8 years ago
Or maybe add the feature in WPMOLY 3?
Maybe its possible to add the button to quick edit on pages?
@caercam there must be a relative easy way to do it?? Cronjobs? idk, im desperate, need this function to automate to make my website generate revenue :p
Yup, ive always been using my personal key :). It also doesnt fetch them when i reload the metadata?
Ah damn. And there also isnt a way to “click” the button automatically when it is imported? Or add the button in the queueu list?
You can edit this in de Database ?? ID: cf__wpmoly_movie_trailer
8 years, 1 month ago
Added even more Movies, No movie poster shows up when saved. Only the placeholder
I have the Fastblog Theme. It doesn t have a single.php?
9 years, 3 months ago These fields are the one I want to translate.
I dont get it. I need to translate my project onfo bwhoch are custom fields in my theme
Your code didn’t work
I only have some stuff in my htaccess and minify plugin. Nothing else tho?
I don’t have server cache. As i’m on a shared hosting.
I don’t have this. As i don’t have WPGlobus plus.
Will i be able to achieve this in de normal version?
I want to achieve the same thing.
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No dropdown. How can I achieve this, and in what file?