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Please note that you can use “enter payment” interface to make manual payments, avoid use it(at least for now) for make any administrative adjustments or new charges.
I’m not the developer, nor a member of the development team, but as far as I know the plugin have some stability problems, I have installed it in 4 or 5 wp installations to test it. I have discovered that in certain circumstances, the plugin acts a little bit weird.
My tip: update to WP 3.3.1 and last version of WP-invoice.
Btw, the unpayed issue (in my experience) comes out, when you do some administrative adjustments or make a charge using the “Enter Payment” interface instead of add a new line in the invoice body.
It does work on my WP installation, did you press save at the end of the manual payment?
I’ll take a look and check. Ill keep you informed.
Nope, still not working with the fix. The plugin that crash the datePicker is Magic Fields, widely used by many.
It’s not related to my site only as I tell before I do a fresh install to check if the problem remains and yes it remain. The plugin is Magic Fields, but I think if you apply the patch Should work now (haven’t tested yet the datepicker) let me check ill tell you the ressult in few hours. Abour the draft its the same:
If a User have the ‘manage option’ and it’s not an admin it remains the same. You should include a way to prevent an administrator to be banned (if its not another administrator) for example at this point an editor can ban me easily.
The error comes up when more than 1 users can ‘manage_options’ in their roles. In the plugin source DRP WUM uses ‘manage_options’ to allow the propper users to use the plugin, nonetheless the ajax loader checks if user can ‘administrator’ to encue or load the proper javascript, that means that when other user (different from admin) is in dashboard and can ‘manage options’ some of the jquery will crash including comment moderation, save draft, jquery datepicker and many other.
The short answer is to change can ‘administrator’ to can ‘manage_options’.
In adition It throws this error:(not a conflict with other plugin)
ajaxurl is not defined, data);in drp-wordpress-user-management/js/user.js
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add a Link Category on Custom MenuTry adding this code to your template where you want your menu appear:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary-menu’, ‘menu_class’ => ‘topnav’, ‘fallback_cb’ => ‘topnav_fallback’) ); ?> then in Appearance-> Menu and create your new menu including categories, links and anything else.
hello gscooter,
Update your wordpress to 3.1 in order to fix your problem. The new wp version includes the correct jquery-ui used by nextgen. This update will not change any of your album structure.
Please post your ressults
@tunedelete, Glad to hear that, try not to update nextgen to 1.7.3 cause the albums will not work again and I haven’t figure it out how to add a new patch.
Best regards,
90% true that 3.1 will fix this issue, the other 10% is because another plugins could interfere with Alex Rabe’s nextgen plugin. BTW in 1.7.3 the patch listed here is unusable. It’s supposed that nextgen 1.7.3 will fix this problem but I’ve tested and doesn’t.
I will try to Fix this with an easy patch.Maybe you applied the patch in Script-loader.php well I found the same issue so I update the patch only in the plugin folder.
To fix your problem do this: Go to script-loader.php in yoursite/wp-includes/ open the file and remove the /* */ comment tags between, you should have something like this:
/* $scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-sortable', '/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.sortable.js', array('jquery-ui-core'), '1.7.3' ); $scripts->add_data( 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'group', 1 ); */
After the comment tags delete you will have this:
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-sortable', '/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.sortable.js', array('jquery-ui-core'), '1.7.3' ); $scripts->add_data( 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'group', 1 );
You are done with this, now you have to apply the last patch: The admin patch that you can found in
Tell me if this solve your problem.
Hi there,
I don’t complete understand your question, nonetheless I think that you are asking to prevent jQuery conflicts but you have to say where is the conflict if its in admin page you can deregister all jQuery from the WordPress Core (only in admin page) to let NGG take the control of it’s own jQuery libraries:
Look at this:
Codex Deregister_script EX:
wp_deregister_script( ‘jquery’ );Or this thread:, I forgot to reply you. With your help I fix the issue in my blog,in order to make it work.
In admin panel I deregister the WordPress jQuery ui library and then register the new one.
Thank you for your help.
If you can send me some resources to learn JavaScript will be great.
Best Regards