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  • Thread Starter giulianoromano



    many many thanks!!!

    I restored plugin files and use Your suggestion!

    GRAZIE ??

    Thread Starter giulianoromano


    Ok, i solved!

    I changed the content of sidebar.php in chil theme


     * The sidebar containing the main widget area
     * @link
     * @package Blocksy
     * Note to code reviewers: This line doesn't need to be escaped.
     * The value used here escapes the value properly.
     * It's the actual WordPress sidebar content.
    echo blocksy_render_sidebar();


     * The sidebar containing the main widget area
     * @link
     * @package Blocksy
    $sidebar = new \Blocksy\Sidebar();
     * Note to code reviewers: This line doesn't need to be escaped.
     * The value used here escapes the value properly.
     * It's the actual WordPress sidebar content.
    echo $sidebar->render();

    and now it works!

    Many thanks for Your suggestion ??

    Thread Starter giulianoromano


    Hi Eduard, thanks for reply.

    The sidebar.php has following code

     * The sidebar containing the main widget area
     * @link
     * @package Blocksy
     * Note to code reviewers: This line doesn't need to be escaped.
     * The value used here escapes the value properly.
     * It's the actual WordPress sidebar content.
    echo blocksy_render_sidebar();

    It works with old (father) Blocksy version, but not works with update to latest Blocksy father version…

    I dont understand why…

    Thread Starter giulianoromano


    Ok, i’m solved!

    But, i modified ../plugin/insert-pages/insert-pages.php file.

    How can i prevent overwriting this file with future updates???

    CODE Explanation:

    on line 321 (add customexcerpt shortcode)

    // Shortcode attributes.
    $attributes = shortcode_atts(
    'page' => '0',
    'display' => 'all',
    'class' => '',
    'id' => '',
    'querystring' => '',
    'size' => '',
    'inline' => false,
    'public' => false,

    CHANGED with

    // Shortcode attributes.
    $attributes = shortcode_atts(
    'page' => '0',
    'display' => 'all',
    'class' => '',
    'id' => '',
    'querystring' => '',
    'size' => '',
    'customexcerpt' => '',
    'inline' => false,
    'public' => false,

    on line 1109

    public function insert_pages_wrap_content( $content, $posts, $attributes ) {
    return sprintf(
    '<%1$s data-post-id="%2$s" class="insert-page insert-page-%2$s %3$s"%4$s>%5$s',
    esc_attr( $attributes['wrapper_tag'] ),
    esc_attr( $attributes['page'] ),
    esc_attr( $attributes['class'] ),
    empty( $attributes['id'] ) ? '' : ' id="' . esc_attr( $attributes['id'] ) . '"',

    changed with following code (add customexcerpt in esc_attr and a div to syling outpout)

    public function insert_pages_wrap_content( $content, $posts, $attributes ) {
    return sprintf(
    '<%1$s data-post-id="%2$s" class="insert-page insert-page-%2$s %3$s"%4$s><div class="customexcerpt">%5$s</div>%6$s</%1$s>',
    esc_attr( $attributes['wrapper_tag'] ),
    esc_attr( $attributes['page'] ),
    esc_attr( $attributes['class'] ),
    empty( $attributes['id'] ) ? '' : ' id="' . esc_attr( $attributes['id'] ) . '"',
    esc_attr( $attributes['customexcerpt'] ),

    Use TimThumb, it is great

    Thread Starter giulianoromano


    Hi Jose, the problem was the last choiche You wrote ??
    I’ave already installed a plugin for manage related post. Yesterday I wrote a little bit of code for display related post without plugin… WordPress said me: “Aooooooooooooooo”, like a roman farmer ??
    Thanks, Giuliano

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