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I know this is an old post, but I am having the same issues and would love to find a way to delay posting to FB using publicize.
Im using Yoast SEO and Publicize. I have tested numerous times and the majority of my posts are shared to FB without OG data.
I have also found that when using publicise, FB is scaping my post before OG data has been written, i have to manually re-scrape all my posts for FB to get the OG data.When I disable publicize all my OG data is scraped by FB after publishing.
I fixed this issue by disabling the option “Also aggregate inline JS?” within the Autoptimise settings
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] RSS feed for productsThanks for the info, that seems to have done the trick.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Need top level menu items to expand when clicked on mobile.try using the plugin shiftnav – I have found that it has great options for creating mobile menus
Also if you want a menu item not to link to a page, create a custom menu link and set the URL as – #
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Cannot exclude JS files from being optimisedThanks Frank, that fixed the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Cannot exclude JS files from being optimisedI guess its this:
sb-instagram.min.js:14 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
Yes i understand, I was hoping there would be a work around for this.
Would it not be possible to use an iframe or PHP code of a mailpoet form and add that into this plugin or to the woocommerce login / check out pages?
I’m not sure what demand there would be for this feature, but connecting multiple single sites or multipress sites into 1 newsletter/mailing list would be amazing. & are the 2 sites I seem to be having issues with. They both run on Multisite. The error (expiration not specified) seems to be for uploaded images and JS files located in WP includes.
I have a separate WP installation for my woocommerce site, that is running great and have got some really great results with your plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] 2 forms on the same site?thanks roland. Got that working too.
I promise this is the last thing I need to do. I have created a page template for the PDB single page and used the following code to check if the submitted form is over 18 or under 18 then output the relevant fields
<?php $participant = Participants_Db::get_participant( Participants_Db::get_participant_id( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'pdb', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) ) ); if ( $participant['age'] == "under 16" ) : echo do_shortcode ('[pdb_single groups="main,parent_or_guardian_details,personal"]') ?> <?php else : echo do_shortcode ('[pdb_single groups="main,contact_information,personal"]') ?> <?php endif ?>
For some reason the IF part is not working and only seems to output the second shortcode. Do I need to use something different for the PDB single page to check against the database?
I used this code on the edit page which uses the PID in the URL, on the single page its uses the PDB value in the URL, but im not sure if that would make a difference.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] 2 forms on the same site?Hey roland, thanks again for all the time and support. I think ive got everything figured out now.
I want to create a function, to copy the parent field values on the edit form also. I can use the same code as the first function, but What is the filter hook to apply it to the edit record page?add_filter('pdb-before_submit_signup', 'xnau_copy_field_values');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] 2 forms on the same site?you mean instead of checking the page, to check against a field on the page. I’m using this code and everything seems to be working as it should. I needed to add the extra = in the if section to get it to work.
add_filter('pdb-before_submit_signup', 'xnau_copy_field_values'); function xnau_copy_field_values( $post ) { if ($post['age'] == ( 'under 16' ) ) { $post['email'] = $post['parent_email']; $post['phone'] = $post['parent_phone']; } return $post; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] 2 forms on the same site?Tried that too, the form is posting but its saving the default value “temp”.
The function doesn’t seem to want to work when applying it to that specific page. Perhaps there is another way to write the function?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] 2 forms on the same site?I have just tried it with your code and it is still giving me an error for the hidden phone and email fields.
The Email field appears to be incorrect.
The Phone field is required.I think the hidden fields are not being filled when the form is being submitted. If I remove the “if page” line from the code the fields are being posted correctly, but then as i mentioned before the over 18’s form does not post correctly.
I have double checked the field DB values are correct in the function. Any ideas what I could try next? This is the last piece of the puzzle.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] 2 forms on the same site?Ok, So I thought I had this nailed, but ive run into 1 small problem.
i’ve got all the templates setup and created 2 separate forms. I am able to load back the relevant form fields on the edit page depending on the initial form filled out.
The issue i am having is with the post parent phone and email. By using the code above in my functions.php file i am able to post the parent info from the under 18 form into the main phone and email fields.
However this causes a problem on the over 18’s form as the email & phone fields are expecting to = the parent email and phone fields, but they do not exist on the over 18’s form.
I have edited the function to apply only to the under 18’s form using the code below. This allows the over 18 form to post without issues, but the under 18 form will not post and gives me an error for the email & phone fields.
I’m not sure how correct the code below is, i have a feeling the if page is in the wrong place or i’m missing some other code that will allow the form to post.
if (is_page('under-16-registration-form') ) { add_filter('pdb-before_submit_signup', 'xnau_copy_field_values'); function xnau_copy_field_values( $post ) { $post['email'] = $post['parent_email']; $post['phone'] = $post['parent_phone']; return $post; } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Error on seach results pageI have disabled all the fields that display on the list page and double checked all the settings. The error is only displaying when the edit link field is displayed on the list page. If I remove the edit link or delete the edited template the errors disappear.
I copied the pdb_list_default file from the plugin templates, and followed your instructions to add the edit link. I also tried using a different database value (edit_url). I have not made changes to any other files.
I am using the shortcode – [pdb_list search=”true”] on the wordpress page with my default page template.