but by the settings of FDP I will give you some suggestions to find out the cause of the issue.
Have a great day!
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by Jose.
Hi (@buffereso
many thanks to you for your kind words. I’m happy you found a solution.
Have a great day!
I know that when you start a topic you can fill in the input field “Link to the page you need help with”, but honestly, I don’t know if you can fill it in now. Probably you can’t do it anymore.
If you want you can share the URLs privately with me by using the contact form at you for answering the other questions.
Have a great day!
Hi @starhorsepax2,
as I understand you want to disable a specific plugin everywhere but keep it active on some specific pages right?
Can you please give me the following information?:
- The name of the plugin you want to disable everywhere but keep active on some specific pages. If it’s a free plugin, please give me also the link to its WordPress page.
- The URL of your staging website if possible.
- The URLs where you want the plugin active.
- Answer yes/no to this question: are you trying to use the settings Custom URLs => Plugin By URL?
- If the answer to the question above is no, can you please tell me which FDP settings are you trying to use?
Have a great day!
Hi @buffereso,
Thank you for using my plugin.
Yes, you need to paste [ess_grid alias=”freelance”] into the content no cache custom post. Then you need to paste the shortcode [content_no_cache id=”11982″] to the page where you want to see the output of [ess_grid alias=”freelance”].Be sure you have no copy/paste errors. The copy/paste may transform the “[“, “]”, and the double quotes symbols to something else that doesn’t work.
If the plugin Essential Grid Carousel doesn’t parse the shortcode during Ajax requests, you may have issues. If it doesn’t work, try adding the parameter requeste=”remote”. Your cnc shortcode would become [content_no_cache id=”11982″ request=”remote”].
Add that parameter only if you have issues without it.I hope it helps,
Have a great day!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Zip files created in MacOs stopped working in WordPress 6.4.3Unti this bug is fixed I suggest you add this line of code in the functions.php of your child theme or a functional plugin:
add_filter( 'unzip_file_use_ziparchive', '__return_false' );
Or if you prefer it, you can transfer via FTP the plugin that includes that line of code.
I hope it helps
Hi @rayaamrullah,
Thank you your very detailed information.
It seems that it works. On mobile, I see the content of page ID = 633, and on desktop, I see the content of page ID = 281. Is it right?
It looks like in your case the warning “ISSUE DETECTED!?Mobile not detected simulating a mobile device” is a false issue detection.
If you didn’t see that warning would it work for you?
Before showing that warning SCFM visits the page simulating first a desktop device and then a mobile device.
Very strangely, when it does it on your website, it sees this page: Do you know that website? Do you maybe have some redirections somewhere to that website?
In another case, check carefully your installation because if you don’t want that redirection your site may be hacked.
Check your .htaccess to see if you have strange redirections.Because SFCM sees that page both on mobile and desktop it sees the same content both on mobile and desktop and it thinks the mobile is not detected.
I can see that page on my computer when I try to simulate the same check that SCFM does when you save a page.
I just give as the URL of the page that I save on my installation. I expected to see the content of your About page, but I see the content of somewhere you want that redirection, then you need to understand why it occurs during the check by SCFM. If you don’t want that redirection, as said, check carefully your installation because you may have an issue that is bigger than a simple false issue detected.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day!
JoseHi @gaianmo,
as a default it sends the email to the main administrator. I mean the email that you find in Settings => General => Administrator email address.
You can change it by using the filter ‘essential_form_admin_email‘,
In functions.php of your child theme or a functional plugin you can use this code:
add_filter( 'essential_form_admin_email', function( $email_to, $post_id ) { return '[email protected]'; }, 10, 2 );
In a similar way you can change the “email from” with the filter ‘essential_form_email_from‘
The variable $post_id is the ID of the post where you add the form. You can use it in case you want a different email on a specific page where you have the form. If you want the same email everywhere, you can ignore it.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day!
According to my tests:
- v. 0.0.3 gives no issues when you remove it from the page of plugins
- v. 0.0.4 gives a fatal error when you remove the plugin
- v. 0.0.5 fixes the fatal error and gives no issues when you remove the plugins
You probably updated to v. 0.0.4 before deleting it.
In any case, the last version v. 0.0.5 is without issues, and this is the only thing it’s important.
Honestly, for me doesn’t matter if you use or do not use this plugin anymore. You don’t need to repeat it many times. This plugin is something that I offer for free and I’m happy most users take advantage of this plugin.