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  • Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Thanks @thesiim, I just translated all the missing things on WordPress. Thanks for all the clarifications

    BTW: I suggest, instead of the “Gmail needed” feature, you add a domain limitation (I don’t think it will be way more difficult to implement, but it can cover most scenarios, including the gmail one). In my case scenario for example, I do have to limit the reservation to people inside my company, and we do have personalized email addresses. Otherwise a feature to only let registered users of the website reserve a seat.

    Of course those are just suggestions if you plan to expand the plugin in future, but I already love this plugin, and I’m glad it exists!

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Hey @thesiim , thanks for the quick response. I checked the error logs and found the cause of the issue, is due to a plugin conflict (advanced themer for bricks).

    Btw, I noticed there are a few bad translations in Italian (for which I can help to, if you direct me on the page/file where I can translate those things) and also when you add a message in the registration page which contains the ” ‘ ” apostrophe character, it automatically adds the \ character after it

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Yes @keraweb, I’m using the default one, which is the_excerpt. I would like this to work on the theme “Bricks”. I actually used twentytwenty to try, because that is one of the default themes and I generally use that one to see if the problems I have are theme-related or not. Should I ask support on whick hook is Bricks using to display the archive page? Bricks, as stated from one of the staff members, should be compatible with Pods. I didn’t ask prior to them, because it is not working either with twentytwenty, so I thought this could be a problem of Pods. I wasn’t able to find the hook for the archive page online, I found get_the_archive_title, but using that is also not working. Do you know which one should I use by default to target the archive page?
    Thanks a lot

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Alright @bcworkz , thanks! I found out a plugin which perfectly fits my needs, I’ll use that one instead. It’ll quite complicated for me to recreate the image in CSS.

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Dear @bcworkz, this is the webpage with the sidebar and the widget:

    I’m using Blocksy as the theme. You can notice the links are not clickable.
    This is the code I used

    <img src="" usemap="#image-map" alt="test">
    <map name="image-map" id="test-imgmap">
    <area target="_blank" alt="test" title="" href="" coords="500,398,73,481" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="test" title="" href="" coords="71,493,493,563" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="test" title="" href="" coords="71,570,495,641" shape="rect">
    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Thank you so much for the response. I’ll make sure to post the link to a page containing the sidebar with the mapped image as soon as I’ll get home.

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Thx @dekadinious that’s working!
    Sorry for the disturb. I’m now doing what you suggested! Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it!

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Yes @dekadinious exactly.
    The one circled in red in this photo (sorry, I’m outside, so I used the mobile phone to take the screen, but you get the idea).

    WordPress admin

    If you want later I can also share a screenshot of a non-admin account, in which you can see that, for example, the menu element below “Members” (“Avatars”) gets removed by the code provided.

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    yes, that is the plugin (
    I tried your suggestion, but is not changing the result, I still see the “Members” menu element. They are all main menu pages, they contain submenu pages, but I’m targeting the menu page, not the sub menu. In the other cases, by targeting the menu pages, also the sub menu pages are hidden, and that’s what I want. I can’t understand why this is working with some plugins, and not with others.

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    @dekadinious not working either.
    I think the slugs are correct. I used the same format for all the plugins, and with most of them is working. This is the last part of the link of the “Members” plugin, where there is the slug.


    So “roles” is the slug to put in there. I also tried putting “admin.php?page=roles”, but the result is not changing. Maybe there is another way to hide it?

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Hi @dekadinious,
    this does not work either. This was my first solution, I changed it to “admin_init” after noticing this strange behaviour. The admin_menu hook is actually worse, because it allows some other plugins to stay, like “Complianz” for example, and another one to set local avatars for the users. Seems like it needs an even more “strong” hook, or one which loades before (I don’t know much about PHP, sorry if I’m using the wrong terms).

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Hi @wipit,
    thanks for the response. That would be quite difficult and time consuming. I just want to hide the plugin-specific setting appearing in the backend wp admin menu. With some plugins this is working, and also with the WordPress core menu admin elements (such as Settings, Appearance, Tools etc.). For some plugins it is working, like “Ivory Search” for example, etc.

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    @alanfuller as you said, this is definitely working! Thank you so much.
    Stay safe, and happy new year!

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    Alright @alanfuller,
    I’ll try this out as soon as I’ll be home. I’ll let you know the result. Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it.
    I’ll also try adding the css the way you suggested!

    Thread Starter Giovanni Castellotti


    I used three ways:

    First one with this function:

    add_action('admin_head', 'custom_CSS_admin_circolari');
    function custom_CSS_admin_circolari() {
      echo '<style> @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {#wpadminbar li#pagina-circolari-liceo{display: block !important;}}</style>';

    Second one with this other function (and of course by adding the “admin-style” file in the directory, with the CSS in it):

    function custom_CSS_admin_circolari() {
      wp_enqueue_style( 'admin-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/admin-style.css' );
    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_CSS_admin_circolari');

    Third one with the “Admin CSS MU” plugin, thinking I was doing something wrong with the methods before

    I also tried adding important tag in the CSS code, thinking it was getting rewrited by something else, and also tried to leave only the ID of the menu element (#pagina-circolari-liceo) as selector. But none of these worked

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